Quality selection of articles from American & British newspapers & magazines
作 者:周学艺,赵林主编
Unit One China Watch
Lesson One
Text An American in Beijing
(Time, April 4, 2008)
语言解说 Presence
Lesson Two
Text Home at Last
(Newsweek, July 31, 2000)
新闻写作 何谓News?
Lesson Three
Text China Finds Western Ways Bring New Woes
(USA Today, May 19, 2004)
新闻写作 新闻体裁
Lesson Four
Text Exploding Tourism Eroding China's Riches
(Los Angeles Times, August 23, 2000)
语言解说 Resources和Establishment
Unit Two US Domestic Affairs (Ⅰ)
Lesson Five
Text The Evolution Wars
(Time, August 15, 2005)
学习方法 如何读懂标题(Ⅰ)
Lesson Six
Text Elite U.S. schools turn the fight for supremacy into online game
(International Herald Tribune, March 20, 2008)
读报知识 美国部分名牌大学简介
Lesson Seven
Text Is Harvard Worth It?
(Fortune, May 1, 2000)
学习方法 如何读懂标题(Ⅱ)
Unit Three US Domestic Affairs (Ⅱ)
Lesson Eight
Text The Economy Sucks. But Is It '92 Redux?
(Newsweek, January 21, 2008)
语言解说 Stupid和Technical(ly)
Lesson Nine
Text Obama Makes History
(The Washington Post, November 5, 2008)
读报知识 美国总统选举
Lesson Ten
Text The New Dream Isn't American
(Newsweek, May 26, 2008)
新闻写作 导语(Lead)
Lesson Eleven
Text Is America's new declinism for Real?
(Financial Times, November 24, 2008)
新闻写作 报刊语言主要特点(Ⅰ)
Unit Four US Domestic Affairs (Ⅲ)
Lesson Twelve
Text Path of the Storm
(Newsweek, April 17, 2006)
读报知识 Lobby $1] Lobby Firm
Lesson Thirteen
Text Terrorized by "War on Terror"
(The Washington Post, March 25, 2007)
语言解说 Culture/Cultural
Lesson Fourteen
Text Iraq: Who won the war?
(The Independent, March 16, 2008)
语言解说 Political Donation/Contribution
Lesson Fifteen
Text Libby Defense Portrays Client as a Scapegoat
(The New York Times, January 24, 2007)
读报知识 美国司法机构
Unit Five US Foreign Policy
Lesson Sixteen
Text Stealing a Nation
(New African, November, 2006)
语言解说 常见借喻词和提喻词(Ⅰ)
Lesson Seventeen
Text How 'Soft Power' Got 'Smart'
(The New York Times, January 14, 2009)
语言解说 常见借喻词和提喻词(Ⅱ)
Lesson Eighteen
Text A Race We Can All Win
(Newsweek, Dec. 31, 2007)
语言解说 常见委婉语
Unit Six World Affairs
Lesson Nineteen
Text Why the Monarchy Must Stay
(Newsweek, March 11, 1996)
读报知识 英国人缘何拥护君主制?
Lesson Twenty
Text The Coming Conflict in the Arctic
(Global Research, July 17, 2007)
新闻写作 报刊用语主要特点(Ⅱ)
Lesson Twenty-One
Text Big Maoist wins could reshape Nepal's politics
(The Christian Science Monitor, April 15, 2008)
学习方法 读报工具书
Lesson Twenty-two
Text A Witness from Australia's "Stolen Generation"
(International Herald Tribune, September 16--17, 2000)
语言解说 Generation何其多?
Lesson Twenty-three
Text Colombia crisis is settled, but which side wins?
(International Herald Tribune, March 9, 2008)
学习方法 勤查词典(Ⅰ)
Unit Seven Society, Science & Sports
Lesson Twenty-four
Text Yawns: A generation of the young, rich and frugal
(The Associated Press, May 4, 2008)
学习方法 勤查词典(Ⅱ)
Lesson Twenty-five
Text Ahead-of-the-Curve Careers
(US News & World Report, December 19, 2007)
语言解说 administration & government
Lesson Twenty-six
Text Nanospheres leave cancer no place to hide
(New Scientist, June 21, 2007)
语言解说 Nano和Virtual等
Lesson Twenty-seven
Text Kaka: Brazil's Mr. Perfect
(FIFA. com, November 30, 2007)
学习方法 读报经验谈(Ⅰ)
Unit Eight Prominent Figures
Lesson Twenty-eight
Text Doris Lessing Wins Nobel Prize in Literature
(The New York Times, October 11, 2007)
学习方法 读报经验谈(Ⅱ)
Lesson Twenty-nine
Text He's just like you and me, except for the ~ 31bn fortune
(The Sunday Times, March 9, 2008)
语言解说 时髦词Mentor和Guru等
Lesson Thirty
Text Bill Gates is retiring, sort of
(International Herald Tribune, June 27, 2008)
学习方法 读报经验谈(Ⅲ)
Lesson One
Text An American in Beijing
(Time, April 4, 2008)
语言解说 Presence
Lesson Two
Text Home at Last
(Newsweek, July 31, 2000)
新闻写作 何谓News?
Lesson Three
Text China Finds Western Ways Bring New Woes
(USA Today, May 19, 2004)
新闻写作 新闻体裁
Lesson Four
Text Exploding Tourism Eroding China's Riches
(Los Angeles Times, August 23, 2000)
语言解说 Resources和Establishment
Unit Two US Domestic Affairs (Ⅰ)
Lesson Five
Text The Evolution Wars
(Time, August 15, 2005)
学习方法 如何读懂标题(Ⅰ)
Lesson Six
Text Elite U.S. schools turn the fight for supremacy into online game
(International Herald Tribune, March 20, 2008)
读报知识 美国部分名牌大学简介
Lesson Seven
Text Is Harvard Worth It?
(Fortune, May 1, 2000)
学习方法 如何读懂标题(Ⅱ)
Unit Three US Domestic Affairs (Ⅱ)
Lesson Eight
Text The Economy Sucks. But Is It '92 Redux?
(Newsweek, January 21, 2008)
语言解说 Stupid和Technical(ly)
Lesson Nine
Text Obama Makes History
(The Washington Post, November 5, 2008)
读报知识 美国总统选举
Lesson Ten
Text The New Dream Isn't American
(Newsweek, May 26, 2008)
新闻写作 导语(Lead)
Lesson Eleven
Text Is America's new declinism for Real?
(Financial Times, November 24, 2008)
新闻写作 报刊语言主要特点(Ⅰ)
Unit Four US Domestic Affairs (Ⅲ)
Lesson Twelve
Text Path of the Storm
(Newsweek, April 17, 2006)
读报知识 Lobby $1] Lobby Firm
Lesson Thirteen
Text Terrorized by "War on Terror"
(The Washington Post, March 25, 2007)
语言解说 Culture/Cultural
Lesson Fourteen
Text Iraq: Who won the war?
(The Independent, March 16, 2008)
语言解说 Political Donation/Contribution
Lesson Fifteen
Text Libby Defense Portrays Client as a Scapegoat
(The New York Times, January 24, 2007)
读报知识 美国司法机构
Unit Five US Foreign Policy
Lesson Sixteen
Text Stealing a Nation
(New African, November, 2006)
语言解说 常见借喻词和提喻词(Ⅰ)
Lesson Seventeen
Text How 'Soft Power' Got 'Smart'
(The New York Times, January 14, 2009)
语言解说 常见借喻词和提喻词(Ⅱ)
Lesson Eighteen
Text A Race We Can All Win
(Newsweek, Dec. 31, 2007)
语言解说 常见委婉语
Unit Six World Affairs
Lesson Nineteen
Text Why the Monarchy Must Stay
(Newsweek, March 11, 1996)
读报知识 英国人缘何拥护君主制?
Lesson Twenty
Text The Coming Conflict in the Arctic
(Global Research, July 17, 2007)
新闻写作 报刊用语主要特点(Ⅱ)
Lesson Twenty-One
Text Big Maoist wins could reshape Nepal's politics
(The Christian Science Monitor, April 15, 2008)
学习方法 读报工具书
Lesson Twenty-two
Text A Witness from Australia's "Stolen Generation"
(International Herald Tribune, September 16--17, 2000)
语言解说 Generation何其多?
Lesson Twenty-three
Text Colombia crisis is settled, but which side wins?
(International Herald Tribune, March 9, 2008)
学习方法 勤查词典(Ⅰ)
Unit Seven Society, Science & Sports
Lesson Twenty-four
Text Yawns: A generation of the young, rich and frugal
(The Associated Press, May 4, 2008)
学习方法 勤查词典(Ⅱ)
Lesson Twenty-five
Text Ahead-of-the-Curve Careers
(US News & World Report, December 19, 2007)
语言解说 administration & government
Lesson Twenty-six
Text Nanospheres leave cancer no place to hide
(New Scientist, June 21, 2007)
语言解说 Nano和Virtual等
Lesson Twenty-seven
Text Kaka: Brazil's Mr. Perfect
(FIFA. com, November 30, 2007)
学习方法 读报经验谈(Ⅰ)
Unit Eight Prominent Figures
Lesson Twenty-eight
Text Doris Lessing Wins Nobel Prize in Literature
(The New York Times, October 11, 2007)
学习方法 读报经验谈(Ⅱ)
Lesson Twenty-nine
Text He's just like you and me, except for the ~ 31bn fortune
(The Sunday Times, March 9, 2008)
语言解说 时髦词Mentor和Guru等
Lesson Thirty
Text Bill Gates is retiring, sort of
(International Herald Tribune, June 27, 2008)
学习方法 读报经验谈(Ⅲ)
Quality selection of articles from American & British newspapers & magazines
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