J.S. Mill's political thought : a bicentennial reassessment /


作   者:edited by Nadia Urbinati, Alex Zakaras.





The year 2006 marked the two hundredth anniversary of John Stuart Mill's birth. Though his philosophical reputation has varied greatly, it is now clear that Mill ranks among the most influential modern political thinkers. Despite his enduring influence, the breadth and complexity of Mill's political thought is often underappreciated. While his writings remain a touchstone for debates over liberty and liberalism, many other important dimensions of his political philosophy have until recently been ignored. This book aims to correct such neglect, by illustrating the breadth and depth of Mill's political writings, by drawing together a collection of essays whose authors explore underappreciated elements of Mill's political philosophy. The book shows how Mill's thinking remains pertinent to our own political life in three broad areas - democratic institutions and culture, liberalism, and international politics - and offers a critical reassessment of Mill's political philosophy in light of recent political developments and transformations.


Cover 1
Half-title 3
Title 5
Copyright 6
Contents 7
List of Contributors 9
Introduction 11
Part One: Liberty and Its Limits 19
1 Mill on Liberty and on the Contagious Diseases Acts 21
The Contagious Diseases Acts 21
John Stuart Mill as an Opponent of the Acts 26
Mill\u2019s Evidence to the Royal Commission 32
Legislative Purpose and the Distribution of Liberty 40
The Distribution of Liberty 45
The Identity of a Statute (for Purposes of the Harm Principle) 47
Modern Disease Control 49
2 Rational Freedom in John Stuart Mill's Feminism 53
The Patriarchal Sexual Ethic 57
Rational Freedom 67
The Enduring Relevance of Mill's Feminism 71
3 The Many Heads of the Hydra 76
Tyranny and Despotism, Ancient and Modern 79
Colonizers and Colonized and the Idea of a Limited Despotism 84
Pedantocracy or the Despotic Threat to Modern Democracy 90
Despotism as Dogmatism 95
Despotism as Infantilization 99
Conclusion 105
4 J. S. Mill and Liberal Socialism 108
I 112
II 117
III 120
IV 122
V 127
5 The Method of Reform: J. S. Mill\u2019s Encounter with Bentham and Coleridge 134
I 135
II 137
III 139
IV 142
V 149
Part Two: Democracy and the Individual 155
6 Bureaucracy, Democracy, Liberty: Some Unanswered Questions in Mill\u2019s Politics 157
India and Empire 158
Progress 163
Authority: The Anxieties of \u201cThe Spirit of the Age\u201d 167
Authority and On Liberty 170
The Englishman\u2019s Agora 171
Balance or Incoherence 173
7 Mill in Parliament: When Should a Philosopher Compromise? 176
The Independent-Minded Philosopher 178
The Value of Compromise 181
The Conditions of Compromise 185
Urgent Needs: Hyde Park and Ireland 190
Dilemmas of Parliamentary Reform 194
Putting Women\u2019s Suffrage on the Agenda 199
An Absolute Limit to Compromise: Justice in Jamaica 201
Conclusion 204
8 John Stuart Mill, Individuality, and Participatory Democracy 210
Conformist Democracy 212
Discursive Democracy 217
Democratic Individuality 225
9 Mill's Neo-Athenian Model of Liberal Democracy 231
Mill and the Spirit of Athenian Democracy 231
Mill's Democratic Critics 235
Democracy and Utility 243
Athenian Democracy as Liberal Democracy 248
A Liberal Representative Democracy 250
Neo-Athenian Institutions 251
Separation of Powers 252
Skillful Drafting of a Code of Justice 253
Electing Skilled Orators 254
An Electoral Check against Tyranny 255
Is a Better Representative Democracy Possible? 258
10 John Stuart Mill on Education and Democracy 260
Introduction 260
The Millian Framework: Utilitarianism, Self-Development, and Virtue 261
Democratic Education 269
Objections: Virtue Versus Individuality 276
Conclusion 283
Part Three: Beyond National Borders 285
11 Cosmopolitan Patriotism in J. S. Mill's Political Thought and Activism 287
I 288
II 291
III 293
IV 296
12 Mill and the Imperial Predicament 308
I 308
II 311
III 317
IV 320
V 326
13 Making Sense of Liberal Imperialism 329
I 330
II 333
III 335
IV 337
V 340
VI 344
VII 346
VIII 347
IX 351
Conclusion 355
14 Mill's \ 357
Bibliography 367
Index 385



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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