课文a作为精读材料,配有生词表及多种练习。生词释义采用英、汉结合的方式。用黑体排的为4级词,黑体前面加*号的为6级词,纲外词排绿色。还有一些由熟词构成的词,如 high-achieving,ballgame等,则以黑斜体排出。
课文a的练习包括 pre-reading activities, reading aloud, comprehension of the text, responding to the text, vocabulary word building, structure, cloze, translation, reading analysis和 structured writing等项。
pre-reading activities包括listening和pre-reading questions,位于课文前。听的内容是课文a的概述,所用的英语比较浅近。这一练习既可训练学生的听力,又可使学生对即将学习的课文有一大致的了解。pre-reading questions是又-“热身”活动,为学习课文作些铺垫。
reading aloud练习选择课文的一段或两段供学生朗读、背诵并译成汉语。经过教师的讲解和学生的反复朗读,正确理解应不成问题,更多的功夫应放在“译文达意”上。
comprehension of the text练习可在课文讲解后做,也可结合课文的讲解进行。这一练采用问答式,目的主要是诱导学生开口。 responding to the text则要求学生针对课文中的有关问题发表自己的看法。
vocabularg练习旨在帮助学生掌握英语常用词和词组的用法。 word building练习帮助学生熟悉现代英语的主要构词法并熟练掌握一些最常用的前缀和后缀,借以扩大词汇量。
reading analysis是利用课文 a篇进行文章结构分析,同时介绍常见的写作手段。第一、二册重点介绍段落的写作方法;第三、四册重点介绍全篇的写作方法。
structured writhg要求学生在reading analysis的基础上模仿写一段文字。通过模仿学习写作,先易后难,应该是一种比较有效的办法。课文b、c为泛读材料。每一单元的课文b前介绍一种阅读技能,课文后列有词表、阅读理解题和词汇练习。课文c不列词表,只在一些生词后面用括号加注汉译,文后也配有阅读理解题。
unit one
text a secrets of a students
text b bittersweet memories
text c leaving
unit two
texta conversational ballgames
text b the power of words
text c how to improve your vocabulary
unit three
text a stevie wonder: sunshine in the shadow
text b we are what we think we are
text c her newly-discovered self
unit four
texta the washwoman
text b a (3ood name
text c this is why jordan is jordan
unit five
text a the language of compromise
text b easy ways to avoid an argument
text c "(5ood morning, neighbor!"
.unit six
texta nerds and geeks
text b our chanfling lifestyle: trends and fads
text c popularity that counts
unit seven
text a i became her target
text b firm, fair, and friendly
text c the magic pebbles
unit eight
text a foreword
text b smart machines: our tireless helpers
text c internet helps solve a medical mystery
presupposed word list
text a secrets of a students
text b bittersweet memories
text c leaving
unit two
texta conversational ballgames
text b the power of words
text c how to improve your vocabulary
unit three
text a stevie wonder: sunshine in the shadow
text b we are what we think we are
text c her newly-discovered self
unit four
texta the washwoman
text b a (3ood name
text c this is why jordan is jordan
unit five
text a the language of compromise
text b easy ways to avoid an argument
text c "(5ood morning, neighbor!"
.unit six
texta nerds and geeks
text b our chanfling lifestyle: trends and fads
text c popularity that counts
unit seven
text a i became her target
text b firm, fair, and friendly
text c the magic pebbles
unit eight
text a foreword
text b smart machines: our tireless helpers
text c internet helps solve a medical mystery
presupposed word list
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