环境法environmental law


作   者:竺效 著







Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 An Introduction to Environmental Law
 2.1 Concept of Environmental Law
  2.1.1 Definition of"Environmental Law" and "EnvironmentalLaws"
  2.1.2 The Regulatory Objects of Environmental Laws
 2.2 Fundamental Principles of Environmental Law
  2.2.1 The Preventive Principle
  2.2.2 The Principle of Coordinated Development
  2.2.3 The Principle of Cost Bearing by Beneficiaries
  2.2.4 The Public Participation Principle
  2.2.5 The Principle of Cooperation
 2.3 The Formulation of Environmental Laws
  2.3.1 The Primary Basis of Environmental Legislation
  2.3.2 The Subjects of Environmental Legislation
  2.3.3 Major Procedures of Environmental Legislation
 2.4 The Historical Development of Chinese Environmental Laws
  2.4.1 The Chaos Preceding the Era of Environmental Legislation
  2.4.2 The Period of Preliminary Formation of Environmental Laws
  2.4.3 The Initial Development of Environmental Laws
  2.4.4 The Formation and Reformation of Environmental Laws
 2.5 The Sources of China's Existing Environmental Laws
  2.5.1 Sources of Environmental Law
  2.5.2 System of Sources of Environmental Law
  2.5.3 The Composition of China's Existing Sources of Environmental Laws
Chapter 3 Fundamental Legal Regimes for Environmental Protection
 3.1 Environmental Standards
  3.1.1 The Concept of the Environmental Standards Regime
  3.1.2 The Legal Basis of the Formulation of Environmental Standards
  3.1.3 The Classification of Environmental Standards
 3.2 Environmental Planning
  3.2.1 The Concept of Environmental Planning
  3.2.2 The Major Contents of the Environmental Planning Laws
  3.2.3 The Validity of Environmental Plans
 3.3 Environmental impact Assessments
  3.3.1 Overview of Environmental Impact Assessments
  3.3.2 Environmental Impact Assessment of Planning
  3.3.3 Environlnetal Impact Assessment of Construction Projects
  3.3.4 The "Three Simultaneities" Relating to EIA
 3.4 Environmental Administrative Licensing
  3.4.1 The MEP Is in Charge of Environmental Licensing
  3.4.2 Environmental Licensing Matters in the Charge of Local DEPAs
  3.4.3 Legal Liabilities in the Environmental Administrative Licensing Regime
 3.5 Disclosure of Environmental Information
  3.5.1 Introduction to the Disclosure of Environmental Information
  3.5.2 Disclosure of Governmental Environmental Information
  3.5.3 Disclosure of Enterprise Environmental Information
 3.6 Environmental Emergency Response Management
  3.6.1 Legislation on Environmental Emergency Response Management in China
  3.6.2 The Organization and Responsibilities of Present EERP Management in China
  3.6.3 Legal Mechanisms for Environmental Emergency Response Management in China
Chapter 4 Content of Environmental Law in China
 4.1 General Introduction to the Content of Existing Environmental Law in China
  4.1.1 General Environmental Laws
  4.1.2 Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution
  4.1.3 Nature Conservation Law
  4.1.4 Laws on the Circular Management of Substances and Energy Conservation
  4.1.5 Laws on Comprehensive Administration of the Environment
  4.1.6 Environmental Legal Liabilities
 4.2 Laws on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution
  4.2.1 Atmospheric Pollution
  4.2.2 Water Pollution
  4.2.3 Marine Pollution
  4.2.4 Noise Pollution
  4.2.5 Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste
  4.2.6 Pollution by Chemical Substances
  4.2.7 Radioactive Pollution
  4.2.8 Control of Electromagnetic Radiation
  4.2.9 Livestock Pollution
 4.3 Nature Conservation Law
  4.3.1 The Overview of the Nature Conservation Law
  4.3.2 Legislation on Wildlife Protection
  4.3.3 Legislation on Wild Plant Species Protection
  4.3.4 Legislation on Nature Reserves
  4.3.5 Legislation for the Protection of Marine Ecology
  4.3.6 Legislation for the Protection of Terrestrial Resources
  4.3.7 Forest Protection Legislation.
  4.3.8 Water Protection Legislation
  4.3.9 Grassland Protection Legislation
 4.4 Law on Circular Management of Substances and Energy Conservation Law
  4.4.1 Concepts of Law on Circular Management of Substances and Energy Conservation Law
  4.4.2 Clean Production Promotion Legislation
  4.4.3 Circular Economy Promotion Legislation
  4.4.4 Energy Conservation Legislation
  4.4.5 Legislation Governing the Use of Renewable Energy
Chapter 5 Administrative Enforcement of Environmental Law
 5.1 Environmental Administrative Law Enforcement Subjects
  5.1.1 Development of Environmental Administrative Law Enforcement Institutions in China
  5.1.2 The Current Environmental Administrative System in China
  5.1.3 Distribution of Environmental Administrative Law Enforcement Powers and Duties among Administrative Departments
  5.1.4 The Current Administrative Departments of Environmental Protection at Different Levels
 5.2 Administrative Enforcement
  5.2.1 Concept, Characteristics and Principles of Environmental Administrative Law Enforcement
  5.2.2 Effects of Environmental Administrative Law Enforcement
  5.2.3 Modes of Environmental Administrative Law Enforcement
  5.2.4 Main Procedures of Environmental Administrative Law Enforcement
 5.3 Expost Supervision of Environmental Administrative Law Enforcement
  5.3.1 The Subjects of Ex-post Supervision of Environmental Administrative Law Enforcement
  5.3.2 Matters of Ex-post Supervision of Environmental Administrative Law Enforcement
  5.3.3 Measures for Ex-post Supervision of Environmental Administrative Law Enforcement
  5.3.4 Procedures for Ex-post Supervision of Environmental Administrative Law Enforcement
  5.3.5 Results of Ex-post Supervision of Environmental Administrative Law Enforcement
  5.3.6 Duties and Legal Liabilities
 5.4 Supervision of Environmental Administrative Law Enforcement by Counterparts
  5.4.1 Environmental Administrative Reconsideration
  5.4.2 Environmental Administrative Litigation
Chapter 6 Legal Liabilities of Environmental Law
 6.1 Civil Liability
  6.1.1 The Constitutive Elements of Environmental Tort Liability
  6.1.2 Environmental Tort Liability Defenses
  6.1.3 Assumption of Environmental Tort Liability
  6.1.4 Accountability Procedures for Environmental Tort Liability
 6.2 Administrative Liability
  6.2.1 The Constitutive Elements of Environmental Administrative Liabilities
  6.2.2 Disciplinary Sanctions and Penalties
 6.3 Criminal Liabilities
  6.3.1 The Constitutive Elements of Environmental Criminal Liability
  6.3.2 Major Environmental Crimes and Corresponding Criminal Liabilities
  6.3.3 Basic Procedures for Transferring Suspected Environmental Offenders' Cases by DEPAs
Chapter 7 Conclusion
About the Author
Abbreviations and Acronyms



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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