

作   者:钟元生、高成珍、黄婧、高必梵、何英、吴微微





全书的17个Android编程案例,包括TextView特效、手机屏幕区域划分、我的课表、闪烁霓虹灯、简易计算器设计、页面滑动切换效果、图片定时滑动播放效果、搜索关键字提示、仿画廊视图效果、城市景点介绍、高校新闻等。为引导读者理解、掌握和灵活运用,编者通过图解分析、代码展示、技术剖析,由浅入深融会贯通。书中的例子稍加改动就可直接应用于实际的项目中。与本书配套的中文版教材经几千人试用,学习效果不错。  本书既可用作国内大学国际班的Android或Java类实践课程教材,也可供希望从事国际APP项目开发的程序员自学参考。掌握本书内容,计算机、软件工程专业的学生的就业机会将会大大增加。


  Chapter 1 Special TextView Effects???>>>1
  1.1  CaseOverview 1
  1.2  Key Code 1
  1.3  CodeAnalysis 3
  1.3.1  Theeffect of scrolling text in the TextView 3
  1.3.2  Displayvarious colors in the same text 4
  1.3.3  Setpicture orientation 4
  1.3.4 Automatic link 5
  1.4  Expansionof Knowledge 5
  1.4.1  Thedifference between android: gravity and android: layout_gravity 5
  1.4.2  Thedifference between android: padding and android:
?????layout_margin 6
  1.4.3  Therepresentation of color in Android 6
  1.5  Thinkingand Exercises 7
  Chapter 2 Phone Screen Division???>>>8
  2.1  CaseOverview 8
  2.2  Key Code 8
  2.3  CodeAnalysis 10
  2.3.1 LinearLayout 10
  2.3.2 Proportionally split screen 10
  2.4  Extensionof Knowledge 11
  2.5  Thinkingand Exercises 11
  Chapter 3  MyCourse Table-TableLayout???>>>13
  3.1  CaseOverview 13
  3.2  Key Code13
  3.3  CodeAnalysis 16
  3.3.1  Classschedule interface analysis 16
  3.3.2 TableLayout 17
  3.3.3  Addborders to TextView 18
  3.3.4 Definition of style 18
  3.4  Expansionof Knowledge 19
  3.5  Thinkingand Exercises 19
  Chapter 4 Images Around Text—RelativeLayout???>>>21
  4.1  CaseOverview 21
  4.2  Key Code21
  4.3  CodeAnalysis 23
  4.3.1 Interface analysis 23
  4.3.2 RelativeLayout 23
  4.4  Extensionof Knowledge 24
  4.5  Thinkingand Practice 25
  Chapter 5 Flashing Neon—FrameLayout???>>>26
  5.1  CaseOverview 26
  5.2  Key Code26
  5.3  CodeAnalysis 29
  5.3.1 Interface analysis 29
  5.3.2 FrameLayout 29
  5.3.3  Thetimer 29
  5.3.4  Handlermessage passing 30
  5.4  Extensionof Knowledge 31
  5.5  Thinkingand Practice 31
  Chapter 6 Design Calculator—Use MultipleLayout???>>>32
  6.1  CaseOverview 32
  6.2  Key Code32
  6.3  CodeAnalysis 36
  6.3.1 Interface analysis 36
  6.3.2  Definestyle 37
  6.4  Extensionof Knowledge 37
  6.5  Thinkingand Practice 40
  Chapter 7  PageSlide Show???>>>41
  7.1  CaseOverview 41
  7.2  Key Code42
  7.3  CodeAnalysis 52
  7.3.1 Interface analysis 52
  7.3.2 ViewPager 52
  7.4  Expansionof Knowledge 53
  7.4.1  Eventhandler based on listening 53
  7.4.2  Pagefull screen 55
  7.5  Thinkingand Exercises 56
  Chapter 8 Images Switch Automatically???>>>57
  8.1  CaseOverview 57
  8.2  Key Code57
  8.3  CodeAnalysis 63
  8.3.1 Interface analysis 63
  8.3.2  CustomMyImageTopView widget 63
  8.4  Expansionof Knowledge 65
  8.4.1  Customwidget 65
  8.4.2  GestureDetection 65
  8.5  Thinkingand Exercises 66
  Chapter 9 Keyword Search Tips???>>>67
  9.1  CaseOverview 67
  9.2  Key Code67
  9.3  CodeAnalysis 70
  9.3.1  Smarttips to complete the input 70
  9.3.2 Intelligent update the data source 71
  9.4  Extensionof Knowledge 72
  9.4.1 ArrayAdapter 72
  9.4.2  Dialog72
  9.5  Thinkingand Exercises 73
  Chapter 10 Simulate Gallery???>>>75
  10.1  CaseOverview 75
  10.2  Key Code76
  10.3  CodeAnalysis 78
  10.3.1 Interface analysis 78
  10.3.2 ImageSwitcher introduction 79
  10.4  Expansionof Knowledge 80
  10.5  Thinkingand Exercises 80
Chapter 11  Android Books List???>>>82
  11.1  CaseOverview 82
  11.2  Key Code82
  11.3  CodeAnalysis 88
  11.3.1 Interface analysis 88
  11.3.2 ListView 89
  11.3.3 SimpleAdapter 90
  11.3.4 ClipDrawable 91
  11.4  Extensionof Knowledge 92
  11.4.1  The rawdirectory 92
  11.4.2 Activity overview 93
  11.5  Thinkingand Practice 94
  Chapter 12  BBCNews—ListView Delay Load???>>>96
  12.1  CaseOverview 96
  12.2  Key Code97
  12.3  CodeAnalysis 102
  12.3.1 ListView lazy loading principle 102
  12.3.2 Introduction of SQLite database 103
  12.4  Extensionof Knowledge 107
  12.5  Thinkingand Exercises 107
  Chapter 13  BBCNews—Drop Down Refresh ListView???>>>109
  13.1  CaseOverview 109
  13.2  Key Code110
  13.3  CodeAnalysis 119
  13.4  Extensionof Knowledge 121
  13.5  Thinkingand Exercises 121
  Chapter 14 ExpandableListView Widget???>>>122
  14.1  CaseOverview 122
  14.2  Key Code122
  14.3  CodeAnalysis 125
  14.4  Extensionof Knowledge 126
  14.5  Thinkingand Practice 129
  Chapter 15 Product Category —Custom Multi-levelList???>>>130
  15.1  CaseOverview 130
  15.2  Key Code131
  15.3  CodeAnalysis 137
  15.4  Extensionof Knowledge 138
  15.5  Thinkingand Exercises 144
  Chapter 16 College Introduction—TabHost???>>>145
  16.1  Case Overview145
  16.2  Key Code145
  16.3  CodeAnalysis 153
  16.3.1  TabHostintroduction 153
  16.3.2 Fragment introduction 155
  16.3.3  Changethe picture according to state 156
  16.4  Extensionof Knowledge 157
  16.4.1 Communicating with the activity 157
  16.4.2  Switchpage through ActionBar 161
  16.5  Thinkingand Exercises 163
  Chapter 17  TheSound of Music—Music Player???>>>164
  17.1  CaseOverview 164
  17.2  Key Code165
  17.3  CodeAnalysis 198
  17.3.1  Mainfunctions of music player 198
  17.3.2 ContentProvider 200
  17.3.3  Service201
  17.3.4 BroadcastReceiver 203
  17.4  Extensionof Knowledge 205
  17.4.1 MediaPlayer 205
  17.4.2 Notifications 209
  17.5  Thinkingand Exercises 210
  Appendix A  TheCommon Errors and Debugging Methods???>>>212
  Appendix B  TheKnowledge of Android Programming???>>>221
  Appendix C  ThePractice of Android Programming???>>>234
  Appendix D  TheInformal Test of Android Programming???>>>242



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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