Proceeding of The 4th China-Japan-US Symposium on Structural control and Monitoring Oct. 16-17, 2006, Hangzhou, China
作 者:项贻强主编
a. kenote lectures
on explotitaion of senosr signals in the control and montoring of modern mechatronic systems
structural design and comprehensive monitoring of seismic isol ated tall steel building
recent advances on research and practical application of structural control and structural health monitoring in mainland china
earthquake protection of sistorical asonry structures using pass-ive control systems
recent innovations and practices on seismic structural response control
smart aggregate
optimum design of dampers for stay cable
recent developmennts optic based distributed monitoring technologies
wind-rain-induced vibration and control of stay cablesincab;esom cab;e-sta-yed bridges
advance in health monitoring and assessment theory of lone span concrete bridge an dapplication
b. invited papers
c. seismic design and analysis
d. vibration control
e. innovative materials and structural health monitoring
g. structural safety and durability
h. assessment and integrated health monitoring system
i. construction control,theoretical analysis and numerical simulatdion
on explotitaion of senosr signals in the control and montoring of modern mechatronic systems
structural design and comprehensive monitoring of seismic isol ated tall steel building
recent advances on research and practical application of structural control and structural health monitoring in mainland china
earthquake protection of sistorical asonry structures using pass-ive control systems
recent innovations and practices on seismic structural response control
smart aggregate
optimum design of dampers for stay cable
recent developmennts optic based distributed monitoring technologies
wind-rain-induced vibration and control of stay cablesincab;esom cab;e-sta-yed bridges
advance in health monitoring and assessment theory of lone span concrete bridge an dapplication
b. invited papers
c. seismic design and analysis
d. vibration control
e. innovative materials and structural health monitoring
g. structural safety and durability
h. assessment and integrated health monitoring system
i. construction control,theoretical analysis and numerical simulatdion
Proceeding of The 4th China-Japan-US Symposium on Structural control and Monitoring Oct. 16-17, 2006, Hangzhou, China
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