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Investigation of the Maximum Equilibrium Rate of Bed Load Movement
The Efficiency of Depth-Integrating Suspended-Sediment Sampling
Transport of Sediment Mixtures with Large Ranges of Grain Sizes
Can the Rate of Wash Load be predicted from the Bed Load Function?
Second Approximation to the Solution of the Suspended Load Theory
Ripple Tank Studies of Wave Refraction
Effects of Heavy Sediment Concentration Near the Bed on the Velocity and Sediment Distribution
The Present Status of Research on Sediment Transport
Similarity of Distorted River Models with Movable Beds
Graphic Design of Alluvial Channels
A Concept of the Regime Theory
灌溉引水的自动控制问题(The Automatic Control Problems on Irrigational Diversion)
根据悬移质积点测量决定输沙率时所引起的误差问题(On the Determination of the Total-Load Rate from Point-Integrating Suspended-Sediment Sampling)
关于“床沙质”和“冲泻质”的概念的说明(On the Concepts of“Bed Material Load”and“Wash Load”)
灌溉渠首的防沙措施(The Measures Preventing Sediment from Entering the Irrigation Head Works)
冲积河流稳定性指标的商榷(On the Stability Criterion of Alluvial Streams)
水温对于泥沙运动的影响(The Effect of Water Temperature on Sediment Motion)
浑水的粘性及流型(The Viscosity and Stress-Flow Relation of Sediment-Laden Flow)
修建水库后下游河道重新建立平衡的过程(The Fluvial Processes of Re-establishing Equilibrium below Impounding Reservoirs)
黄河下游的糙率问题(Channel Roughness of Lower Yellow River)
黄河下游河床的粗化问题(Change of Bed material Composition in a Degraded bed and Its Effect on the Stabilization of Stream Channel)
从泥沙的角度来看黄河下游河道整治问题(The Regulation Problems of the Lower Yellow River from the Aspect of Sedimentation)
The Braided Stream of the Lower Yellow River
黄河下游游荡性河道的特性及其成因分析(The Characteristics and Genesis Analysis of the Braided Stream of the Lower Yellow River)
黄河下游的一些水面现象(Some Water Surlace Phenomena in the Lower Yellow River)
多沙河流上修建水库后下游来沙量的估计(Estimation of Sediment Supply after the Construction of a Reservoir in the Upstream Basin)
近年来国外在泥沙输移方面研究的主要成就及发展方向(The Main Achievement and Development Trend of the Recent Research Work on Sediment Transport Abroad)
多沙河流上修建大型蓄水库后下游游荡性河道的演变趋势及治理(The Regulation of the Braided Stream with Heavy Sediment Load)
钱塘江河口沙坎的近代过程(The Flu vial Processes of the Big Sand Bar Inside the Qiantangjiang Estuary)
近底高含沙量流层对水流及泥沙运动影响的初步探讨(The Effects of Sediment Concentration Gradient on the Characteristics of Flow and Sediment Motion)
从黄河下游的河床演变规律来看河道治理中的调水调沙问题(The Regulation of Flow and Sediment Based on the Principles of Fluvial Processes for the Improvements of the Lower Yellow River)
黄河的高含沙水流问题(The flow with Heavy Sediment Concentration in the Yellow River Basin)
泥沙运动力学的发展与前瞻(The Development and Prospect of the Mechanics of Sediment Transport)
中国河流泥沙问题及其研究概况(The Problem of River Sedimentation and the Present Status of Its Research in China)
黄河中游粗泥沙来源区对黄河下游冲淤的影响(The Source of the Coarse Sedi ment in the Middle Reaches of the YellowRiver and Its Effect on the Siltation of the Lower Yellow River)
西北地区高含沙水流运动机理的初步探讨(Preliminary Study on the mechanism of the Hyperconcentrated Flow in Northwest China)
推移质公式的比较(A Comparison of the Bed Load Formulas)
高含沙水流运动的几个问题(Some Problems on the Motion of Hyperconcentrated Flow)
关于黄河中下游治理的意见(Some Suggestions on the Problem of Harnessing the Yellow River)
黄河下游挟沙能力自动调整机理的初步探讨(A Preliminary Study on the Mechanism of Self Requlation of Sediment Transport Capacity in the Lower Yellow River)
粒径分布和细颗粒含量对两相管流水力特性的影响(The Effect of Sediment Composition and Content of Fine Particles on the Characteristics of Two-Phase Flow in Pipes)
Reservoir Sedimentation and Slope Stability Technical and Environmental Effects
黄土丘陵沟壑区高含沙水流的形成及汇流过程(The Formation andProcess of Confluence of the Flow at Hyperconcentra-tion in the Gullied-Hilly Loess Areas of the Yellow River Basin)
阳武河灌区处理泥沙经验在低水头枢纽引水防沙中的应用(Application of the Experiences Obtained from the Yangwu Irrigation District in Dealing with the Sediment Problem of Low-Head Diversion Works)
高含沙水流长距离稳定输送条件的分析(An Analysis on the Conditions of Transporting Flow with Hyperconcentra-tion over a Long Distance)
The Flood and River Sedimentation Problems of the Lower Yellow River in China
阳武河灌区分水渠首及沉沙池的模型试验和原型观测(Model and Prototype Study of the Diversion Headworks and the Sediment Settling Basin of the Yangwu Irrigation District)
泥石流运动机理的初步探讨(A Preliminary Study on the Mechanism of Debris Flows)
高浓度泥沙悬浮液物理特性的实验研究(Experimental Study on the Physical Properties of Sediment Suspensions at Hyperconcentration)
粗颗粒高含沙两相紊流运动规律的实验研究(Experiment Study of Two-phase Turblent Flow with Hyperconcentration of Coarse Particles)
层移质运动规律的实验研究(Experimental Study of Motion of Laminated Load)
关于河流分类及成因问题的讨论(On the Classification and Causes of Formation of Different Channel Patterns)
高含沙水流运动研究述评(Re view of the Studies of Flow Mo vement at Hyperconcentration of Sediment)
Changes in River Regime after the Construction of Upstream Reservoirs
A Preliminary Investigation on the Mechanism of Hyperconcentrated Flow
The Hyperconcentrated Flow in the Main Stem and Tributaries of the Yellow River
(The Effect of Fine Particles on the Two-Phase Flow at Hyperconcentration of Coarse Grains)
1855年铜瓦厢决口以后黄河下游历史演变过程中的若干问题(Problems Concerning Evolution of the Lower Yellow River Subsequent to Dykebreach in 1855 at Tongwaxiang)
紊动对细泥沙浆液絮凝结构的影响(The Effect of Turbulence on the Flocculent Structure of the Slurry of Fine Grains)
Erosion and Transportation of Sediment in the Yellow River Basin
长江三峡枢纽工程的几个泥沙问题(On Some Sedimentation Problems of the Three Gorges Project On the Yangtze River)



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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