Nicholas Nickleby
作 者:(英)查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)原著;(荷)安妮·德赫拉夫(Anne de Graaf)改写;袁宪军注
1. introduces the nicklebys .
2. how mr. ralph nickleby likes young nicholas
3. nicholas meets the yorkshire schoolmaster
4. nicholas travels to dotheboys hall
5. mr. and mrs. squeers at home
6. about the squeers family
7. how mr. ralph nickleby takes care of his family
8. newman noggs shows mrs. and miss nickleby their new home
9. someone is missing
10. nicholas makes a move
11. newman noggs meets nicholas again
12. follows the fortunes of miss nickleby ..
13. nicholas meets his uncle again
14. nicholas seeks his fortune
15. miss nickleby loses her job
16. the company of mr. vincent crummles
17. miss nickleby becomes desperate
18. nicholas is called away from the theater
19. relating to a remarkable conversation
20. nicholas helps kate
.21. brighter days seem to dawn on the family
22. nicholas falls in love
23. mr. ralph nickleby and nicholas meet with friends
24. the dangers thicken and the worst is told
25. the end at last ...
2. how mr. ralph nickleby likes young nicholas
3. nicholas meets the yorkshire schoolmaster
4. nicholas travels to dotheboys hall
5. mr. and mrs. squeers at home
6. about the squeers family
7. how mr. ralph nickleby takes care of his family
8. newman noggs shows mrs. and miss nickleby their new home
9. someone is missing
10. nicholas makes a move
11. newman noggs meets nicholas again
12. follows the fortunes of miss nickleby ..
13. nicholas meets his uncle again
14. nicholas seeks his fortune
15. miss nickleby loses her job
16. the company of mr. vincent crummles
17. miss nickleby becomes desperate
18. nicholas is called away from the theater
19. relating to a remarkable conversation
20. nicholas helps kate
.21. brighter days seem to dawn on the family
22. nicholas falls in love
23. mr. ralph nickleby and nicholas meet with friends
24. the dangers thicken and the worst is told
25. the end at last ...
Nicholas Nickleby
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