本书是根据国务院学位办公室2002年颁布的《在职攻读硕士学位入学考试全国联考英语考试大纲》编写的《英语应试教程》的《翻译分册》。全书共分为七个部分:I. 翻译知识及常用翻译技巧;II. 英汉常见问题分析与思考解决方法;III. 5篇短文/段落划线部分翻译模拟训练及详解;IV. 10篇短文/段落全文翻译训练及注释;V. 40篇翻译模拟练习及注释;VI.翻译训练及模拟练习参考译文;VII.2002年在职攻读硕士学位全国联考翻译考题全文、讲评及参考译文。本书选材广泛,内容新颖,具有较强的针对性和实用性。
第一章 翻译知识及常用翻译技巧
1 分清主从
2 遣词用字
3 词的增添
4 词的省略
5 词类转换和句子成分的转换
6 翻译中的词序调整
7 被动语态的翻译
8 翻译中的肯定与否定的转换处理
9 英语同位语从句和定语从句的翻译方法
10 长句的翻译方法
第二章 英汉翻译常见问题分析与思考解决方法
1 简单字眼别轻视
2 望文生义不可取
3 语境分析不可少
4 语法分析定词义
5 专有名词需慎重
6 超越“常规”须当心
7 逻辑分析悟道理
8 比较对照辨差异
第三章 5篇短文/段落划线部分翻译模拟训练及详解
1 The difference between a brain and a computer
2 The influence of the Internet
3 Should children be praised all the time?
4 How should one read a book?
5 Boys behind the ambush
第四章 10篇短文/段落全文翻译训练及注释
1 Online education
2 The bloodiest day on American soil
3 Economies around the world
4 What makes Silicon Valley such a unique entity?
5 America's new rich
6 The Earth and population
7 Can we know a grain of salt?
8 The cloning technique
9 The optimists and pessimists
10 The distinction between two hemispheres of the brain
第五章 40篇翻译模拟练习及注释
A 国际时事政治
1 The world's third largest producer of electronics
2 The China boom
3 American Airlines Flight 11
4 Lee Kuan Yew
5 An actual recession in the euro area
6 Silicon Valley is a magnet
B 工程与科技
7 Human DNA
8 Gene therapy
9 The low-gravity Mars
10 Images the Surveyor orbiter has beamed
11 Autonomous underwater vehicles
12 Odyssey,a vehicle
13 Photography
14 Nano-sized devices
15 The hottest spot in the solar system
C 计算机网络
16 The history of computing
17 Telephone conversation over the Internet
18 the American mail system
19 The computer industry
20 Internet ventures
21 Internet traffic
D 人文、社会与环境
22 The richest 1% of Americans
23 Sudden-wealth syndrome
24 The English language
25 The seventeenth century English settlers
26 A new packaging material
27 A giant egg
28 The total mass of living objects on Earth
29 Mankind increases in numbers
30 Environmental distress is a featherweight
31 The total number of things knowable by the brain
E 知识、健康及风土人情
32 The frontiers of knowledge
33 Good books
34 The benefit of eating fish
35 The latest in flavours
36 My memory
37 Memory-improvement guides
38 The British queue up
39 The Pacific islands
40 Swiss Confederation
附录Ⅰ 翻译训练及模拟练习参考译文
(一) 第四章参考译文
(二) 第五章参考译文
附录Ⅱ 2002年在职攻读硕士学位全国联考翻译考题全文、讲评及参考译文
第一章 翻译知识及常用翻译技巧
1 分清主从
2 遣词用字
3 词的增添
4 词的省略
5 词类转换和句子成分的转换
6 翻译中的词序调整
7 被动语态的翻译
8 翻译中的肯定与否定的转换处理
9 英语同位语从句和定语从句的翻译方法
10 长句的翻译方法
第二章 英汉翻译常见问题分析与思考解决方法
1 简单字眼别轻视
2 望文生义不可取
3 语境分析不可少
4 语法分析定词义
5 专有名词需慎重
6 超越“常规”须当心
7 逻辑分析悟道理
8 比较对照辨差异
第三章 5篇短文/段落划线部分翻译模拟训练及详解
1 The difference between a brain and a computer
2 The influence of the Internet
3 Should children be praised all the time?
4 How should one read a book?
5 Boys behind the ambush
第四章 10篇短文/段落全文翻译训练及注释
1 Online education
2 The bloodiest day on American soil
3 Economies around the world
4 What makes Silicon Valley such a unique entity?
5 America's new rich
6 The Earth and population
7 Can we know a grain of salt?
8 The cloning technique
9 The optimists and pessimists
10 The distinction between two hemispheres of the brain
第五章 40篇翻译模拟练习及注释
A 国际时事政治
1 The world's third largest producer of electronics
2 The China boom
3 American Airlines Flight 11
4 Lee Kuan Yew
5 An actual recession in the euro area
6 Silicon Valley is a magnet
B 工程与科技
7 Human DNA
8 Gene therapy
9 The low-gravity Mars
10 Images the Surveyor orbiter has beamed
11 Autonomous underwater vehicles
12 Odyssey,a vehicle
13 Photography
14 Nano-sized devices
15 The hottest spot in the solar system
C 计算机网络
16 The history of computing
17 Telephone conversation over the Internet
18 the American mail system
19 The computer industry
20 Internet ventures
21 Internet traffic
D 人文、社会与环境
22 The richest 1% of Americans
23 Sudden-wealth syndrome
24 The English language
25 The seventeenth century English settlers
26 A new packaging material
27 A giant egg
28 The total mass of living objects on Earth
29 Mankind increases in numbers
30 Environmental distress is a featherweight
31 The total number of things knowable by the brain
E 知识、健康及风土人情
32 The frontiers of knowledge
33 Good books
34 The benefit of eating fish
35 The latest in flavours
36 My memory
37 Memory-improvement guides
38 The British queue up
39 The Pacific islands
40 Swiss Confederation
附录Ⅰ 翻译训练及模拟练习参考译文
(一) 第四章参考译文
(二) 第五章参考译文
附录Ⅱ 2002年在职攻读硕士学位全国联考翻译考题全文、讲评及参考译文
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