a brief introduction to hainan province
上编 英文景点介绍
1. a brief introduction to haikou
2. wanlu garden
3. west coastline of haikou
4. hai rui's memorial garden
5. the memorial temple to the five lords
6. hainan tropical wildlife and botanical garden
7. the crater-the state geological park
8. the mangrove protection zone at dongzai harbor
9. dongjiao coconut grove scenic area
10. wanquan river
11. the site of bo ao forum for asia
12. xinglong tropical botanical garden
13. xinglong tropical garden
14. the dongshan ridge
15. nanwan monkey island
16. demarcation islet
. 17. a brief introduction to sanya
18. yalong bay national holiday resort
19. land's end
20. dadonghai tourist resort
21. luhuitou (deer turning-head) park
22. nanshan cultural tourism zone
23. small caves (wonders of sea and hills)
24. wuzhizhou island
25. wuzhishan city and the local customs and habits
26. wuzhishan mountain
27. jianfengling park
28. dongpo academy of classical learning
29. yangpu economic development zone
下篇 中文景点介绍
1. 海口市
2. 万绿园
3. 海口西海岸
4. 海瑞纪念园
5. 五公祠
6. 海南热带野生动植物园
7. 火山口国家地质公园
8. 东寨港红树林保护区
9. 东郊椰林风景区
10. 万泉河游览区
11. 博鳌亚洲论坛会址
12. 兴隆热带植物园
13. 兴隆热带花园
14. 东山岭
15. 南湾猴岛
16. 分界洲
17. 三亚市
18. 亚龙湾国家旅游度假区
19. 天涯海角
20. 大东海
21. 鹿回头
22. 南山文化旅游区
23. 小洞天(“海上奇观”)
24. 蜈支洲
25. 五指山市与黎族风情
26. 五指山
27. 尖峰岭
28. 东坡书院
29. 洋浦经济开发区
附件1 导游规范与应变能力问答
附件2 guide's norms and emergency handling——100 questions and answers
a brief introduction to hainan province
上编 英文景点介绍
1. a brief introduction to haikou
2. wanlu garden
3. west coastline of haikou
4. hai rui's memorial garden
5. the memorial temple to the five lords
6. hainan tropical wildlife and botanical garden
7. the crater-the state geological park
8. the mangrove protection zone at dongzai harbor
9. dongjiao coconut grove scenic area
10. wanquan river
11. the site of bo ao forum for asia
12. xinglong tropical botanical garden
13. xinglong tropical garden
14. the dongshan ridge
15. nanwan monkey island
16. demarcation islet
. 17. a brief introduction to sanya
18. yalong bay national holiday resort
19. land's end
20. dadonghai tourist resort
21. luhuitou (deer turning-head) park
22. nanshan cultural tourism zone
23. small caves (wonders of sea and hills)
24. wuzhizhou island
25. wuzhishan city and the local customs and habits
26. wuzhishan mountain
27. jianfengling park
28. dongpo academy of classical learning
29. yangpu economic development zone
下篇 中文景点介绍
1. 海口市
2. 万绿园
3. 海口西海岸
4. 海瑞纪念园
5. 五公祠
6. 海南热带野生动植物园
7. 火山口国家地质公园
8. 东寨港红树林保护区
9. 东郊椰林风景区
10. 万泉河游览区
11. 博鳌亚洲论坛会址
12. 兴隆热带植物园
13. 兴隆热带花园
14. 东山岭
15. 南湾猴岛
16. 分界洲
17. 三亚市
18. 亚龙湾国家旅游度假区
19. 天涯海角
20. 大东海
21. 鹿回头
22. 南山文化旅游区
23. 小洞天(“海上奇观”)
24. 蜈支洲
25. 五指山市与黎族风情
26. 五指山
27. 尖峰岭
28. 东坡书院
29. 洋浦经济开发区
附件1 导游规范与应变能力问答
附件2 guide's norms and emergency handling——100 questions and answers
Handbook for tour guides in Hainan
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