Berkeley problems in mathematics数学中伯克利问题
This book is a compilation of approximately nine hundred problems, which have appeared on the preliminary exams in Berkeley over the last twenty years. It is an invaluable source of problems and solutions for every mathematics student who plans to enter a Ph.D. program. Students who work through this book will develop problem solving skills in areas such as real analysis, multivariable calculus, differential equations, metric spaces, complex analysis, algebra, and linear algebra. The problems are organized by subject and ordered in an increasing level of difficulty. This new edition contains approximately 120 new problems and 200 new solutions. It is an ideal means for students to strengthen their foundation in basic mathematics and to prepare for graduate studies.
Ⅰ Problems
1 Real Analysis
2 Multivariable Calculus
3 Differential Equations
4 Metric Spaces
5 Complex Analysis
6 Algebra
7 Linear Algebra
Ⅱ Solutions
1 Real Analysis
2 Multivariable Calculus
3 Differential Equations
4 Metric Spaces
5 Complex Analysis
6 Algebra
7 Linear Algebra
Ⅲ Appendices
A How to Get the Exams
B Passing Scores
C The Syllabus
Ⅰ Problems
1 Real Analysis
2 Multivariable Calculus
3 Differential Equations
4 Metric Spaces
5 Complex Analysis
6 Algebra
7 Linear Algebra
Ⅱ Solutions
1 Real Analysis
2 Multivariable Calculus
3 Differential Equations
4 Metric Spaces
5 Complex Analysis
6 Algebra
7 Linear Algebra
Ⅲ Appendices
A How to Get the Exams
B Passing Scores
C The Syllabus
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