Auditing English


作   者:李爽,白蔚秋主编





  为使会计专业人才更好地参与国际合作与国际竞争,我们在认真总结多年教学经验的基础上,参考美国大学最新版本的审计学教材,追踪审计发展的前沿和热点问题,编写了本教材。本书语言简练,内容详实,系统性和专业性较强,可作为大专院校的审计英语教材或审计学双语教材,也可以作为相关专业人员的自学参考。.    本书中英文对照,并对审计专业词汇及术语进行了注释,便于读者在学习领会西方国家现代审计理论与方法的同时,熟悉并掌握与审计业务相关的专业词汇和术语,为今后阅读专业书籍和从事实务工作提供便利。...


chapter 1 an introduction to auditing.

1-1 the demand for anditing

1-2 major auditing developments of the20 century

1-3 auditing,attestation,and assurance services

1-4 types of audits

1-5 types of auditors

1-6 the public accounting profession

1-7 organizations that affect financial statement audits

key words, phrases and special terms

chapter 2 auditeing standards

2-1 gaas

2-2 the auditors'responsibility for detecting misstatements

2-3 the auditors'report

2-4 the attestation standards

2-5 quality control in cpa firms

2-6 international accounting and auditing standards

key words, phrases and special terms

chapter 3 rpofessional ethics

3-1 the nature of ethics

3-2 the need for professional ethics

.3-3 the aicpa code of professional conduct

3-4 ethics for internal auditors

key words, phrases and special terms

chapter 4 ldgal lialbility of cpas

4-1 the major legal concepts that relate to cpas'liability

4-2 cpas'liability to their clients under common law

4-3 auditors'common law liability to third parties

4-4 liability to third parties under statutory law

key words, phrases and special terms

chapter 5 audit evidence and working papers

5-1 the relationship of audit risk to evidence "'

5-2 audit evidence

5-3 audit procedures

5-4 working papers

key words, phrases and special terms

chapter 6 planning the audit

6-1 obtaining clients

6-2 audit planning

6-3 designing audit programs

6-4 audit process

key words, phrases and special terms

chapter 7 internal control

7-1 the meaning of internal control

7-2 the control environment

7-3 risk assessment

7-4 the accounting information and communication system

7-5 control activities

7-6 monitoring

7-7 limitations of internal control

7-8 the auditors' consideration of internal control

key words, phrases and special terms..

chapter 8 consideration of internal control in a computer environment

8-1 nature of computer systems

8-2 internal control in a computer environment

8-3 the auditors' consideration of internal control in a computer environment

8-4 substantive testing with computers

key words, phrases and special terms

chapter 9 audit sampling

9-1 comparison of statistical and nonstatistical sampling

9-2 audit sampling for tests of controls

9-3 attributes sampling

9-4 audit sampling for substantive tests

key words, phrases and special terms

chapter 10 cash and financial investments

10-1 cash

10-2 audit program for cash

10-3 financial investments

10-4 audit program for financial investments

key words, phrases and special terms

chapter 11 accounts receivable, notes receivable ,and revenue

11-1 receivables and revenue

11-2 audit program for receivables and revenue

key words, phrases and special terms

chapter 12 inventories

12-1 inventories and cost of goods sold

12-2 audit program for inventories and cost of goods sold

key words, phrases and special terms

chapter 13 property, plant and equipment

13-1 property, plant and equipment

13-2 audit program for property,plant,and equipment

13-3 depreciation

13-4 examination of natural resources

13-5 examination of intangible assets

key words, phrases and special terms

chapter 14 accounts payable and other liabilities

14-1 accounts payable

14-2 audit program for accounts payable

14-3 other current liabilities

key words, phrases and special terms

chapter 15 debt and equity capital

15-1 interest-bearing debt

15-2 audit program for interest-bearing debt

15-3 equity capital

15-4 audit program for capital stock

15-5 audit of sole proprietorships and partnerships

key words, phrases and special terms

chapter 16 auditing revenues and expenses

16-1 the objectives for the audit of revenues and expenses

16-2 revenue

16-3 expenses

16-4 the audit of payroll

16-5 completing the audit

16-6 evaluating audit findings

16-7 post-audit responsibilities

key words, phrases and special terms

chapter 17 auditors' reports

17-1 the auditors' standard report

17-2 expression of an opinion

17-3 summary of auditors' reports

key words,phrases and special terms

chapter 18 other assurance services

18-1 assurance services

18-2 attestation standards

18-3 assurance service examples

key words, phrases and special terms

chapter 19 internal, operational, and compliance auditing

19-1 internal auditing

19-2 operational auditing

19-3 compliance auditing

key words, phrases and special terms




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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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