Part Ⅰ Mine(矿山)
Unit 1 Mining and Mining Technology(采矿及采矿工艺)
1.1 Stages of Modem Mining(现代采矿的运行阶段)
1.1.1 Prospecting(勘探)
1.1.2 Exploration(探矿)
1.1.3 Development(发展)
1.1.4 Exploitation(开采)
1.1.5 Reclamation(复垦)
1.2 Basic Unit Operations(基本的单元作业)
1.3 Mineral Production and Economics(矿产品及矿产经济)
1.3.1 Mineral production(矿产品)
1.3.2 Mineral economics(矿产经济)
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Unit 2 Consequences of Mining(采矿造成的影响)
2.1 Mine Health and Safety(矿山健康与安全)
2.1.1 Safety performance(安全绩效)
2.1,2 Health performance(健康绩效)
2.2 Environmental of Mining(矿山环境)
2.2.1 Surface mine reclamation(露天矿山复垦)
2.2.2 Solution mining operations(水溶开采作业)
2.3 Social Engineering(社会工程学)
2.4 Protection of Environment(环境保护)
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Unit 3 The First Two Stages of Modern Mining:Prospecting and Exploration(现代采矿的前两个阶段:勘探及探矿)
3.1 First Stage of Mining—Prospecting(采矿的第一阶段——勘探)
3.1.1 Geologic prospecting(地质勘探)
3.1.2 Geophysical prospecting(地球物理勘探)
3.1.3 Geochemical and related prospecting methods(地球化学及相关勘探方法)
3.2 Second Stage of Mining—Exploration(采矿的第二阶段——探矿)
3.2.1 Exploration methods(探矿方法)
3.2.2 Metallurgical/process testing(冶金或矿物加工试验)
3.2.3 Reserve estimates in the exploration(探矿中的储量估算)
3.3 Mining Feasibility Analysis(矿山开采的可行性分析)
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Unit 4 The Last Two Stages of Modern Mining:Development and Exploitation(现代采矿的后两个阶段:发展及开采)
4.1 Third Stage of Mining——Development(采矿的第三阶段——发展)
4.1.1 Factors and step of mineral development(矿产开发因素及步骤)
4.1.2 Land acquisition in mine development(矿山发展的土地征用)
4.1.3 Environmental protection of mining(矿山环境保护)
4.1.4 Financing and implementation in mine development(矿山开发融资与实施)
4 1.5 Taxation and cost estimation(税收和成本估算)
4.2 Fouah Stage of Mining——Exploitation(采矿的第四阶段——开采)
4.2.1 Mining method(采矿方法)
4.2.2 Mine management in mine exploitation(开采阶段的矿山管理)
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Unit 5 Unit Operations and Cycles of Mining(矿山单元作业及循环)
5.1,Drilling and Rock Penetration(钻探及岩石凿入)
5.1.1 Categories of rock penetration methods(岩石穿透方法分类)
5.1.2 Drilling applied to mining(钻探在矿山中的应用)
5.2 Unit Operations:Blasting and Rock Fragmentation(单元作业:爆破及岩石破碎)
5.2.1 Theory of explosives(爆破理论)
5.2.2 Properties of explosives(爆炸物的性能)
5.2.3 Selecting blasting system(爆破系统的选择)
5.3 Unit Operations:Loading and Excavation(单元作业:装载及采掘)
5.4 Unit Operations:Haulage and Hoisting(单元作业:运输及提升)
5.5 Mine Auxiliary Operations(矿山辅助操作)
5.6 Cycle and Optimizing of Unit Operations(单元作业的循环及优化)
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Unit 6 Surface Mine Development(露天矿山开发)
6.1 Major Tasks of Surface Mine Development(露天矿开拓的主要任务)
6.1.1 Land reclamation(土地复垦)
6.1.2 Waste disposal of development stage(发展阶段的废料处置)
6.1.3 Advanced stripping(先进的剥离工艺)
6.1.4 Plant layout(采场布局)
6.2 Planning and Design of Open Pit(露天坑采的规划设计)
6.2.1 Long—range planning(长期规划)
6.2.2 Short—range planning(短期规划)
6.2.3 Production scheduling(生产计划)
6.3 Equipment and System of Surface Mine(露天矿山的设备与系统)
6.4 Stripping Ratios and Pit Limits(剥采比与露天开采境界)
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Unit 7 Mechanical Mining Methods of Surface Mining(露天采矿中的机械采矿方法)
7.1 0pen Pit Mining(露天开采)
7.1.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
7.1.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
7.1.3 Conditions and applications of open pit mining(露天开采的适用条件及其应用)
7.2 Quarrying(石料开采)
7.2.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
7.2.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
7.2.3 Conditions and applications of quarrying(石料开采的适用条件及其应用)
7.3 0pen Cast(Strip)Mining(露天剥离开采)
7.3.1 Variation in open cast mining(露天剥离开采方法的变体)
7.3.2 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
7.3.3 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
7.3.4 Conditions and applications of open cast mining(露天剥离开采的适用条件及其应用)
7.4 Auger Mining(螺旋钻机开采)
7.4.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
7.4.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
7.4.3 Conditions and applications of auger mining(螺旋钻机开采的适用条件及其应用)
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Unit 8 Aqueous Mining Methods of Surface Mining(露天采矿中的水力采矿方法)
8.1 Hydraulicking(水力挖掘)
8.1.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
8.1.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
8.1.3 Conditions and applications of hydraulicking(水力挖掘的适用条件及其应用)
8.2 Dredging(挖掘)
8.2.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
8.2.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
8.2.3 Conditions of dredging(挖掘的适用条件)
8.3 Borehole Extraction(钻孔抽采)
8.3.1 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
8.3.2 Conditions and applications of borehole extraction(钻孔抽采的适用条件及其应用)
8.4 Leaching Methods(浸出法)
8.4.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
8.4.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
8.4.3 Conditions and applications of leaching methods(浸出法的适用条件及其应用)
8.5 Evaporite/Evaporation Methods(蒸发法)
8.5.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
8.5.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
8.5.3 Conditions and applications of evaporite/evaporation methods(蒸发法的适用条件及其应用)
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Unit 9 Underground Mine Development(地下矿山开发)
9.1 Development and Design of Underground Mine(地下矿山的开发与设计)
9.1.1 Production rate and mine life(生产率与矿山服务年限)
9.1.2 Mine primary development openings(矿山主要开拓巷道)
9.1.3 Interval between levels(阶段垂高)
9.1.4 Secondary development(二次开发)
9.2 Mine Plant Layout(矿山设施布置)
9.2 1 Surface plant(地面设施)
9.2.2 Shaft plant(竖井设施)
9.2.3 Underground plant(地下设施)
9.3 Development Openings of Underground Mine(地下矿山的巷道开拓)
9.3.1 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
9.3.2 Mining equipment(采矿设备)
9.3.3 Ground control(岩层控制)
9.4 Shaft Hoisting Systems(竖井提升系统)
9.4.1 Components of hoist plant(提升设备的组件)
9.4.2 Hoisting system(提升系统)
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Unit 10 Unsupported Methods of Underground Mining(地下矿山的无支护采矿法)
10.1 Room.and.Pillar Mining(房柱采矿法)
10.1.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
10.1.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
10.1.3 Conditions and applications of room—and—pillar mining(房柱采矿法的适用条件及其应用)
10.2 Stope—and.Pillar Mining(场柱式采矿法)
10.2.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
10.2.2 Cycle of operalions(循环作业)
10.2.3 Conditions and applications of stope—and—pillar mining(场柱式采矿法的适用条件及其应用)
10.3 Shrinkage Stoping(留矿采矿法)
10.3.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
10.3.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
10.3.3 Conditions and applications of shrinkage stoping(留矿采矿法的适用条件及其应用)
10.4 Sublevel Stoping(分段采矿法)
10.4.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
10.4.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
10.4.3 Conditions and applications of sublevel stoping(分段采矿法的适用条件及其应用)
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Unit ll Supported Methods of Underground Mining(地下矿山的支护采矿法)
11.1 Cut—and—Fill Stoping(分层充填采矿法)
11.1.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
11.1.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
11.1.3 Conditions and applications of cut—and—fill stoping(分层充填采矿法的适用条件及其应用)
11.2 Stull Stoping(撑木回采法)
11.2.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
11.2.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
Part Ⅱ Mine Safety(矿山安全)
Unit 1 Mining and Mining Technology(采矿及采矿工艺)
1.1 Stages of Modem Mining(现代采矿的运行阶段)
1.1.1 Prospecting(勘探)
1.1.2 Exploration(探矿)
1.1.3 Development(发展)
1.1.4 Exploitation(开采)
1.1.5 Reclamation(复垦)
1.2 Basic Unit Operations(基本的单元作业)
1.3 Mineral Production and Economics(矿产品及矿产经济)
1.3.1 Mineral production(矿产品)
1.3.2 Mineral economics(矿产经济)
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Unit 2 Consequences of Mining(采矿造成的影响)
2.1 Mine Health and Safety(矿山健康与安全)
2.1.1 Safety performance(安全绩效)
2.1,2 Health performance(健康绩效)
2.2 Environmental of Mining(矿山环境)
2.2.1 Surface mine reclamation(露天矿山复垦)
2.2.2 Solution mining operations(水溶开采作业)
2.3 Social Engineering(社会工程学)
2.4 Protection of Environment(环境保护)
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Unit 3 The First Two Stages of Modern Mining:Prospecting and Exploration(现代采矿的前两个阶段:勘探及探矿)
3.1 First Stage of Mining—Prospecting(采矿的第一阶段——勘探)
3.1.1 Geologic prospecting(地质勘探)
3.1.2 Geophysical prospecting(地球物理勘探)
3.1.3 Geochemical and related prospecting methods(地球化学及相关勘探方法)
3.2 Second Stage of Mining—Exploration(采矿的第二阶段——探矿)
3.2.1 Exploration methods(探矿方法)
3.2.2 Metallurgical/process testing(冶金或矿物加工试验)
3.2.3 Reserve estimates in the exploration(探矿中的储量估算)
3.3 Mining Feasibility Analysis(矿山开采的可行性分析)
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Unit 4 The Last Two Stages of Modern Mining:Development and Exploitation(现代采矿的后两个阶段:发展及开采)
4.1 Third Stage of Mining——Development(采矿的第三阶段——发展)
4.1.1 Factors and step of mineral development(矿产开发因素及步骤)
4.1.2 Land acquisition in mine development(矿山发展的土地征用)
4.1.3 Environmental protection of mining(矿山环境保护)
4.1.4 Financing and implementation in mine development(矿山开发融资与实施)
4 1.5 Taxation and cost estimation(税收和成本估算)
4.2 Fouah Stage of Mining——Exploitation(采矿的第四阶段——开采)
4.2.1 Mining method(采矿方法)
4.2.2 Mine management in mine exploitation(开采阶段的矿山管理)
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Unit 5 Unit Operations and Cycles of Mining(矿山单元作业及循环)
5.1,Drilling and Rock Penetration(钻探及岩石凿入)
5.1.1 Categories of rock penetration methods(岩石穿透方法分类)
5.1.2 Drilling applied to mining(钻探在矿山中的应用)
5.2 Unit Operations:Blasting and Rock Fragmentation(单元作业:爆破及岩石破碎)
5.2.1 Theory of explosives(爆破理论)
5.2.2 Properties of explosives(爆炸物的性能)
5.2.3 Selecting blasting system(爆破系统的选择)
5.3 Unit Operations:Loading and Excavation(单元作业:装载及采掘)
5.4 Unit Operations:Haulage and Hoisting(单元作业:运输及提升)
5.5 Mine Auxiliary Operations(矿山辅助操作)
5.6 Cycle and Optimizing of Unit Operations(单元作业的循环及优化)
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Unit 6 Surface Mine Development(露天矿山开发)
6.1 Major Tasks of Surface Mine Development(露天矿开拓的主要任务)
6.1.1 Land reclamation(土地复垦)
6.1.2 Waste disposal of development stage(发展阶段的废料处置)
6.1.3 Advanced stripping(先进的剥离工艺)
6.1.4 Plant layout(采场布局)
6.2 Planning and Design of Open Pit(露天坑采的规划设计)
6.2.1 Long—range planning(长期规划)
6.2.2 Short—range planning(短期规划)
6.2.3 Production scheduling(生产计划)
6.3 Equipment and System of Surface Mine(露天矿山的设备与系统)
6.4 Stripping Ratios and Pit Limits(剥采比与露天开采境界)
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Unit 7 Mechanical Mining Methods of Surface Mining(露天采矿中的机械采矿方法)
7.1 0pen Pit Mining(露天开采)
7.1.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
7.1.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
7.1.3 Conditions and applications of open pit mining(露天开采的适用条件及其应用)
7.2 Quarrying(石料开采)
7.2.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
7.2.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
7.2.3 Conditions and applications of quarrying(石料开采的适用条件及其应用)
7.3 0pen Cast(Strip)Mining(露天剥离开采)
7.3.1 Variation in open cast mining(露天剥离开采方法的变体)
7.3.2 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
7.3.3 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
7.3.4 Conditions and applications of open cast mining(露天剥离开采的适用条件及其应用)
7.4 Auger Mining(螺旋钻机开采)
7.4.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
7.4.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
7.4.3 Conditions and applications of auger mining(螺旋钻机开采的适用条件及其应用)
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Unit 8 Aqueous Mining Methods of Surface Mining(露天采矿中的水力采矿方法)
8.1 Hydraulicking(水力挖掘)
8.1.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
8.1.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
8.1.3 Conditions and applications of hydraulicking(水力挖掘的适用条件及其应用)
8.2 Dredging(挖掘)
8.2.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
8.2.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
8.2.3 Conditions of dredging(挖掘的适用条件)
8.3 Borehole Extraction(钻孔抽采)
8.3.1 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
8.3.2 Conditions and applications of borehole extraction(钻孔抽采的适用条件及其应用)
8.4 Leaching Methods(浸出法)
8.4.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
8.4.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
8.4.3 Conditions and applications of leaching methods(浸出法的适用条件及其应用)
8.5 Evaporite/Evaporation Methods(蒸发法)
8.5.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
8.5.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
8.5.3 Conditions and applications of evaporite/evaporation methods(蒸发法的适用条件及其应用)
Words and Expressions
Unit 9 Underground Mine Development(地下矿山开发)
9.1 Development and Design of Underground Mine(地下矿山的开发与设计)
9.1.1 Production rate and mine life(生产率与矿山服务年限)
9.1.2 Mine primary development openings(矿山主要开拓巷道)
9.1.3 Interval between levels(阶段垂高)
9.1.4 Secondary development(二次开发)
9.2 Mine Plant Layout(矿山设施布置)
9.2 1 Surface plant(地面设施)
9.2.2 Shaft plant(竖井设施)
9.2.3 Underground plant(地下设施)
9.3 Development Openings of Underground Mine(地下矿山的巷道开拓)
9.3.1 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
9.3.2 Mining equipment(采矿设备)
9.3.3 Ground control(岩层控制)
9.4 Shaft Hoisting Systems(竖井提升系统)
9.4.1 Components of hoist plant(提升设备的组件)
9.4.2 Hoisting system(提升系统)
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Unit 10 Unsupported Methods of Underground Mining(地下矿山的无支护采矿法)
10.1 Room.and.Pillar Mining(房柱采矿法)
10.1.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
10.1.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
10.1.3 Conditions and applications of room—and—pillar mining(房柱采矿法的适用条件及其应用)
10.2 Stope—and.Pillar Mining(场柱式采矿法)
10.2.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
10.2.2 Cycle of operalions(循环作业)
10.2.3 Conditions and applications of stope—and—pillar mining(场柱式采矿法的适用条件及其应用)
10.3 Shrinkage Stoping(留矿采矿法)
10.3.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
10.3.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
10.3.3 Conditions and applications of shrinkage stoping(留矿采矿法的适用条件及其应用)
10.4 Sublevel Stoping(分段采矿法)
10.4.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
10.4.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
10.4.3 Conditions and applications of sublevel stoping(分段采矿法的适用条件及其应用)
Words and Expressions
Unit ll Supported Methods of Underground Mining(地下矿山的支护采矿法)
11.1 Cut—and—Fill Stoping(分层充填采矿法)
11.1.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
11.1.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
11.1.3 Conditions and applications of cut—and—fill stoping(分层充填采矿法的适用条件及其应用)
11.2 Stull Stoping(撑木回采法)
11.2.1 Sequence of development(发展顺序)
11.2.2 Cycle of operations(循环作业)
Part Ⅱ Mine Safety(矿山安全)
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