内容简介《组织行为学精要(英文版?第11版)》是一本英文影印版教材,原著是美国管理学和组织行为学权威斯蒂芬?罗宾斯教授撰写的一本组织行为学简明教材。它保持了经典教材《组织行为学》的一贯特色,还具有以下新的特点:◆ 篇幅短小,仅提供关于组织行为学的核心内容,便于教师更好地设计和安排课程,也便于学习者灵活选择辅导资料和学习方案。◆ 全面涵盖了组织行为学中的所有重点概念,内容充实而有趣味,学习者可以在较短的时间内掌握组织行为学的核心内容。◆ 语言规范,行文流畅,广泛使用范例,堪称一本经典读物。本书配有丰富的教学资源,特别适合开展双语教学的高校使用,还可作为业界人士的参考读物。 【免费在线读】This book was created as an alternative to the 600- or 700-page comprehensive textbook in organizational behavior (OB). It attempts to provide balanced coverage of all the key elements comprising the discipline of OB in a style that readers will find both informative and interesting. We’re pleased to say that this text has achieved a wide following in short courses and executive programs as well as in traditional courses as a companion volume with experiential, skill development, case, and readings books. It is currently used at more than 500 colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, Latin America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. It’s also been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Dutch, Polish, Turkish, Danish, and Bahasa Indonesian.
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