Publisher Summary 1
Cohen (medicine, New York U.) provides gastroenterologists and trainees with 34 chapters that describe the skills required to perform endoscopy. A group of gastroenterologists from North America, Europe, and Japan discuss key concepts of training, the tools used, major procedure categories and specialized diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, and the future of training and retraining. They include description of training program requirements, prerequisite knowledge, training methods, technical skills, and defining and assessing procedural competency. The DVD contains about 130 annotated teaching videos of procedures and ex-vivo animal model simulations. Annotation 漏2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Publisher Summary 2
Endoscopy is the primary diagnostic method for GI complaints and is replete with an ever expanding array of therapeutic capabilities. Successful Training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopywill provide all gastroenterologists with the exact set of skills required to perform endoscopy at the highest level. GI trainees will find it a crucial primer for learning endoscopy; teachers will find it a guide to understand how best to develop the expertise of their students; and experienced practicing gastroenterologists will find it a useful refresher tool to brush up on their existing endoscopic skills and to familiarise themselves with new procedures, including issues of safety and competence while performing them.With contributions from internationally recognized leaders in endoscopy education and an endorsement by the World Organisation of Digestive Endoscopy, each chapter will examine the specific skill sets and procedure related tasks which must be mastered when learning a particular technique, including:Specific descriptions of accessories requiredStandard training methods for the procedureOptimal utilization of novel learning modalities such as simulatorsQuality measures and objective parameters for competencyAvailable tools for assessing competency once training has been completedIn addition to the 400 high-quality, outstanding colour photos, the book will come with a DVD containing over 130 annotated teaching videos of both actual procedures and ex-vivo animal model simulations. These videos will illustrate, in a step by step fashion the proper techniques to be followed, highlighting clinical pearls from the experts and the most common mistakes to avoid.Successful Training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopywill be a key purchase for all gastroenterologists, whether in training or experienced, to allow them to develop and perfect their endoscopic skills. It聽will be a particularly useful guide for those interested in mastering the latest new techniques and procedures and an essential reference for teachers of endoscopy and students alike.
Table Of Contents:
List of Contributors vii
Foreword xi
Preface xii
Acknowledgements xiii
Part I The Evolution of Basic Principles and Practice
1 Training in Endoscopy: A Historical Background 3(13)
Jonathan Cohen
David A. Greenwald
2 How Endoscopy is Learned: Deconstructing Skill Sets 16(6)
Gerald M. Fried
Kevin A. Waschke
3 Training to Become a High-Quality Endoscopist: Mastering the Nonprocedural Aspects 22(9)
Sahar Ghassemi
Douglas O. Faigel
Part II Training in the Major Endoscopic Procedures
4 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) 31(11)
Lauren B. Gerson
Shai Friedland
5 Colonoscopy 42(31)
Robert E. Sedlack
6 Endoscopic Ultrasound 73(12)
Thomas J. Savides
Frank G. Cress
7 ERCP 85(12)
Joseph Leung
Brian S. Lim
8 Capsule Endoscopy 97(12)
Felice Schnoll-Sussman
David E. Fleischer
9 Deep Enteroscopy 109(7)
Patrick I. Okolo
Jonathan M. Buscaglia
10 Choledochoscopy and Pancreatoscopy 116(9)
Jeffrey H. Lee
Peter Kelsey
11 Principles of Electrosurgery 125(10)
David L Carr-Locke
John Day
12 The Use of Fluoroscopy for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 135(8)
Douglas G. Adler
13 Pediatric Endoscopy 143(16)
Michael A. Manfredi
Jenifer R. Lightdale
Part III Training in Specific Techniques
14 Contrast-Enhanced Endoscopy---Chromo and Optical Contrast Techniques 159(11)
Anna M. Buchner
Prateek Sharma
Michael B. Wallace
15 Gl Hemostasis 170(18)
Brian J. Dunkin
Kai Matthes
Dennis M. Jensen
16 Luminal Dilation Techniques (Strictures, Achalasia, Anastomotic, IBD) 188(9)
Syed M. Abbas Fehmi
Michael L. Kochman
17 Foreign Body Extraction 197(7)
Gregory A. Cote
Steven A. Edmundowicz
Sreenivasa S. Jonnalagadda
18 Endoscopic Mucosal Resection and Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection 204(33)
Juergen Hochberger
Elena Kruse
Detlev Menke
Edris Wedi
SongSa Dammer
Peter Koehler
Karl-Friedrich Buerrig
19 Mucosal Ablation Techniques 237(9)
John A. Dumot
Bruce D. Greenwald
Virender K. Sharma
20 Complicated Polypectomy 246(15)
Jerome D. Waye
Yasushi Sano
21 Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (Notes®) 261(9)
Kai Matthes
Mark A. Gromski
Robert Hawes
22 Bariatric Endoscopy 270(12)
Sohail N. Shaikh
Marvin Ryou
Christopher C. Thompson
23 Repair of Mucosal Defects: A Primer on Endoscopic Closure of Gastrointestinal Perforations 282(6)
Gottumukkla S. Raju
24 Esophageal, Gastroduodenal and Colorectal Stenting 288(12)
Peter D. Siersema
25 ERCP Management of Complicated Stone Disease of the Bile Duct and Pancreas 300(13)
Nithin Karanth
Jonathan Cohen
Gregory B. Haber
26 ERCP Management of Malignancy: Tissue Sampling, Metal Stent Placement and Ampullectomy 313(11)
Douglas A. Howell
27 Sphincter of Oddi Manometry 324(8)
Evan L. Fogel
Stuart Sherman
Glen A. Lehman
28 Pseudocyst Management 332(9)
Michael J. Levy
Todd H. Baron
29 Enteral Access Techniques: Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy and Jejunostomy 341(10)
James A. DiSario
30 The Endoscopic Management of Immediate Complications of Therapeutic Endoscopy 351(8)
David A. Greenwald
Martin L. Freeman
Part IV Challenges for the Future
31 Assessing Manpower Needs in Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy: Lessons from the Past and Implications for the Future of Endoscopic Training 359(8)
Girish Mishra
Alan Barkun
32 Providing Resources and Opportunities for Retraining for Practicing Endoscopists 367(5)
John L. Petrini
33 Evolving Role of Gl Societies and Industry in Training Endoscopists to Perform New Techniques: Supporting the Process and Setting the Standards 372(8)
John A. Martin
Christopher J. Gostout
34 The Importance of Skills Assessment and Recording Personal Outcomes in the Future of Training 380(5)
Peter B. Cotton
Roland M. Valori
Index 385
List of Contributors vii
Foreword xi
Preface xii
Acknowledgements xiii
Part I The Evolution of Basic Principles and Practice
1 Training in Endoscopy: A Historical Background 3(13)
Jonathan Cohen
David A. Greenwald
2 How Endoscopy is Learned: Deconstructing Skill Sets 16(6)
Gerald M. Fried
Kevin A. Waschke
3 Training to Become a High-Quality Endoscopist: Mastering the Nonprocedural Aspects 22(9)
Sahar Ghassemi
Douglas O. Faigel
Part II Training in the Major Endoscopic Procedures
4 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) 31(11)
Lauren B. Gerson
Shai Friedland
5 Colonoscopy 42(31)
Robert E. Sedlack
6 Endoscopic Ultrasound 73(12)
Thomas J. Savides
Frank G. Cress
7 ERCP 85(12)
Joseph Leung
Brian S. Lim
8 Capsule Endoscopy 97(12)
Felice Schnoll-Sussman
David E. Fleischer
9 Deep Enteroscopy 109(7)
Patrick I. Okolo
Jonathan M. Buscaglia
10 Choledochoscopy and Pancreatoscopy 116(9)
Jeffrey H. Lee
Peter Kelsey
11 Principles of Electrosurgery 125(10)
David L Carr-Locke
John Day
12 The Use of Fluoroscopy for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 135(8)
Douglas G. Adler
13 Pediatric Endoscopy 143(16)
Michael A. Manfredi
Jenifer R. Lightdale
Part III Training in Specific Techniques
14 Contrast-Enhanced Endoscopy---Chromo and Optical Contrast Techniques 159(11)
Anna M. Buchner
Prateek Sharma
Michael B. Wallace
15 Gl Hemostasis 170(18)
Brian J. Dunkin
Kai Matthes
Dennis M. Jensen
16 Luminal Dilation Techniques (Strictures, Achalasia, Anastomotic, IBD) 188(9)
Syed M. Abbas Fehmi
Michael L. Kochman
17 Foreign Body Extraction 197(7)
Gregory A. Cote
Steven A. Edmundowicz
Sreenivasa S. Jonnalagadda
18 Endoscopic Mucosal Resection and Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection 204(33)
Juergen Hochberger
Elena Kruse
Detlev Menke
Edris Wedi
SongSa Dammer
Peter Koehler
Karl-Friedrich Buerrig
19 Mucosal Ablation Techniques 237(9)
John A. Dumot
Bruce D. Greenwald
Virender K. Sharma
20 Complicated Polypectomy 246(15)
Jerome D. Waye
Yasushi Sano
21 Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (Notes®) 261(9)
Kai Matthes
Mark A. Gromski
Robert Hawes
22 Bariatric Endoscopy 270(12)
Sohail N. Shaikh
Marvin Ryou
Christopher C. Thompson
23 Repair of Mucosal Defects: A Primer on Endoscopic Closure of Gastrointestinal Perforations 282(6)
Gottumukkla S. Raju
24 Esophageal, Gastroduodenal and Colorectal Stenting 288(12)
Peter D. Siersema
25 ERCP Management of Complicated Stone Disease of the Bile Duct and Pancreas 300(13)
Nithin Karanth
Jonathan Cohen
Gregory B. Haber
26 ERCP Management of Malignancy: Tissue Sampling, Metal Stent Placement and Ampullectomy 313(11)
Douglas A. Howell
27 Sphincter of Oddi Manometry 324(8)
Evan L. Fogel
Stuart Sherman
Glen A. Lehman
28 Pseudocyst Management 332(9)
Michael J. Levy
Todd H. Baron
29 Enteral Access Techniques: Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy and Jejunostomy 341(10)
James A. DiSario
30 The Endoscopic Management of Immediate Complications of Therapeutic Endoscopy 351(8)
David A. Greenwald
Martin L. Freeman
Part IV Challenges for the Future
31 Assessing Manpower Needs in Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy: Lessons from the Past and Implications for the Future of Endoscopic Training 359(8)
Girish Mishra
Alan Barkun
32 Providing Resources and Opportunities for Retraining for Practicing Endoscopists 367(5)
John L. Petrini
33 Evolving Role of Gl Societies and Industry in Training Endoscopists to Perform New Techniques: Supporting the Process and Setting the Standards 372(8)
John A. Martin
Christopher J. Gostout
34 The Importance of Skills Assessment and Recording Personal Outcomes in the Future of Training 380(5)
Peter B. Cotton
Roland M. Valori
Index 385
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