Indiana, 1818. Moonlight falls through the dense woods thatsurround a one-room cabin, where a nine-year-old Abraham Lincolnkneels at his suffering mother's bedside. She's been stricken withsomething the old-timers call "Milk Sickness."
"My baby boy..." she whispers before dying.
Only later will the grieving Abe learn that his mother's fatalaffliction was actually the work of a vampire.
When the truth becomes known to young Lincoln, he writes in hisjournal, "henceforth my life shall be one of rigorous study anddevotion. I shall become a master of mind and body. And thismastery shall have but one purpose..." Gifted with his legendaryheight, strength, and skill with an ax, Abe sets out on a path ofvengeance that will lead him all the way to the White House.
While Abraham Lincoln is widely lauded for saving a Union andfreeing millions of slaves, his valiant fight against the forces ofthe undead has remained in the shadows for hundreds of years. Thatis, until Seth Grahame-Smith stumbled upon The Secret Journal ofAbraham Lincoln, and became the first living person to lay eyes onit in more than 140 years.
Using the journal as his guide and writing in the grandbiographical style of Doris Kearns Goodwin and David McCullough,Seth has reconstructed the true life story of our greatestpresident for the first time-all while revealing the hidden historybehind the Civil War and uncovering the role vampires played in thebirth, growth, and near-death of our nation.
"Seth Grahame-Smith is an excellent writer whose prose raisesAbraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter a step above others of itsgenre...[He] does such an excellent job blending the facts ofLincoln's life into the story that it is sometimes hard todetermine fact from fiction...Suspenseful, and most readers willwant to read it in one sitting." ( Asbury ParkPress)
"Evocative...Grahame-Smith [is] a lively, fluent writer with asharp sense of tone and pace." (TIME)
"Thanks to P&P&Z, a delicious mutant book craze wasborn. But then opportunists infested the territory...It's nice tosee plucky Grahame-Smith retake his turf." (EntertainmentWeekly)
"Not just the Lincoln biography we've all been waiting for. It'salso the funniest, most action-packed and weirdly well-researchedaccount of the Civil War you'll probably read in a long time.Grahame-Smith could be poised to become the Howard Zinn ofvampire-related alterna-history." (VanityFair)
"Grahame-Smith does an excellent job of capturing the spirit ofthis style of story-telling, mixing historically accurate anecdoteswith entries from Lincoln's fictional secret journal, weaving thevampire elements into the story in a manner that's quitebelievable." (Wired)
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