创新1 涵盖所有SAT作文话题,荟萃写作专家指导,手把手教你攻克英语书面表达;
创新2 结合中国考生SAT作文习作,挖掘句式呆板、语言啰嗦之根源;
创新3 “学生习作”和专家 “语言修改”双色对照排版,设计新颖;
创新4 “学生习作”段段点评,文章篇篇总评,“语言修改”字字珠玑,“题外一议”适度拓展,使考生知其然,并知其所以然。
创新5 新东方权威写作专家手把手逐字逐句修改学生习作,并加以精辟点评,再现“句子结构+遣词造句”的魅力,凸显本书实战性!
第一部分 SAT写作总论
第二部分 SAT作文话题
第一章 学习、知识和真理
Topic 1: Teaching Something to Another Person Can Help You to Learn or Master a Subject or Process?
Topic 2: Fantasy and Imagination
Topic 3: Both Sides of an Issue
Topic 4: Truth Is Not Objective
第二章 世界观
Topic 5: Style More Important Than Substance?
Topic 6: To Look beyond Appearance
Topic 7: Progress Always Positive
Topic 8: Should People Have Knowledge?
Topic 9: Breaking the Rules
第三章 人生观
Topic 10: Are We Masters of Our Own Fate?
Topic 11: Heroes Are Average People
Topic 12: What Motivates People to Change?
Topic 13: Flaws in Ourselves
Topic 14: Time Does Not Matter in Intimacy
Topic 15: Heroism
Topic 16: Will People Be Content?
Topic 17: Is It Wise to Put Things Off?
第四章 成功和失败
Topic 18: Our Lives—the Result of Our Choices?
Topic 19: Talent or Motivation
Topic 20: Attitude Determines Happiness
Topic 21: Is Failure Impossible?
Topic 22: Obstacle an Opportunity
Topic 23: We Need Adversity
第二部分 SAT作文话题
第一章 学习、知识和真理
Topic 1: Teaching Something to Another Person Can Help You to Learn or Master a Subject or Process?
Topic 2: Fantasy and Imagination
Topic 3: Both Sides of an Issue
Topic 4: Truth Is Not Objective
第二章 世界观
Topic 5: Style More Important Than Substance?
Topic 6: To Look beyond Appearance
Topic 7: Progress Always Positive
Topic 8: Should People Have Knowledge?
Topic 9: Breaking the Rules
第三章 人生观
Topic 10: Are We Masters of Our Own Fate?
Topic 11: Heroes Are Average People
Topic 12: What Motivates People to Change?
Topic 13: Flaws in Ourselves
Topic 14: Time Does Not Matter in Intimacy
Topic 15: Heroism
Topic 16: Will People Be Content?
Topic 17: Is It Wise to Put Things Off?
第四章 成功和失败
Topic 18: Our Lives—the Result of Our Choices?
Topic 19: Talent or Motivation
Topic 20: Attitude Determines Happiness
Topic 21: Is Failure Impossible?
Topic 22: Obstacle an Opportunity
Topic 23: We Need Adversity
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