Magic School Bus Inside the Human Body神奇校车-人体的奥秘 9780590414272
作 者:Joanna
Ms. Frizzle shepherds her reluctant students through the humanbody in a book that is as fancifully conceived as it iseducational. Ages 6-9.
Copyright 1990 Reed Business Information, Inc.
Grade 1-4-- Time to board the Magic School Bus again with thatwild, wacky, and wonderful teacher, Ms. Frizzle. After she teachesher class about the human body and they visit the science museum,Mrs. Frizzle shrinks the bus and the class--except Arnold, whoswallows them. This gives Cole and Degen the chance for twoparallel stories, inside and outside of Arnold. With the businside, Cole explains digestion from the stomach into the smallintestines. Then the bus enters a blood vessel where readers cansee the plasma, red and white blood cells, and the flow into theheart. From there the class, now out of the bus and garbed inoperating room smocks and masks, flows with the blood cells, nowwith fresh oxygen, to the brain. They climb down the bones of thespine, follow nerves to see muscles work, and then finally catch upwith the bus to emerge in the nasal cavity. Meanwhile on part ofeach facing page, Arnold has coped with being lost and alone andhas made it back to the school. With an enormous sneeze he sendsthe bus out to join him in the parking lot. The class can now chartthe body from actual experience. Cole concludes with a true-falsetest with answers to help readers distinguish reality from fantasy.As readers of the previous "Magic School Bus" books (Scholastic)know, this is an enjoyable look at factual material painlesslypackaged with the ribbons and balloons of jokes and asides meant toappeal to kids. Degen's zany, busy, full-color drawings fill thepages with action and information far beyond the text. Using avariety of visuals, including notes, close-ups, and diagrams alongwith a variety of realistic kids, he moves the parallel stories totheir conclusions. Kids will love this book. --Sylvia S. Marantz,Wellington School, Columbus, Ohio Copyright 1989 Reed BusinessInformation, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print orunavailable edition of this title.
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