Chapter 1 Room ReservationSection 1.Shadow Repeating Situation 1:Job Description for Reservation Agent Situation 2:Group ReservationSection 2.Sight Interpreting Situation 1:An FIT Room Reservation Situation 2:A Walk.in Room ReservationSection 3.Live I nterpreting Situation 1:Amending the Room Reservation Situation 2:Dealing with a Reservation Mix-upChapter 2 The Bellman and Concierge ServiceSection 1.Shadow Repeating Situation 1:Meeting the Guest at the Airport Situation 2:Meeting the Guest at the Railway StationSection 2.Sight Interpreting Situation 1:Showing Guests to the Room Situation 2:Ordering a Taxi,Section 3.Live Interpreting Situation 1:Booking Flight Tickets Situation 2:Booking Acrobatics TicketsChapter 3 Check·in Service Section 1.Shadow Repeating Situation 1:Check.In Process--FIT Check.in Situation 2:Checking in for Booked Rooms,Section 2.Sight Interpreting Situation 1:Checking in for Walk.in Guests Situation 2:Checking in for a Group,Section 3.Livc Interpreting Situation 1:Checking in for the Handicapped Situation 2:Dealing with Check.in DisputesChapter 4 Services at the Reception DeskSection 1.Shadow Repeating Situation 1:Changing the Room Situation 2:NO.showsSection 2.Sight Interpreting Situation 1:Asking for Extension Situation 2:Leaving a Message for the GuestSection 3.Live Interpreting Situation 1:Leaving a Message for Visitors Situation 2:Taking MessagesChapter 5 Services in Guest RoomsSection 1.Shadow Repeating Situation 1:Housekeeping Operation Situation 2:Introducing Facilities in Guest RoomsSection 2.Sight Interpreting Situation 1:Regular Cleaning Service Situation 2:Turn.down ServiceSection 3.Live Interpreting Situation 1:Finding a Babysitter Situation 2:Facilities for the HandicappedChapter 6 Restaurant ServiceSection 1.Shadow Repeating Situation l:Introduction to Types of Food Service Situation 2:Catering for a Three—day SeminarSection 2.Sight Interpreting Situation 1:Seating Guests Situation 2:Taking Chinese Food Orders Situation 3:Taking a Western Food OrdersSection 3.Live Interpreting Situation 1:Taking Dessert Orders Situation 2:Serving Dishes to IndividualsChapter 7 Beverage ServiceSection 1.Shadow Repeating Situation 1:Beverage Service Guidelines Situation 2:Lounge/Bar ServiceSection 2.Sight Interpreting Situation 1:Serving Wine to Individuals Situation 2:Alcoholic BeveragesSection 3.Live Interpreting, Situation 1:Soft Drinks Situation 2:Tending at the BarChapter 8 Checking OutSection 1.Shadow Repeating Situation 1:Foreign Exchange Service Situation 2:Exchanging Foreign CurrenciesSection 2.Sight Interpreting Situation 1:Paying in Cash Situation 2:Paying with Credit CardsSection 3.Live Interpreting, Situation 1:Paying with Traveler’s Checks Situation 2:Explaining the Bill
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