The translator's invisibility : a history of translation / 2nd ed.


作   者:Lawrence Venuti.





Since publication over ten years ago, The Translator "s Invisibilityhas provoked debate and controversy within the field of translation and become a classic text. Providing a fascinating account of the history of translation from the seventeenth century to the present day, Venuti shows how fluency prevailed over other translation strategies to shape the canon of foreign literatures in English and investigates the cultural consequences of the receptor values which were simultaneously inscribed and masked in foreign texts during this period. The author locates alternative translation theories and practices in British, American and European cultures which aim to communicate linguistic and cultural differences instead of removing them. In this second edition of his work, Venuti: clarifies and further develops key terms and arguments responds to critical commentary on his argument incorporates new case studies that include: an eighteenth century translation of a French novel by a working class woman; Richard Burton's controversial translation of the Arabian Nights; modernist poetry translation; translations of Dostoevsky by the bestselling translators Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky; and translated crime fiction updates data on the current state of translation, including publishing statistics and translators " rates. The Translator "s Invisibility will be essential reading for students of translation studies at all levels. Lawrence Venuti is Professor of English at Temple University, Philadelphia. He is a translation theorist and historian as well as a translator and his recent publications include: The Scandals of Translation: Towards an Ethics of Difference and The Translation Studies Reader, both published by Routledge.


Table Of Contents:
Preface viii

Invisibility 1(34)

Canon 35(48)

Nation 83(42)

Dissidence 125(39)

Margin 164(73)

Simpatico 237(28)

Call to action 265(13)
Notes 278(8)
Bibliography 286(22)
Index 308
About the author ix
Cognitive behaviour therapy: counteracting the poison of stigma and prejudice x

Paul M. Salkovskis
Preface xvi
Acknowledgements xviii
A personal experience xix

Danny C. K. Lam

PART I Societal perspective: stigma, prejudice and discrimination 1(40)

Mental illness stigma 3(11)

Biological and genetic explanations of `mental illness' 14(15)

Prejudice, discrimination and `mental illness' 29(12)

PART II Therapist's perspective: a therapeutic framework 41(60)

Cognitive behaviour therapy theory of emotional upset 43(8)

Components in cognitive behaviour therapy 51(8)

A shared responsibility approach in the change process 59(8)

Dealing with negative thoughts 67(8)

Dealing with unhelpful behaviour 75(8)

Homework assignments 83(8)

Drug treatments 91(10)

PART III Client's perspective: self-prejudice and personal issues 101(52)

Approval and approval-seeking behaviour 103(8)

Perfectionism and competitiveness 111(8)

Healthy and unhealthy negative emotions 119(10)

Fear of failure and procrastination 129(9)

Self-criticism 138(8)

Setback and relapse 146(7)

PART IV Client's perspective: self-prejudice and interpersonal difficulties 153(32)

Others' criticism 155(8)

Good and bad communication 163(8)

Developing effective communication skills 171(14)

PART V Therapeutic approach: skills and techniques 185(20)

Assessment skills 187(7)

Disputing approach and techniques 194(11)

PART VI Taking control: new models for helping change 205(19)

Control and choice in mental health 207(5)

An illustration of the cognitive behaviour therapy approach to panic disorder: a case example 212(12)
References 224(4)
Index 228



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