Decorative Veins of the N&w and Qing Dynasties'Furniture
1.黄花梨圆角柜·明Huanghuali roundcorner cabinet,Ming Dynasty
2.黄花梨六门小柜(一对)·明Huanghuali six-door small cabinet(one pair),Ming Dynasty
3.黄花梨对开门圆角柜·明Huangbuali antitbetical round-corner cabinet,Ming Dynasty
4.黄花梨顶箱柜(一对)·明Huanghuali Mink cabinet(one pair),Ming Dynasty
5.铁梨木五抹门圆角柜·明Tielimu five-door round-comer cabinet,Ming Dynasty
6.铁梨木五抹门圆角柜局——镶瘿木面Tielimu five-door round-comer cabinet-top inlaid widi wait wood(detail)
7.黄花梨雕富贵花三节柜·明Huanghuali diree-layer cabinet engraved with rich flowers,Ming Dynasty
9.黄花梨四件柜(一对)·明Huanghuali four-piece suit ot cabinet(one pair),Ming Dynasty
10.黄花梨单门柜·清早期Huanghuali one-door cabinet,early period of the Qmg Dynasty
12.紫檀雕花卉纹顶箱大柜(一对)·清Zitan big crowncased cabinet engraved with flower lines(one pair)
13.紫檀雕花卉纹顶箱大柜局部——内部结构Zitan big crown-cased cabinet engraved with flower lines
14.紫檀雕花卉纹顶箱大柜局部——柜门浮雕卷草纹Zitan big crown-cased cabinet engravedwitliflowerlinescabinet door carved with relief curved grass lines(detail)
15.紫檀雕云龙纹顶箱柜(一对)·清Zitan crown-cased cabinet engraved with cloud and dragon designs(one pair)
16.紫檀雕云龙纹顶箱柜局部——顶柜柜门浮雕云龙纹Zitan crown-cased cabinet en-graved with cloud and dragon
17.紫檀雕云龙纹顶箱柜局部——立柜柜门浮雕云龙纹Zitan crown-cased cabinet engraved with cloud and dragon designs-clothes closet door carved in relief with cloudand dragon designs(detail)
18.金丝楠木顶箱柜(一对)·清Spun gold nammi crown-cased cabinet(one pair),Oing Dynasty
19.金丝楠木顶箱柜局部——立柜柜门Spun gold nanmu crown-casedcabinet-clothes closet door (detail)
20.金丝楠木顶箱柜局部——顶柜柜门Spun gold nanmu. crown-cased cabinet-cown cabinet door(detail)
21.紫檀雕云龙纹双屉小四件柜(一对)·清中期Zitan small twc,-drawer four-piece cabi-net engraved
22.紫檀雕云龙纹双屉小四件柜局部——顶柜柜门Zitan small two-drawer four-ece cabinet engraved with dragon and cloud
23.紫檀雕云龙纹双屉小四件柜局部——立柜柜门Zitan small two-drawer four-piece cabinet engraved with dragon and cloud de-signs-clothes closet door(detail)
24.鸂鶒木雕云龙纹顶箱柜·清Xichimu crown-cased cabinet engraved with cloud and dragon patterns,Qing Dynasty
25.红木雕山水人物纹四件柜(一对)·清中期Hongmu four-piece cabinet engraved with mountain
26.红木雕山水人物纹四件柜局部——顶柜柜门浮雕山水人物纹Hongmu four-piee cabinet engraved with mountain
27.红木雕山水人物纹四件柜局部——顶柜柜门浮雕山水人物纹146ngmu four-piececabinet engraved with mountain,river and per-son designscrown cabinet door(detail)
28.红木雕山水人物纹四件柜局部——立柜柜门浮雕山水人物纹Hongmu four-piececabinet engraved with mountain,river and per-son designsclothes closet door(detail)
29.红木雕八仙人物纹四件柜(一对)·清中期Hongmu four-piece cabinet engraved with Eight Immortals designs(one pair),middle period of the Qing Dynasty
30.红木雕八仙人物纹四件柜局部——立柜柜门浮雕八仙人物纹和膛板Hongmu four piece cabinet engraved with Eight Immor tals designs(detail)
31.红木雕云龙纹多宝槅(一对)·清中期Hongtnu multi-ftinction cabinet engraved
32.紫檀包镶多宝槅(一对)清中期Zitan en-graved multi function cabinet(one pair),middle period of the Qing Dynasty
33.紫檀包镶多宝福局部——侧面描金山水花鸟纹Zitan engraved multi-function cabi-net-side face
34.紫檀包镶多宝槅局部——柜门浮雕山水人物纹Zitan engraved multi-fanction cabi-net-cabinet door carved in relief mountain,river and person designs(detail)
35.鸂鶒木多宝槅(一对)清中期 Xichimu multi-ftinction cabinet (one pair), middle penod of the Qing Dynasty
36.鸂鶒木多宝槅局部——透雕花牙Xichi-mu multi-function cabinet hollowed engraved Imaya(detail)
37.紫檀雕花卉纹多宝槅(一对)·清中期Zitan multi-function cabinet engraved with flower veins (one pair)
38.紫檀雕花卉纹多宝槅局部——小对开门Zitan multi-function cabinet engraved with
39.紫檀雕云龙纹多宝槅(一对)·清Zitanmulti-ftinction cabinet engraved with cloud and dragon designs (one pair)
40.紫檀雕云龙纹多宝槅局部)——圆雕狮子Zitan multi-ftinction cabinet engraved with cloud and dragon
41.紫檀雕云龙纹多宝槅局部——牙板Zitan multi-function cabinet engraved with cloud and dragon
42.紫檀雕云龙纹多宝槅局部——柜门浮雕云龙纹Zitan multi-function cabinet en-graved with cloud and dragon
43.红木双门双屉多宝槅(一对)·清Hongmu. double-door and double-drawer multi function cabinet (one pair),Qing Dynasty
44.红木双门双屉多宝槅局部——柜门浮雕云龙纹Hongmu double-door and double-drawer multi-function cabinet-cabinet door(detail)
45.黄花梨小多宝槅(一对)·清Huang-huali small multi-function cabinet(one pair),Qing Dynasty
46.红木雕云龙纹箱·清Hongmu case engraved with cloud and dragon patterns,Qing Dynasty
47.红木雕云龙纹箱局部——浮雕云龙纹Hongmu case engraved with cloud and dragon patterns-cloud and dragon patterns(detail)
48.紫檀藤面罗汉床·明Zitan cane-surfaced arhat bed, Ming Dynasty
49.红木嵌石五屏式罗汉床·清Hongrnu five-screen-styled arhat bed inlaid with precious stones, Qing Dynasty
50.红木嵌螺钿七屏式罗汉床·清Hongmu seven-screen-styled arhat bed inlaid with mother-of-pearls,Qing Dynasty
51.红木雕竹节床·清Hongmu,bed carved with bamboo,Qing Dynasty
52.红木雕竹节床局部——靠背Hongmu bed carved with bamboo-backseat (detail)
53.红木嵌螺钿三屏式榻·清Hongmu diree-screen-styled couch inlaid with mother-of-pearls,Qing Dynasty
54.红木嵌螺钿三屏式榻局部——鹤纹Hongmu three-screen styled couch inlaid with mother-of-pearls(detail)
55.红木嵌螺钿三屏式榻局部——鹿纹Hongmu three-screen-styled couch inlaid with mother-of-pearls(detail)
56.红木双狮绣球纹大帽镜·清Hongmu big cap mirror engraved with double lions sporting with an ornamental ball patterns,Qing Dynasty
57.红木狮座穿衣镜·清Hongmu pier glass with lion-decarated base frame,Qing Dynasty
58.紫檀嵌铜海水龙纹四扇折屏·清中期Zitan four piece folding screen inlaid with copper and engraved with
59.红木仿竹折屏·清Hongmu folding screen in unitation of bamboo,Oing Dynasty
60.榆木雕龙纹隔扇·清Yumu partition board engraved with dragon patterns,Oing Dynasty
61.榆木雕龙纹隔扇局部——裙板透雕螭龙捧寿纹Yumu partition board engraved with dragon patterns(detail)
62.榆木雕龙纹隔扇局部——透雕螭龙纹Yumu partition board engraved with dragon patterns(detail)
63.榆木雕龙纹隔扇局部——透雕灵芝纹Yumu partition board engraved with dragon patterns(detail)
小辞典Srnafi nesaurus
明清家具(1996-2003年)拍卖价格Auction Price for Furnftre of the Ming and Qing Dynasties(1996-2003)
Decorative Veins of the N&w and Qing Dynasties'Furniture
1.黄花梨圆角柜·明Huanghuali roundcorner cabinet,Ming Dynasty
2.黄花梨六门小柜(一对)·明Huanghuali six-door small cabinet(one pair),Ming Dynasty
3.黄花梨对开门圆角柜·明Huangbuali antitbetical round-corner cabinet,Ming Dynasty
4.黄花梨顶箱柜(一对)·明Huanghuali Mink cabinet(one pair),Ming Dynasty
5.铁梨木五抹门圆角柜·明Tielimu five-door round-comer cabinet,Ming Dynasty
6.铁梨木五抹门圆角柜局——镶瘿木面Tielimu five-door round-comer cabinet-top inlaid widi wait wood(detail)
7.黄花梨雕富贵花三节柜·明Huanghuali diree-layer cabinet engraved with rich flowers,Ming Dynasty
9.黄花梨四件柜(一对)·明Huanghuali four-piece suit ot cabinet(one pair),Ming Dynasty
10.黄花梨单门柜·清早期Huanghuali one-door cabinet,early period of the Qmg Dynasty
12.紫檀雕花卉纹顶箱大柜(一对)·清Zitan big crowncased cabinet engraved with flower lines(one pair)
13.紫檀雕花卉纹顶箱大柜局部——内部结构Zitan big crown-cased cabinet engraved with flower lines
14.紫檀雕花卉纹顶箱大柜局部——柜门浮雕卷草纹Zitan big crown-cased cabinet engravedwitliflowerlinescabinet door carved with relief curved grass lines(detail)
15.紫檀雕云龙纹顶箱柜(一对)·清Zitan crown-cased cabinet engraved with cloud and dragon designs(one pair)
16.紫檀雕云龙纹顶箱柜局部——顶柜柜门浮雕云龙纹Zitan crown-cased cabinet en-graved with cloud and dragon
17.紫檀雕云龙纹顶箱柜局部——立柜柜门浮雕云龙纹Zitan crown-cased cabinet engraved with cloud and dragon designs-clothes closet door carved in relief with cloudand dragon designs(detail)
18.金丝楠木顶箱柜(一对)·清Spun gold nammi crown-cased cabinet(one pair),Oing Dynasty
19.金丝楠木顶箱柜局部——立柜柜门Spun gold nanmu crown-casedcabinet-clothes closet door (detail)
20.金丝楠木顶箱柜局部——顶柜柜门Spun gold nanmu. crown-cased cabinet-cown cabinet door(detail)
21.紫檀雕云龙纹双屉小四件柜(一对)·清中期Zitan small twc,-drawer four-piece cabi-net engraved
22.紫檀雕云龙纹双屉小四件柜局部——顶柜柜门Zitan small two-drawer four-ece cabinet engraved with dragon and cloud
23.紫檀雕云龙纹双屉小四件柜局部——立柜柜门Zitan small two-drawer four-piece cabinet engraved with dragon and cloud de-signs-clothes closet door(detail)
24.鸂鶒木雕云龙纹顶箱柜·清Xichimu crown-cased cabinet engraved with cloud and dragon patterns,Qing Dynasty
25.红木雕山水人物纹四件柜(一对)·清中期Hongmu four-piece cabinet engraved with mountain
26.红木雕山水人物纹四件柜局部——顶柜柜门浮雕山水人物纹Hongmu four-piee cabinet engraved with mountain
27.红木雕山水人物纹四件柜局部——顶柜柜门浮雕山水人物纹146ngmu four-piececabinet engraved with mountain,river and per-son designscrown cabinet door(detail)
28.红木雕山水人物纹四件柜局部——立柜柜门浮雕山水人物纹Hongmu four-piececabinet engraved with mountain,river and per-son designsclothes closet door(detail)
29.红木雕八仙人物纹四件柜(一对)·清中期Hongmu four-piece cabinet engraved with Eight Immortals designs(one pair),middle period of the Qing Dynasty
30.红木雕八仙人物纹四件柜局部——立柜柜门浮雕八仙人物纹和膛板Hongmu four piece cabinet engraved with Eight Immor tals designs(detail)
31.红木雕云龙纹多宝槅(一对)·清中期Hongtnu multi-ftinction cabinet engraved
32.紫檀包镶多宝槅(一对)清中期Zitan en-graved multi function cabinet(one pair),middle period of the Qing Dynasty
33.紫檀包镶多宝福局部——侧面描金山水花鸟纹Zitan engraved multi-function cabi-net-side face
34.紫檀包镶多宝槅局部——柜门浮雕山水人物纹Zitan engraved multi-fanction cabi-net-cabinet door carved in relief mountain,river and person designs(detail)
35.鸂鶒木多宝槅(一对)清中期 Xichimu multi-ftinction cabinet (one pair), middle penod of the Qing Dynasty
36.鸂鶒木多宝槅局部——透雕花牙Xichi-mu multi-function cabinet hollowed engraved Imaya(detail)
37.紫檀雕花卉纹多宝槅(一对)·清中期Zitan multi-function cabinet engraved with flower veins (one pair)
38.紫檀雕花卉纹多宝槅局部——小对开门Zitan multi-function cabinet engraved with
39.紫檀雕云龙纹多宝槅(一对)·清Zitanmulti-ftinction cabinet engraved with cloud and dragon designs (one pair)
40.紫檀雕云龙纹多宝槅局部)——圆雕狮子Zitan multi-ftinction cabinet engraved with cloud and dragon
41.紫檀雕云龙纹多宝槅局部——牙板Zitan multi-function cabinet engraved with cloud and dragon
42.紫檀雕云龙纹多宝槅局部——柜门浮雕云龙纹Zitan multi-function cabinet en-graved with cloud and dragon
43.红木双门双屉多宝槅(一对)·清Hongmu. double-door and double-drawer multi function cabinet (one pair),Qing Dynasty
44.红木双门双屉多宝槅局部——柜门浮雕云龙纹Hongmu double-door and double-drawer multi-function cabinet-cabinet door(detail)
45.黄花梨小多宝槅(一对)·清Huang-huali small multi-function cabinet(one pair),Qing Dynasty
46.红木雕云龙纹箱·清Hongmu case engraved with cloud and dragon patterns,Qing Dynasty
47.红木雕云龙纹箱局部——浮雕云龙纹Hongmu case engraved with cloud and dragon patterns-cloud and dragon patterns(detail)
48.紫檀藤面罗汉床·明Zitan cane-surfaced arhat bed, Ming Dynasty
49.红木嵌石五屏式罗汉床·清Hongrnu five-screen-styled arhat bed inlaid with precious stones, Qing Dynasty
50.红木嵌螺钿七屏式罗汉床·清Hongmu seven-screen-styled arhat bed inlaid with mother-of-pearls,Qing Dynasty
51.红木雕竹节床·清Hongmu,bed carved with bamboo,Qing Dynasty
52.红木雕竹节床局部——靠背Hongmu bed carved with bamboo-backseat (detail)
53.红木嵌螺钿三屏式榻·清Hongmu diree-screen-styled couch inlaid with mother-of-pearls,Qing Dynasty
54.红木嵌螺钿三屏式榻局部——鹤纹Hongmu three-screen styled couch inlaid with mother-of-pearls(detail)
55.红木嵌螺钿三屏式榻局部——鹿纹Hongmu three-screen-styled couch inlaid with mother-of-pearls(detail)
56.红木双狮绣球纹大帽镜·清Hongmu big cap mirror engraved with double lions sporting with an ornamental ball patterns,Qing Dynasty
57.红木狮座穿衣镜·清Hongmu pier glass with lion-decarated base frame,Qing Dynasty
58.紫檀嵌铜海水龙纹四扇折屏·清中期Zitan four piece folding screen inlaid with copper and engraved with
59.红木仿竹折屏·清Hongmu folding screen in unitation of bamboo,Oing Dynasty
60.榆木雕龙纹隔扇·清Yumu partition board engraved with dragon patterns,Oing Dynasty
61.榆木雕龙纹隔扇局部——裙板透雕螭龙捧寿纹Yumu partition board engraved with dragon patterns(detail)
62.榆木雕龙纹隔扇局部——透雕螭龙纹Yumu partition board engraved with dragon patterns(detail)
63.榆木雕龙纹隔扇局部——透雕灵芝纹Yumu partition board engraved with dragon patterns(detail)
小辞典Srnafi nesaurus
明清家具(1996-2003年)拍卖价格Auction Price for Furnftre of the Ming and Qing Dynasties(1996-2003)
Furniture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.2
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