Bring color, life, and individuality to any wedding ceremony. Arrange your own wedding flowers or show a professional a range of examples to interpret from 20 seasonal schemes that are so breathtakingly splendid they can't fail to please. Evoke a feeling of beauty and sophistication with tulips in Color and Elegance; reproduce the marvelous variety of blooms found in nature in Woodland Romance; recall days of courtly love by combining flowers, fruit, vegetables, nuts, and berries in Medieval Magnificence; and suggest romance with blossoms rich in history and symbolism in Valentine Wedding. Fashion enchanting bridal bouquets, headdresses, corsages, swags, garlands, pomanders, and table decorations. Fiona Barnett, whose prestigious clients include Cosmopolitan magazine, encourages you to make the most of one of the most important elements of a wedding. 144 pages (all in color), 9 x 9 1/2.
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