part one the united kingdom of great britain and north-ern ireland
chapter 1 land and people
chapter 2 the origins of a nation(5000bc-1066)
chapter 3 the shaping of the nation(1066-1381)
chapter 4 transition to the modern age(1455-1688)
chapter 5 the rise and fall of the british empire(1688-1990)
chapter 6 the economy
chapter 7 government and administrati
n_chapter 8 justice and the law
chapter 9 social affairs
chapter 10 cultural affairs
part two the republic of ireland
part three the united states of america
part four canada
part five australia
part six new zealand
chapter 1 land and people
chapter 2 the origins of a nation(5000bc-1066)
chapter 3 the shaping of the nation(1066-1381)
chapter 4 transition to the modern age(1455-1688)
chapter 5 the rise and fall of the british empire(1688-1990)
chapter 6 the economy
chapter 7 government and administrati
n_chapter 8 justice and the law
chapter 9 social affairs
chapter 10 cultural affairs
part two the republic of ireland
part three the united states of america
part four canada
part five australia
part six new zealand
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