Companion to a course book of English literautre = 英国文学教程学习指南 /
作 者:张伯香.
Chapter 1 Old and Medieval English Literature(449-1485)
1.1 An introduction to Beowulf
1.2 A historical explanation of Grendel''s origin
1.3 Some proper names in the poem
1.4 Synopsis of the story.
1.5 The selected reading
1.5.1 Summary of Beowulf''s fight with Grendel
1.5.2 A brief analysis
1.5.3 Summary of Beowulf''s fight with the fire-breathing dragon
1.5.4 A brief analysis
1.6 Major themes
1.7 Character analysis
1.7.1 Beowulf
1.7.2 Grendel
1.8 The influence of Christianity
1.9 tteroic ideal
1.10 Structure
1.11 The epic poem
II.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
2.1 An introduction
2.1.l Arlhurian legcnd
2.1.2 Chivalry
2.2 Synopsis of the story
2.3 The selected reading
2.3.1 Summary
2.3.2 A brief analysis
2.4 Celtic mythology
2.5 Major themes
2.5.1 Nature vs.human society
2.5.2 The viability of chivalric values
2.5.3 The fall of man and loss of innocence
2.6 Character analysis
2.6.1 Gawain
2.6.2 The Green Knight
2.7 The Green Knight as fertility god
2.8 Narrative structure and the mythic journey
2.9 Major symbols
2.9.1 Green Knight
2.9.2 Shield
2.9.3 Green girdle
III.The Popular Ballads
3.1 'The Wife of Usher''s Well'
3.1.1 Summary
3.1.2 A brief analysis
3.2 'Sir Patrick Spens'
3.2.1 Sumrnary
3.2.2 A brief analysis
3.3 'Get Up and Bar the Door'
3.3.1 Summary
3.3.2 A brief analysis
IV.Le Mort d''Arthur by Mallory
4.1 An introduction
4.2 Synopsis of the story
4.3 The selected reading
4.3.1 Summary
4.3.2 A brief analysis
V.The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer
5.1 Background information
5.1.1 The three 'estates'
5.1.2 The seven deadly sins
Chaptrer 2 The Sixteenth-Century English Literature(ca. 1485-1603)
Chaptrer 3 The Seventeenth-Century English Literature (1603-1700)
Chaptrer 4 The Eighteenth-Century English Literature (1700-1798)
Chaptrer 5 The Romantic English Literature (1798-1832)
Chaptrer 6 The Victorian English Literature (1832-1901)
Chaptrer 7 The Twentieth-Century English Literature (1900-1970)
1.1 An introduction to Beowulf
1.2 A historical explanation of Grendel''s origin
1.3 Some proper names in the poem
1.4 Synopsis of the story.
1.5 The selected reading
1.5.1 Summary of Beowulf''s fight with Grendel
1.5.2 A brief analysis
1.5.3 Summary of Beowulf''s fight with the fire-breathing dragon
1.5.4 A brief analysis
1.6 Major themes
1.7 Character analysis
1.7.1 Beowulf
1.7.2 Grendel
1.8 The influence of Christianity
1.9 tteroic ideal
1.10 Structure
1.11 The epic poem
II.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
2.1 An introduction
2.1.l Arlhurian legcnd
2.1.2 Chivalry
2.2 Synopsis of the story
2.3 The selected reading
2.3.1 Summary
2.3.2 A brief analysis
2.4 Celtic mythology
2.5 Major themes
2.5.1 Nature vs.human society
2.5.2 The viability of chivalric values
2.5.3 The fall of man and loss of innocence
2.6 Character analysis
2.6.1 Gawain
2.6.2 The Green Knight
2.7 The Green Knight as fertility god
2.8 Narrative structure and the mythic journey
2.9 Major symbols
2.9.1 Green Knight
2.9.2 Shield
2.9.3 Green girdle
III.The Popular Ballads
3.1 'The Wife of Usher''s Well'
3.1.1 Summary
3.1.2 A brief analysis
3.2 'Sir Patrick Spens'
3.2.1 Sumrnary
3.2.2 A brief analysis
3.3 'Get Up and Bar the Door'
3.3.1 Summary
3.3.2 A brief analysis
IV.Le Mort d''Arthur by Mallory
4.1 An introduction
4.2 Synopsis of the story
4.3 The selected reading
4.3.1 Summary
4.3.2 A brief analysis
V.The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer
5.1 Background information
5.1.1 The three 'estates'
5.1.2 The seven deadly sins
Chaptrer 2 The Sixteenth-Century English Literature(ca. 1485-1603)
Chaptrer 3 The Seventeenth-Century English Literature (1603-1700)
Chaptrer 4 The Eighteenth-Century English Literature (1700-1798)
Chaptrer 5 The Romantic English Literature (1798-1832)
Chaptrer 6 The Victorian English Literature (1832-1901)
Chaptrer 7 The Twentieth-Century English Literature (1900-1970)
Companion to a course book of English literautre = 英国文学教程学习指南 /
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