chapter 1 basic concepts and theories.
1.1 key terms in foreign language teaching and learning
1.2 the concept of methods
1.3 fundamental principles of language teaching and learning
1.4 modern linguistic schools and theories:an overview
1.5 summary
chapter 2 historical perspectives of language teaching approaches and methods
2.1 pre-20th-century trends
2.2 the 20th-century schools of language teaching methodology
2.3 the decline of methods
2.4 the notion of eclecticism
2.5 summary
chapter 3 major methods and approaches in foreign language teaching
3.1 major methods and approaches and their characteristics
3.2 analysis of a particular method through observation
3.3 summary
chapter 4 communicative language teaching
4.1 historical and theoretical background to communicative language
4.2 development of the notion of "communicative competence"
4.3 interpretations of clt and its implications for teaching
.4.4 clt in china
4.5 summary
chapter 5 teaching of grammar
5.1 arguments about grammar teaching
5.2 current approaches to teaching grammar
5.3 summary
chapter 6 teaching of reading
6.1 major views on reading
6.2 recent research into teaching of reading
6.3 implications for improving students' reading..
6.4 summary
chapter 7 teaching of writing
7.1 major views on writing
7.2 recent research into teaching of writing
7.3 implications for improving students' writing
7.4 summary
chapter 8 teaching of listening
8.1 major views on listening
8.2 recent research into teaching of listening
8.3 implications for improving students'listening
8.4 summary
chapter 9 teaching of speaking
9.1 major views on speaking
9.2 recent research into teaching of speaking
9.3 implications for improving students' speaking
9.4 summary
chapter 10 learner autonomy:new directions in
foreign language education
10.1 historical background to the development of the concept of learner autonomy
10.2 defining learner autonomy
10.3 rational for learner autonomy
10.4 teachers' role in autonomous learning environment
10.5 teacher autonomy
10.6 summary
chapter 11 paradignm shift in foreign language education
11.1 paradigm shift in education
11.2 paradigm shift in second/foreign language education
11.3 summary
selected bibliograply...
1.1 key terms in foreign language teaching and learning
1.2 the concept of methods
1.3 fundamental principles of language teaching and learning
1.4 modern linguistic schools and theories:an overview
1.5 summary
chapter 2 historical perspectives of language teaching approaches and methods
2.1 pre-20th-century trends
2.2 the 20th-century schools of language teaching methodology
2.3 the decline of methods
2.4 the notion of eclecticism
2.5 summary
chapter 3 major methods and approaches in foreign language teaching
3.1 major methods and approaches and their characteristics
3.2 analysis of a particular method through observation
3.3 summary
chapter 4 communicative language teaching
4.1 historical and theoretical background to communicative language
4.2 development of the notion of "communicative competence"
4.3 interpretations of clt and its implications for teaching
.4.4 clt in china
4.5 summary
chapter 5 teaching of grammar
5.1 arguments about grammar teaching
5.2 current approaches to teaching grammar
5.3 summary
chapter 6 teaching of reading
6.1 major views on reading
6.2 recent research into teaching of reading
6.3 implications for improving students' reading..
6.4 summary
chapter 7 teaching of writing
7.1 major views on writing
7.2 recent research into teaching of writing
7.3 implications for improving students' writing
7.4 summary
chapter 8 teaching of listening
8.1 major views on listening
8.2 recent research into teaching of listening
8.3 implications for improving students'listening
8.4 summary
chapter 9 teaching of speaking
9.1 major views on speaking
9.2 recent research into teaching of speaking
9.3 implications for improving students' speaking
9.4 summary
chapter 10 learner autonomy:new directions in
foreign language education
10.1 historical background to the development of the concept of learner autonomy
10.2 defining learner autonomy
10.3 rational for learner autonomy
10.4 teachers' role in autonomous learning environment
10.5 teacher autonomy
10.6 summary
chapter 11 paradignm shift in foreign language education
11.1 paradigm shift in education
11.2 paradigm shift in second/foreign language education
11.3 summary
selected bibliograply...
Theory and practice of modern foreign language teaching
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