Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 A General Overview of Theories on Metaphor
2.1 Traditional Views of Metaphor
2.1.1 Comparison and Substitution Theory
2.1.2 Interaction Theory
2.1.3 Summary
2.2 Cognitive View of Metaphor--The Theoretical Framework
of the Study
2.2.1 The Working Mechanism of Metaphor
—The Cross—domain Mapping
2.2.2 The Experiential Basis of Metaphor
2.2.3 The Categories of Metaphor
2.2.4 The Main Characteristics of Metaphor
2.2.5 Summary
2.3 Recent Studies Adopting the Cognitive Approach to
2.4 Issues Faced by the Cognitive Approach to Metaphor
2.5 The Purpose of the Present Study
2.5.1 A Case Study on Metaphors in Chinese Economic Discourse
( t949 - 2008) from a Diachronic Perspective
2.5.2 A Case Study on Metaphors in English and Chinese Economic
Discourse (2003 -2008) from a Cross-linguistic Perspective
Chapter 3 Methodological Considerations
3.1 The Thorny Issue of Metaphor Identification
3.1.1 The Criteria for Metaphor Identification
3.1.2 How to Get from Linguistic Metaphor to Conceptual
3.2 The Corpus-based Approach
3.2. 1 Extracting Metaphors from Corpora
3.2.2 The Corpora of the Study
Chapter 4 A Study on Metaphors in Chinese Economic
Discourse ( 1949 - 2008)
4. 1 Statistical Analysis of Metaphors in Chinese
Economic Discourses
4.2 Metaphors in the Discourses before the Reform and
Opening-up ( 1949 - 1978)
4.2.1 The War Metaphor
4.2.2 The Human Being Metaphor
4.2.3 The Journey Metaphor
4.2.4 The Liquid Metaphor
4. 3 Metaphors in the Discourses During and After Carrying
Out the Policy of the Reform and Opening-up
( 1979 - 2008)
4.3.1 The War Metaphor
4.3.2 The Game Metaphor
4.3.3 The Human Being Metaphor
4.3.4 The Journey Metaphor
4.3.5 The Mechanism Metaphor
4.3.6 The Building Metaphor
4.3.7 The Liquid Metaphor
4.4 A Comparative Analysis of Metaphors Used in Two
Different Periods
4.4.1 The Similarities
4.4.2 The Differences
Chapter 5 A Study on Metaphors in English and Chinese
Economic Discourses on Mergers and Acquisitions
(2003 - 2008)
5.1 Dominant Metaphors in English and Chinese Mergers
and Acquisitions Discourses
5.1.1 The War and Fighting Metaphor
5.1.2 The Marriage/Romance Metaphor
5.1.3 The Game/Sports Metaphor
5.1. 4 The Hunting Metaphor
5.1.5 Co-occurrence of Metaphors
5.1. 6 Discussion
5.2 A Comparative Analysis of Metaphors in Mergers and
Acquisitions Discourses
5.2.1 Cultural Models
5.2.2 Differences in the Frequency
5. 2.3 Differences in the Category
5.3 Summary
Chapter 6 Conclusion
6. 1 The Findings of the Study
6. 2 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research
6.2.1 Limitations
6.2.2 Suggestions for Future Research
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 A General Overview of Theories on Metaphor
2.1 Traditional Views of Metaphor
2.1.1 Comparison and Substitution Theory
2.1.2 Interaction Theory
2.1.3 Summary
2.2 Cognitive View of Metaphor--The Theoretical Framework
of the Study
2.2.1 The Working Mechanism of Metaphor
—The Cross—domain Mapping
2.2.2 The Experiential Basis of Metaphor
2.2.3 The Categories of Metaphor
2.2.4 The Main Characteristics of Metaphor
2.2.5 Summary
2.3 Recent Studies Adopting the Cognitive Approach to
2.4 Issues Faced by the Cognitive Approach to Metaphor
2.5 The Purpose of the Present Study
2.5.1 A Case Study on Metaphors in Chinese Economic Discourse
( t949 - 2008) from a Diachronic Perspective
2.5.2 A Case Study on Metaphors in English and Chinese Economic
Discourse (2003 -2008) from a Cross-linguistic Perspective
Chapter 3 Methodological Considerations
3.1 The Thorny Issue of Metaphor Identification
3.1.1 The Criteria for Metaphor Identification
3.1.2 How to Get from Linguistic Metaphor to Conceptual
3.2 The Corpus-based Approach
3.2. 1 Extracting Metaphors from Corpora
3.2.2 The Corpora of the Study
Chapter 4 A Study on Metaphors in Chinese Economic
Discourse ( 1949 - 2008)
4. 1 Statistical Analysis of Metaphors in Chinese
Economic Discourses
4.2 Metaphors in the Discourses before the Reform and
Opening-up ( 1949 - 1978)
4.2.1 The War Metaphor
4.2.2 The Human Being Metaphor
4.2.3 The Journey Metaphor
4.2.4 The Liquid Metaphor
4. 3 Metaphors in the Discourses During and After Carrying
Out the Policy of the Reform and Opening-up
( 1979 - 2008)
4.3.1 The War Metaphor
4.3.2 The Game Metaphor
4.3.3 The Human Being Metaphor
4.3.4 The Journey Metaphor
4.3.5 The Mechanism Metaphor
4.3.6 The Building Metaphor
4.3.7 The Liquid Metaphor
4.4 A Comparative Analysis of Metaphors Used in Two
Different Periods
4.4.1 The Similarities
4.4.2 The Differences
Chapter 5 A Study on Metaphors in English and Chinese
Economic Discourses on Mergers and Acquisitions
(2003 - 2008)
5.1 Dominant Metaphors in English and Chinese Mergers
and Acquisitions Discourses
5.1.1 The War and Fighting Metaphor
5.1.2 The Marriage/Romance Metaphor
5.1.3 The Game/Sports Metaphor
5.1. 4 The Hunting Metaphor
5.1.5 Co-occurrence of Metaphors
5.1. 6 Discussion
5.2 A Comparative Analysis of Metaphors in Mergers and
Acquisitions Discourses
5.2.1 Cultural Models
5.2.2 Differences in the Frequency
5. 2.3 Differences in the Category
5.3 Summary
Chapter 6 Conclusion
6. 1 The Findings of the Study
6. 2 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research
6.2.1 Limitations
6.2.2 Suggestions for Future Research
Metaphor and ideology in economic discourse
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