unit 1 mterials and heat treatment
1.1 ferrous alloys
1.2 heat treatment of steel
1.3 principle of heat treatment of steel
1.4 non-ferrous alloys
1.5 composites
1.6 advanced structural ceramics
1.7 functional ceramics
1.8 conductive ceramics
1.9 glass ceramics
1.10 magnetic materials
1.11 plastics
1.12 polymer
unit 2 casting
2.1 metal flow in die casting
2.2 optimization of properties in aluminum casting
2.3 precision casting process
unit 3 forming
3.1 fundamentals of metal forming
. 3.2 bulk-metal forming
3.3 sheet-metal forming
unit 4 welding
4.1 arc characteristics
4.2 arc welding
4.3 electronic beam welding
4.4 eleetroslag welding
4.5 explosion welding
4.6 friction welding
4.7 laser beam welding
4.8 oxyfuel gas welding
4.9 resistance welding
4.10 solid state welding
4.11 thennit welding
4.12 ultrosonic welding
unit 5 inorganic non-metallic materials
5.1 portland cement
5.2 buming of clinker
5.3 cooling of cement clinker
5.4 chemical and mineralogical composition of portland cement
5.5 different types of portland cement
5.6 factors affecting the rate of hydration of the cement
5.7 strength of concrete
5.8 durability of concrete
unit 6 general science
6.1 abrasives
6.2 adhesives
6.3 analysis and measurement
6.4 chemical reaction
6.5 computers
6.6 condensation and condensers
6.7 conductors and conductivity
6.8 conservation of natural resources
6.9 electric magnetic material
6.10 electronics
6.11 electrolysis
6.12 energy conversion
6.13 explosion
6.14 jet engine
6.15 lathe
6.16 liquid pumps
6.17 lubrication of bearings
6.18 matter
6.19 mechanics
6.20 mineral and rock
6.21 navigation
6.22 petrol engine
6.23 physical science
6.24 radar
6.25 radioactivity
6.26 semiconductor
6.27 surface coating
English in materials science and engineering
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