about the authors
unit 1 college pressures
learning new words
new words preview
new words study
exercise 1 new words
learning words ofacquaintance
exercise 2 familiar words
pre—reading questions
exercise 3 reading comprehension check
exercise 4 test on topic awareness
toward writing
mimetic sentence writing
writing skill recognition:the purpose of writing
writing processing:collecting ideas
writing task
first draft
.unit 2 education and discipline
learning new words
new words preview
new words study
exercise l new words
learning words ofacquaintance
exercise 2 familiar words
pre-reading questions
exercise 3 reading comprehension check
exercise 4 test on topic awareness
toward writing
mimetic sentence writing
writing skill recognition:writing introduction
writing processing:collecting ideas
writing task
first draft
unit 3 workers
learning new words
new words preview
newwords study
exercise 1 new words
learning words ofacquaintance
exercise 2 familiar words
pre-reading questions
exercise 3 reading comprehension check
exercise 4 test on topic awareness
toward writing
mimetic sentence writing
writing skill recognition:subject and thesis
writing processing:collecting ideas
writing task
first draft
unit 4 reflection of an elitist
unit 5 the family out of favor
unit 6 friends.good friends——and such good friends
unit 7 the art of loving
unit 8 dolly is a clone——and no longer alone
unit 9 the warming of the world
appendix 1 revising profile
appendix 2 key to the exercises
appendix 3 glossary
Advanced College English,Reading and Writing Course
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