

  1.不以语法或情景为纲,而以交谈功能(即说话所欲达到之目的)为组织全书材料的主线;一种交谈功能可以调动若干典型的词汇、语法,也可以适用于多种生活情景。   \n2.书中语言是地道的现代美国口语,充分体现了它在用词、语法、发音诸方面的特色。   \n3.文字、图象、录音七妙结合,更辅以参考译文,可以加深对语言的领会和吸收;广泛利用两两结对的方式进行多样化的听说练习,可以增进技能的掌握。   \n4.注释求力详尽,以满足尽可能多的不同水平的学习者的需要;范围涉及词汇、发音、语法、习惯用法等。   \n


UNIT 1 Haven't we met before?
1.Reint roducing you rself(1)
2.Reint roducing you rself(2)
3.Identifying someone and being told you are mistaken
4.Asking whether you've met before
5.Introducing another person
6.Talking about occupations
7.Introducing another person more formally
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UNIT 2 Would you mind telling me?
2.Asking questions in formal situations
1.Confirming information
3.Asking for clarification
4.Asking for further information
5.Closing an interview
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UNIT 3 Isn't he the one who ?
1 Asking who someone is
2.Asking about someone
3 Asking about someone's personality
4.Identifying someone
5.Asking about personal details
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UNIT 4 Where exactly is it?
1.Asking where facilities and services are located
2.Locating streets
3.Asking for specific locations 2?
4.Identifying buildings by appearance and location
5 Asking where inside a building something is localed
6.Asking about opening/closing times(1)
7.Asking about opening/closing times(2)
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UNIT 5 Variations
(Review of Units 1,2,3 and 4)
UNIT 6 You'd better get some rest.
2.Giving tentative advice(1)
1.Asking what the matte ris
3.Giving tentative advice(2)
4 Giving advice (1)
5 Giving advice not to do something
6.Giving advice(2)
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UNIT 7 Dol need to...?
1.Asking the p rocedure
2.Asking what the requirements are
3.Asking wnelher something is permitted/recommended
4. Asking when it is possibie to do something
5.Asking about rules regulations
?en to ?s
UNIT 8 What do you think?
1.Asking and giving opinions
2.Agreeing with an opinion
5.Qualifying a statement

UNIT 9 What did he do next?
Asking whether someone has done something
2.Talking about habitual actions in the past
3.Describing past events in sequence
4.Describing concurrent past events
5.Describing what someone has been doing
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UNIT 10 Variations
(Review of Units 6,7,8 and 9)
UNIT 11 What are you going to do?
1.Asking about future plans(1)
2.Asking about future plans(2)
3.Asking about future plans(3)
4.Describing changes in plans
5.Explaining possibilities
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UNIT 12 Did you hear what happened?
1.Responding to good and bad news
2.Suggesting how something probably occurred
3.Saying what someone should have done
4.Suggesting a course of action
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UNIT 13 What's this for?
1.Describing what objects are used for
2.Explaini ng the reasons for certain features
3.Explaining how to do things(1)
4.Explaining how to do things(2)
5.Describing where things were made and what they are made of
6.Finding out whether something can be done
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UNIT 14 What did they say about it?
1.Asking about what someone said(1)
2.Asking about what someone said(2)
3.Asking about what someone said(3)
4.Reporting recommendations
5.Reporting information from a book
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UNIT 15 Variations
(Review of Units 11,12,13 and 14)
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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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