part one
unit 1
1.1 basics of speech analysis:text and context
1.1.1 definitions of text
1.1.2 features of text
1.2 functions of english:friendly commtmication(1)
1.2.1 greetings and addressing
1.2.2 introductions antl self-introductions
1.2.3 fareweus and leave-taking
1.3 语音语调知识:语音
1.3.1 基本音素及发音
1.3.2 字母读音规则
1.3.3 辅音连缀
unit 2
2.1 basics of speech analysis:style and stylistics
2.1.1 style as choice
2.1.2 functional stvle
2.1.3 the studv of stvle
2.2 functions of english:friendly communication(2)
. 2.2.1 thanks and gratitude
2.2.2 apologies and responses
2.2.3 goocl wishes and congratulations
2.3.1 重音的三个作用
unit 3
3.1 basics of speech analysis:the functional stylistic approach
3.1.1 ta.xonomic anatysis
3.1.2 semantic analysis
3.1.3 stylistic analysis
3.1.4 functional analysis
3.2 funct:ions of english:friendly communication(3)
3.2.1 invitation and responses
3.2.2 offer and responses
3.2.3 reminding
3.3 语音语调知识:语流中的爆破音
3.3.1 失去爆破:爆破音+爆破音一前一个爆破音失去爆破
3.3.2 不完全爆破:爆破音+摩/破擦音一前一个音不完全爆破
3.3.3 鼻腔爆破:爆破音+鼻音一爆破音转为鼻腔爆破
3.3.4 舌侧爆破:爆破音+舌侧音一爆破音通过舌侧爆破
part two
unit 4
4.1 aspects of public speaking:the notion of public speaking
4.1.1 forms of human communication
4.1.2 definitions of public speaking
4.2 functions of english:information exchange(1)
4.2.1 initiating a discourse
4.2.2 maintaining a[)iscorirse
4.2.3 making a new start
4.2.4 terminating a discourse
4.3.1 表意重音
4.3.2 逻辑重音
4.3.3 虚词的弱读式与强读式
unit 5
5.1 aspects of public speaking:situational features of public speaking
5.1.1 being a highly purposeful activity
5.1.2 being a transitory presentation
5.1.3 being directed toward a larger audience
5.1.4 involving direct mutual interactions
5.1.5 occurring in specific settings
5.2 functions of english:information exchange(2)
5.2.1 seeking information
5.2.2 checking understanding
5.2.3 requests for repetition
5.3 语音语调知识:同一意群中的连读
5.3.1 辅元连读:辅音+元音
5.3.2 r连读:/r/音节十元音
5.3.3 元音连读:元音+元音
unit 6
6.1 aspects of public speaking:classification of public speeches
6.1.1 varieties according to preparedness
6.1.2 varieties according to subject matter
6.1.3 varieties according to dominant purpose
6.2 functions of english:information exchange(3)
6.2.1 hesitation
6.2.2 correction
6.2.3 interrupting people
6.3 语音语调知识:节奏
6.3.1 节奏的基本单位
6.3.2 节奏对发音的影响
6.3.3 句子的节奏模式
unit 1
1.1 basics of speech analysis:text and context
1.1.1 definitions of text
1.1.2 features of text
1.2 functions of english:friendly commtmication(1)
1.2.1 greetings and addressing
1.2.2 introductions antl self-introductions
1.2.3 fareweus and leave-taking
1.3 语音语调知识:语音
1.3.1 基本音素及发音
1.3.2 字母读音规则
1.3.3 辅音连缀
unit 2
2.1 basics of speech analysis:style and stylistics
2.1.1 style as choice
2.1.2 functional stvle
2.1.3 the studv of stvle
2.2 functions of english:friendly communication(2)
. 2.2.1 thanks and gratitude
2.2.2 apologies and responses
2.2.3 goocl wishes and congratulations
2.3.1 重音的三个作用
unit 3
3.1 basics of speech analysis:the functional stylistic approach
3.1.1 ta.xonomic anatysis
3.1.2 semantic analysis
3.1.3 stylistic analysis
3.1.4 functional analysis
3.2 funct:ions of english:friendly communication(3)
3.2.1 invitation and responses
3.2.2 offer and responses
3.2.3 reminding
3.3 语音语调知识:语流中的爆破音
3.3.1 失去爆破:爆破音+爆破音一前一个爆破音失去爆破
3.3.2 不完全爆破:爆破音+摩/破擦音一前一个音不完全爆破
3.3.3 鼻腔爆破:爆破音+鼻音一爆破音转为鼻腔爆破
3.3.4 舌侧爆破:爆破音+舌侧音一爆破音通过舌侧爆破
part two
unit 4
4.1 aspects of public speaking:the notion of public speaking
4.1.1 forms of human communication
4.1.2 definitions of public speaking
4.2 functions of english:information exchange(1)
4.2.1 initiating a discourse
4.2.2 maintaining a[)iscorirse
4.2.3 making a new start
4.2.4 terminating a discourse
4.3.1 表意重音
4.3.2 逻辑重音
4.3.3 虚词的弱读式与强读式
unit 5
5.1 aspects of public speaking:situational features of public speaking
5.1.1 being a highly purposeful activity
5.1.2 being a transitory presentation
5.1.3 being directed toward a larger audience
5.1.4 involving direct mutual interactions
5.1.5 occurring in specific settings
5.2 functions of english:information exchange(2)
5.2.1 seeking information
5.2.2 checking understanding
5.2.3 requests for repetition
5.3 语音语调知识:同一意群中的连读
5.3.1 辅元连读:辅音+元音
5.3.2 r连读:/r/音节十元音
5.3.3 元音连读:元音+元音
unit 6
6.1 aspects of public speaking:classification of public speeches
6.1.1 varieties according to preparedness
6.1.2 varieties according to subject matter
6.1.3 varieties according to dominant purpose
6.2 functions of english:information exchange(3)
6.2.1 hesitation
6.2.2 correction
6.2.3 interrupting people
6.3 语音语调知识:节奏
6.3.1 节奏的基本单位
6.3.2 节奏对发音的影响
6.3.3 句子的节奏模式
Road to proficient English speaking
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