初级剑桥商务英语证书(BEC Preliminary)考试是一种全新的实用型考
《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书(初级第2版)》由Lan Wood、Catrin
Lloyd-Jones、Anne Williams编著,是旨在为通过BEC Preliminary考试提
1a Job descriptions
1b Working conditions
2a Company history
2b Company activities
3 Exam focus: Vocabulary
4a Telephoning
4b Internal communication
5a Facts and figures
5b Performance
6 Exam focus: Reading
7a Product description
7b Product development
8a Business equipment
8b Correspondence
9 Exam focus: Writing
10a Business hotels
10b Commuting
11a Arranging a conference
11b At a conference
12 Exam focus: Listening
13a Production
13b Quality control
14a Direct service providers
14b The banking sector
15 Exam focus: Speaking
16a Delivery services
16b Trading
17a Recruiting staff
17b Applying for a job
18 Exam practice
1a Job descriptions
1b Working conditions
2a Company history
2b Company activities
3 Exam focus: Vocabulary
4a Telephoning
4b Internal communication
5a Facts and figures
5b Performance
6 Exam focus: Reading
7a Product description
7b Product development
8a Business equipment
8b Correspondence
9 Exam focus: Writing
10a Business hotels
10b Commuting
11a Arranging a conference
11b At a conference
12 Exam focus: Listening
13a Production
13b Quality control
14a Direct service providers
14b The banking sector
15 Exam focus: Speaking
16a Delivery services
16b Trading
17a Recruiting staff
17b Applying for a job
18 Exam practice
Pass Cambridge BEC,Preliminary,Student Book
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