《北极星大学英语系列教程》是由清华大学出版社引进、培生教育集团面向非英语国家精心打造的21世纪最新大学英语教材。它知识内容极其丰富、内涵颇深又极具亲和力,更能适应新世纪英语学习者的需要。教材分两个系列:听说系列(Focus on Listening and Speaking)和读写系列(Focus on Reading and Writing )。每个系列各分为5个等级,即:入门(Introductory)、基础(Basic)、中级(Intermdediate)、提高(High Intermediate)、高级(Advanced),它具有多方面的特色;编写思路明确,编写人员水平出众,语言真实地道,文化信息量大,强调互动式学习,教材体系完备,有配套学习网站(www.longman.com/northstar)。本书为《听说》(高级)学生用书。
1 the internet and other addictions
theme: addiction
listening 1: interview with an internet addiction counselor
listening 2: is "internet addiction" a real illness? a debate
grammar: wish statements--expressing unreality
style: challenging an argument
2 the oldest old: a look at
theme: aging
listening 1: interview with the director of a senior citizen village
listening 2: radio talk show--introduction of centenarian guests
grammar: noun clauses after verbs of urgency
style: asking for and responding to opinions
3 the bold and the bashful
theme: personality
listening 1: americans are getting shyer
listening 2: the pollyanna syndrome
grammar: adjective clauses--identifying and nonidentifying
style: starting a conversation and keeping it going
4 toast to the tap: the water we drink
.theme: our environment--water
listening 1: interview with a master water taster
listening 2: "poison in the well" (song}
grammar: adverb clauses of result
style: probing for information and hesitating to respond
5 feng shui: ancient wisdom travels west
theme: crosscultural insights
listening. 1: interview with a feng shui expert
listening 2: feng shui in the newsroom
grammar: spoken discourse connectors
style: emphasizing a point
6 lost souls: the world of cults
theme: religion
listening 1: interview with a cult expert
listening 2: interview with a cult information specialist
grammar: count and non-count nouns and their quantifiers
style: reporting and reacting to news events
7 who's listening? who's looking? workplace privacy
theme: business
listening 1: interview on workplace surveillance
listening 2: managers and employees speak out about workplace privacy
grammar: verb + gerund or infinitive
style: framing an argument
8 warriors without weapons
theme: the military
listening 1: warriors without weapons
listening 2: michael ignatieff's views on war
grammar: direct and indirect speech
style: responding to complex or controversial questions
9 boosting brain power through the arts
theme: the arts
listening 1: does music enhance math skills?
listening 2: music, art, and the brain
grammar: the passive voice and the passive causative
style: expressions that link sentences or ideas
10 television and freedom of expression
theme: first amendment issues
listening 1: interview with newsweek magazine entertainment editor
listening 2: interview with former chairman of mpaa ratings board
grammar: modals--degrees of certainty
style: expressing doubts or reservations
student activities
answer key
theme: addiction
listening 1: interview with an internet addiction counselor
listening 2: is "internet addiction" a real illness? a debate
grammar: wish statements--expressing unreality
style: challenging an argument
2 the oldest old: a look at
theme: aging
listening 1: interview with the director of a senior citizen village
listening 2: radio talk show--introduction of centenarian guests
grammar: noun clauses after verbs of urgency
style: asking for and responding to opinions
3 the bold and the bashful
theme: personality
listening 1: americans are getting shyer
listening 2: the pollyanna syndrome
grammar: adjective clauses--identifying and nonidentifying
style: starting a conversation and keeping it going
4 toast to the tap: the water we drink
.theme: our environment--water
listening 1: interview with a master water taster
listening 2: "poison in the well" (song}
grammar: adverb clauses of result
style: probing for information and hesitating to respond
5 feng shui: ancient wisdom travels west
theme: crosscultural insights
listening. 1: interview with a feng shui expert
listening 2: feng shui in the newsroom
grammar: spoken discourse connectors
style: emphasizing a point
6 lost souls: the world of cults
theme: religion
listening 1: interview with a cult expert
listening 2: interview with a cult information specialist
grammar: count and non-count nouns and their quantifiers
style: reporting and reacting to news events
7 who's listening? who's looking? workplace privacy
theme: business
listening 1: interview on workplace surveillance
listening 2: managers and employees speak out about workplace privacy
grammar: verb + gerund or infinitive
style: framing an argument
8 warriors without weapons
theme: the military
listening 1: warriors without weapons
listening 2: michael ignatieff's views on war
grammar: direct and indirect speech
style: responding to complex or controversial questions
9 boosting brain power through the arts
theme: the arts
listening 1: does music enhance math skills?
listening 2: music, art, and the brain
grammar: the passive voice and the passive causative
style: expressions that link sentences or ideas
10 television and freedom of expression
theme: first amendment issues
listening 1: interview with newsweek magazine entertainment editor
listening 2: interview with former chairman of mpaa ratings board
grammar: modals--degrees of certainty
style: expressing doubts or reservations
student activities
answer key
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