World Bank Economists' Forum, volume 2 /
作 者:edited by Shantayanan Devarajan, F. Halsey Rogers.
Publisher Summary 1
This volume evaluates some of the key dimensions of human development and growth. It provides eight exceptional papers from the second World Bank Economists' Forum held in May 2001 in Washington, DC. These papers were selected from among the 46 papers presented at the Forum. Many of those selected concentrate on the issues surrounding "empowerment". The focus is upon ensuring that poor people have the education, health care, social protection, and other mechanisms necessary for them to participate in economic growth and social development.
Table Of Contents:
Preface v
Acknowledgments vii
Part I. Household Behavior and Health
Estimating the Extent of Patient Ignorance of the Health Care Market 3(22)
Mukesh Chawla
Public Transfers and Migrants' Remittances: Evidence from the Recent Armenian Experience 25(26)
Edmundo Murrugarra
Part II. Communities and Welfare
Better a Hundred Friends Than a Hundred Rubles? Social Networks in Transition-The Kyrgyz Republic 51(38)
Kathleen Kuehnast
Nora Dudwick
An Empirical Investigation of Collective Action Possibilities for Industrial Water Pollution Abatement: Case Study of a Cluster of Small-Scale Industries in India 89(28)
Smita Misra
Part III. Local Governments and Basic Services
An Assessment of the Impact of Decentralization on the Quality of Education in Chile 117(38)
Emanuela Di Gropello
Who Benefits from Increased Access to Public Services at the Local Level? A Marginal Benefit Incidence Analysis for Education and Basic Infrastructure 155(24)
Mohamed Ihsan Ajwad
Quentin Wodon
Part IV. Firms and Governments Under Uncertainty
Contractual Savings, Capital Markets, and Financing Choices of Firms 179(44)
Gregorio Impavido
Alberto R. Musalem
Thierry Tressel
Public Expenditures and Risk Reduction 223
Shantayanan Devarajan
Jeffrey S. Hammer
Preface v
Acknowledgments vii
Part I. Household Behavior and Health
Estimating the Extent of Patient Ignorance of the Health Care Market 3(22)
Mukesh Chawla
Public Transfers and Migrants' Remittances: Evidence from the Recent Armenian Experience 25(26)
Edmundo Murrugarra
Part II. Communities and Welfare
Better a Hundred Friends Than a Hundred Rubles? Social Networks in Transition-The Kyrgyz Republic 51(38)
Kathleen Kuehnast
Nora Dudwick
An Empirical Investigation of Collective Action Possibilities for Industrial Water Pollution Abatement: Case Study of a Cluster of Small-Scale Industries in India 89(28)
Smita Misra
Part III. Local Governments and Basic Services
An Assessment of the Impact of Decentralization on the Quality of Education in Chile 117(38)
Emanuela Di Gropello
Who Benefits from Increased Access to Public Services at the Local Level? A Marginal Benefit Incidence Analysis for Education and Basic Infrastructure 155(24)
Mohamed Ihsan Ajwad
Quentin Wodon
Part IV. Firms and Governments Under Uncertainty
Contractual Savings, Capital Markets, and Financing Choices of Firms 179(44)
Gregorio Impavido
Alberto R. Musalem
Thierry Tressel
Public Expenditures and Risk Reduction 223
Shantayanan Devarajan
Jeffrey S. Hammer
World Bank Economists' Forum, volume 2 /
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