Unit 1 Benjamin Franklin (1706—1790)
The Autobiography
Unit 2 WashingtonIrving(1783—1859)
Rip Van Winkle
Unit 3 Edgar Allan Poe(1809—1849)
The Fall of the House of Usher
Unit 4 Ralph Waldo Emerson(1803—1882)
Unit 5 Nathaniel Hawthorne(1804—1864)
Chapter XXⅢ The Revelation of the Scarlet Letter
Unit 6 Herman Melville(1819—1891)
Moby-Dick Chapter cxxxv The Chase—Third Day
Unit 7 19th-Century American Poets (1819—1892)
Walt Whitman(1819—1892)
Emily Dickinson(1830 1886)
Unit 8 Mark Twain(1835—1910)
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Unit 9 TheodoreDreiser(1871 1945)
The Way of the Beaten: A Harp in the Wind
Unit 10 JackLondon(1876—1916)
The Law of Life
Unit 11 Ernest Hemingway(1899—1961)
A Farewell to Arms
Unit 12 Francis Scott Fitzgerald(1896—1940)
The Great Gatsby
Unit 13 John Ernest Steinbeck(1902—1968)
The Grapes of Wrath
Unit 14 William(Cuthbert)Faulkner(1897—1962)
Dry September
Unit 15 Eugene(Gladstone) O’Nei11(1888—1953)
Long Day''s Journey Into Night
Unit 16 Joseph Heller(1923—1999)
Unit 17 Flannery O’Connor(1925 1964)
A Goocl Man Is Hard to Find
Unit 18 Saul Bellow(1915—2005)
Seize the Day
Unit 19 Allen Ginsberg(1926—1997)
Unit 20 Alice Walker(1944—)
Everyday Use
unit 1 benjamin franklin (1706—1790)
the autobiography
unit 2 washingtonirving(1783—1859)
rip van winkle
unit 3 edgar allan poe(1809—1849)
the fall of the house of usher
unit 4 ralph waldo emerson(1803—1882)
unit 5 nathaniel hawthorne(1804—1864)
chapter xxⅲ the revelation of the scarlet letter
unit 6 herman melville(1819—1891)
moby-dick chapter cxxxv the chase—third day
unit 7 19th-century american poets (1819—1892)
walt whitman(1819—1892)
emily dickinson(1830 1886)
unit 8 mark twain(1835—1910)
the adventures of huckleberry finn
unit 9 theodoredreiser(1871 1945)
the way of the beaten: a harp in the wind
.unit 10 jacklondon(1876—1916)
the law of life
unit 11 ernest hemingway(1899—1961)
a farewell to arms
unit 12 francis scott fitzgerald(1896—1940)
the great gatsby
unit 13 john ernest steinbeck(1902—1968)
the grapes of wrath
unit 14 william(cuthbert)faulkner(1897—1962)
dry september
unit 15 eugene(gladstone) o’nei11(1888—1953)
long day's journey into night
unit 16 joseph heller(1923—1999)
unit 17 flannery o’connor(1925 1964)
a goocl man is hard to find
unit 18 saul bellow(1915—2005)
seize the day
unit 19 allen ginsberg(1926—1997)
unit 20 alice walker(1944—)
everyday use
unit 1 benjamin franklin (1706—1790)
the autobiography
unit 2 washingtonirving(1783—1859)
rip van winkle
unit 3 edgar allan poe(1809—1849)
the fall of the house of usher
unit 4 ralph waldo emerson(1803—1882)
unit 5 nathaniel hawthorne(1804—1864)
chapter xxⅲ the revelation of the scarlet letter
unit 6 herman melville(1819—1891)
moby-dick chapter cxxxv the chase—third day
unit 7 19th-century american poets (1819—1892)
walt whitman(1819—1892)
emily dickinson(1830 1886)
unit 8 mark twain(1835—1910)
the adventures of huckleberry finn
unit 9 theodoredreiser(1871 1945)
the way of the beaten: a harp in the wind
.unit 10 jacklondon(1876—1916)
the law of life
unit 11 ernest hemingway(1899—1961)
a farewell to arms
unit 12 francis scott fitzgerald(1896—1940)
the great gatsby
unit 13 john ernest steinbeck(1902—1968)
the grapes of wrath
unit 14 william(cuthbert)faulkner(1897—1962)
dry september
unit 15 eugene(gladstone) o’nei11(1888—1953)
long day's journey into night
unit 16 joseph heller(1923—1999)
unit 17 flannery o’connor(1925 1964)
a goocl man is hard to find
unit 18 saul bellow(1915—2005)
seize the day
unit 19 allen ginsberg(1926—1997)
unit 20 alice walker(1944—)
everyday use
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