Quality selection of articles from American & British newspapers & magazines


作   者:周学艺,赵林主编







Unit One
China Watch
Lesson One
Text China opens doors of state瞨un companies to world’s top talent
(The Washington Post, November 16, 2011)
新闻写作 何谓News
Lesson Two
Text An American in Beijing
(Time, April 4, 2008)
语言解说 Presence
Lesson Three
Text Tiger Mom ...Meet Panda Dad
(The Wall Street Journal, March 29, 2011)
新闻写作 新闻体裁
Unit Two
United States (Ⅰ)
Lesson Four
Text Is an Ivy League Diploma Worth It?
(The Wall Street Journal, November 8, 2011)
读报知识 Ivy League & Seven Sisters Colleges
Lesson Five
Text Debt Burden Alters Outlook for US Graduates
(The Financial Times, June 2, 2012)
学习方法 读懂标题(Ⅰ)
Lesson Six
Text The Evolution Wars
(Time, August 15, 2005)
读报知识 宗教
Unit Three
United States(Ⅱ)
Lesson Seven
Text Obama Wins a Second Term as U.S.President
(The Washington Post, November 7, 2012)
读报知识 美国总统选举
Lesson Eight
Text The Economy Sucks.But Is It ’92 Redux?
(Newsweek, January 21, 2008)
语言解说 Stupid和Technical(ly)
Lesson Nine
Text Five myths about the American dream
(The Washington Post, Jan 6, 2012)
新闻写作 导语(Lead)
Lesson Ten
Text Is America’s new declinism for real?
(Financial Times, November 24, 2008)
语言解说 Establishment
Unit Four
United States(Ⅲ)
Lesson Eleven
Text Pentagon Digs In on Cyberwar Front
(The Wall Street Journal, July 9, 2012)
读报知识 美英等国情治机构简介
Lesson Twelve
Text Terrorized by “War on Terror”
(The Washington Post, March 25, 2007)
语言解说 Culture/Cultural
Lesson Thirteen
Text Spies Among Us: Modern睤ay Espionage
(The Daily Beast, July 21, 2010)
语言解说 间谍行话
Lesson Fourteen
Text Google’s Zero睠arbon Quest
(Fortune, July 12, 2012)
学习方法 读懂标题(Ⅱ)
Unit Five
Lesson Fifteen
Text Little Sympathy for Margaret Thatcher among Former Opponents
(The Guardian, April 8, 2013)
读报知识 英国政党简介
Lesson Sixteen
Text Britain’s Embattled Newspapers Are Leading the World in Innovation
(The Economist, Jan 6, 2011)
新闻写作 报刊语言主要特点
Lesson Seventeen
Text Mrs.Windsor, Anyone?
(The Financial Times, June 2, 2012)
读报知识 英国人缘何拥护君主制
Unit Six
The World
Lesson Eighteen
Text Rethinking the welfare state: Asia’s next revolution
(The Economist, September 8, 2012)
语言解说 委婉语
Lesson Nineteen
Text The hopeful continent: Africa rising
(The Economist, Dec 3, 2011)
读报知识 报刊的政治倾向性
Lesson Twenty
Text Greece as Victim
(The New York Times, June 17, 2012)
语言解说 借喻词和提喻词(Ⅰ)
Lesson Twenty-one
Text The Coming Conflict in the Arctic
(Global Research, July 17, 2007)
语言解说 借喻词和提喻词(Ⅱ)
Unit Seven
Lesson Twenty-two
Text Does Online Dating Make It Harder to Find ‘the One’
(Time, February 7, 2012)
新闻写作 报刊文体
Lesson Twenty-three
Text Yawns: A generation of the young, rich and frugal
(The Associated Press, May 4, 2008)
语言解说 Generation 何其多?
Lesson Twenty-four
Text Ahead瞣f瞭he睠urve Careers
(U.S.News & World Report, December 19, 2007)
语言解说 Administration和Government
Unit Eight
Business and Science
Lesson Twenty-five
Text Model economics: The beauty business
(The Economist, February 11, 2012)
新闻写作 报刊常用套语
Lesson Twenty-six
Text Nanospheres leave cancer no place to hide
(New Scientist, June 21, 2007)
语言解说 Nano/Virtual/Cyber
Lesson Twenty-seven
Text Why Bilinguals Are Smarter
(The New York Times, Mar 18, 2012)
广告与漫画 内容和语言特色
Unit Nine
Sports and Entertainment
Lesson Twenty-eight
Text Basketball: The incredible story of Jeremy Lin, the new superstar of the NBA
(The Independent, February 16, 2012)
学习方法 英语为何生词多而难记
Lesson Twenty-nine
Text He’s Back All Right, Now with a Memoir
(The New York Times, September 30, 2012)
学习方法 名师指点词语记忆法
Lesson Thirty
Text The reality瞭elevision business:Entertainers to the world
(The Economist, November 5, 2011)
学习方法 词根的重要性



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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