Hospitality industry
1 Introduction to the unit
1.1 What this unit is about
1.2 Outcomes
1.3 Unit structure
1.4 How to use these learning materials
1.5 Symbols used in this unit
2 Other resources required
3 Assessment information
3.1 How you will be assessed
3.2 When and where you will be assessed
3.3 What you have to achieve
3.4 Opportunities for reassessment
4 Section 1:Marketing in the hospitality industry
4.1 Introduction to this section
4.2 Assessment information for this section
4.3 An introduction to marketing
4.4 Features of hospitality marketing
4.5 Factors which influence hospitality marketing decisions
4.6 Changing marketing requirements
4.7 Summary of this section
4.8 Answers to SAQs
4.9 Answers to activities
5 Section 2:Application of marketing
5.1 Introduction to this section
5.2 Assessment information for this section
5.3 Market research
5.4 Six stages of a research study
5.5 Types of market research
5.6 Questionnaire design
5.7 Market analysis
5.8 Summary of this section
5.9 Answers to SAQs
5.10 Answers to activities
6 Section 3:Hospitality industry at national and local level
6.1 Introduction to this section
6.2 Assessment information for this section
6.3 What is economics?
6.4 How we use our income
6.5 Other factors that allow people to spend more on consumables
6.6 Tax and the British system
6.7 Purpose and synergy
6.8 Case study of the local area—Falkirk Wheel
6.9 The multiplier effect
6.10 Loch Lomond Shores
6.11 Summary of this section
6.12 Answers to activities
7 Glossary
8 Acknowledgements
Hospitality industry
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