Linear statistical inference and its applications / 2nd ed. (pbk.).
"C. R. Rao would be found in almost any statistician's list of five outstanding workers in the world of Mathematical Statistics today. His book represents a comprehensive account of the main body of results that comprise modern statistical theory." -W. G. Cochran "[C. R. Rao is] one of the pioneers who laid the foundations of statistics which grew from ad hoc origins into a firmly grounded mathematical science." -B. Efrom Translated into six major languages of the world, C. R. Rao's Linear Statistical Inference and Its Applications is one of the foremost works in statistical inference in the literature. Incorporating the important developments in the subject that have taken place in the last three decades, this paperback reprint of his classic work on statistical inference remains highly applicable to statistical analysis. Presenting the theory and techniques of statistical inference in a logically integrated and practical form, it covers: * The algebra of vectors and matrices * Probability theory, tools, and techniques * Continuous probability models * The theory of least squares and the analysis of variance * Criteria and methods of estimation * Large sample theory and methods * The theory of statistical inference * Multivariate normal distribution Written for the student and professional with a basic knowledge of statistics, this practical paperback edition gives this industry standard new life as a key resource for practicing statisticians and statisticians-in-training.
Algebra of Vectors and Matrices
Probability Theory, Tools and Techniques
Continuous Probability Models
The Theory of Least Squares and Analysis of Variance
Criteria and Methods of Estimation
Large Sample Theory and Methods
Theory of Statistical Inference
Multivariate Analysis
Publications of the Author
Author Index
Subject Index
Probability Theory, Tools and Techniques
Continuous Probability Models
The Theory of Least Squares and Analysis of Variance
Criteria and Methods of Estimation
Large Sample Theory and Methods
Theory of Statistical Inference
Multivariate Analysis
Publications of the Author
Author Index
Subject Index
Linear statistical inference and its applications / 2nd ed. (pbk.).
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