Offers support for a wide range of products for the RISC System/6000 product line and AIX operating system, including Uni-processor (UP) and Symmetric Multiple Processor (SMP) systems. Provides important information for building many system features such as memory controllers with caches and bus-to-bus bridges. RISC System/ 6000 PowerPC System Architecturedefines an architecture that allows each operating system--in particular, the AIX operating system--to run unchanged on all systems that comply with this architecture. It provides a consistent software interface across a broad range of system implementations and offers all hardware/software dependencies necessary for a successful system identification, configuration and performance tuning process.
An important reference for all programmers and product development engineers who are developing software and hardware products for the RISC/System 6000 PowerPC systems. Also useful for system programmers involved in operating system design, system integrators building products and parts for the system family, and anyone interested in porting other operating systems to the RISC System/6000 family.
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Memory Architecture1.2 Definition of Terms1.2.1 Reserved1.2.2 Reserved/Unimplemented1.2.3 Addressing Notation1.2.4 Symbolic Notation1.3 Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability (RAS)
Chapter 2 PowerPC Processor Architecture
2.1 PowerPC Implementation Specific User's Manual2.1.1 Processor Requirements2.1.2 Hardware I/O Design Instruction Support Requirements
Chapter 3 Architected system Memory Map
3.1 Memory Map Layout3.2 Architected System Registers3.2.1 Physical Identifier Initialization (PIDI) Register3.2.2 Connectivity Configuration Register3.2.3 Connectivity Reset Register3.2.4 time of Day Registers3.2.5 System Reset count Register3.2.6 Power/Keylock Status Register (PKSR)3.2.7 Software Power on Reset Control Register3.2.8 Software Power Off Control Register3.2.9 System Specific System Registers3.3 Architected System Interrupt Registers3.3.1 Data Storage Interrupt Error Register (DSIER)3.3.2 SMP Early Power Off Warning (EPOW) External Interrupt Vector Register (XIVR)3.3.3 IPLCB/Global Queue Interrupt Routing Mask Location Interface
Chapter 4 Bring-Up and Configuration Architecture
4.1 Device Configuration Architecture4.1.1 Hardware Architecture Assumptions and Requirements4.2 Configuration Registers4.2.1 Configuration Sequence4.2.2 Architected Configuration Registers4.2.3 Architected Configuration Registers Address Map4.2.4 Device Specific Configuration Registers4.3 Feature ROM Scan (FRS) Architecture4.3.1 Address Range4.3.2 Criteria for Required ROM4.3.3 ROM Type Attributes
Chapter 5 NVRAM Contents and Mapping
5.1 NVRAM Usage5.1.1 ROM Specific Areas and Their Management5.1.2 OCS/SP Implementations5.1.3 Non-OCS Implementations
Chapter 6 Bus Unit Controller (BUC) Architecture
6.1 BUC Addressing6.1.1 Addressing with T=0 (Memory Mapped or Ordinary Segments)6.1.2 Addressing with T=1 (Direct-Store Segments)6.1.3 Load and Store Addressing Model6.1.4 BUC Translation Control Entry (TCE)6.1.5 BUC TCE Address Register6.2 BUC Interrupt Structure6.2.1 BUC Interrupt Scenario6.2.2 External Interrupt Vector Register (XIVR)6.2.3 End of Interrupt (EOI) Command6.3 BUC Data Consistency and Ordering Requirements
Chapter 7 IOCC Architecture
7.1 System Structure7.1.1 Virtual Memory7.1.2 System memory7.1.3 Bus Memory and Bus I/O Address Space7.1.4 IOCC Facilities7.2 Bit and Byte Numbering Conventions7.2.1 Big-Endian and Little-Endian Mode Concurrency7.2.2 Two Processor Implementations of Little-Endian Mode7.2.3 I/O Load and Store Access from the Processor to the I/O7.2.4 DMA Data Interchange Between I/o and Memory7.3 Micro Channel Bus Protocols7.3.1 Micro Channel Arbitration7.3.2 Basic Transfer Cycle7.3.3 Micro Channel Buys Errors7.3.4 Exception Reporting and Handling7.3.5 Micro Channel Interrupts7.4 IOCC Programming Model7.4.1 Load and Store Instructions7.4.2 Bus Master7.4.3 DMA Slave7.4.4 IOCC Commands7.4.5 IOCC Registers7.4.6 IOCC Interrupt Structure7.4.7 Non-Recoverable Errors7.4.8 Recoverable Errors
Chapter 8 System Resources
8.1 Operator Interface8.1.1 Display Interface8.1.2 IPL/Operation Mode8.1.3 Operator Reset8.2 Non-Volatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM)8.3 Time Facilities8.3.1 Time of Day Clock8.3.2 Time Base Enable8.3.3 Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP) Synchronization
Chapter 9 External Interrupt Architecture
9.1 External Interrupt Overview9.1.1 System Level Interrupt Register Overview9.1.2 Interrupt Routing Layer9.1.3 Interrupt Presentation Layer9.2 Interrupt Register Definition Details9.2.1 External Interrupt Request Register (XIRR)9.2.2 Current Processor Priority Register (CPPR)9.2.3 External Interrupt Source Register (XISR)9.2.4 Queued Interrupt Request Register (QIRR)9.2.5 Most Favored Request Register (MFRR)9.2.6 Global Queue Interrupt Request Register (G_QIRR)9.2.7 SMP Global Queue Interrupt Routing Masks (GQ_IRMs)9.2.8 Available Processor Mask (APM)
Chapter 10 System Exception Processing
10.1 Exception Handling10.1.1 Target Market Categories10.1.2 Interrupts and Checkstop10.1.3 Exception Conditions10.1.4 Processor Designs10.1.5 BUC Designs10.1.6 Real Address Mmemory Mapped I/O10.1.7 Multiprocessor10.1.8 Diagnostics10.1.9 System Exception Support Facilities10.1.10 System Exception IPLCB Interface
Chapter 11 System Bus Architecture
11.1 60X Bus Overview11.1.1 60X Bus Memory Coherence11.1.2 60X Bus Transfer Protocols11.2 6XX System Bus Overview
Chapter 12 Bring-Up Function and IPLCB
12.1 SMP Bring-Up Function12.2 IPL Control Block (IPLCB) Interface12.2.1 Purpose of the IPLCB
Chapter 13 Vital Product Data (VPI)
13.1 VPD Format13.1.1 Keyword Definitions13.1.2 Device Specific VPD Data Requirements
Chapter 14 AIX Based Diagnostics Requirements
14.1 AIX Based Diagnostics Dependencies14.1.1 Hardware Dependencies14.1.2 Hardware Testing Dependencies14.1.3 VPD Requirements from AIX Based Diagnostics14.1.4 Maintenance Package Operator Panel Requirements14.1.5 Built-in Self-Tests (BISTs)14.1.6 Power-On Self-Tests (POSTs)14.1.7 Service Processor (SP) Diagnostics14.1.8 Built-in Diagnostics and Off-Line Diagnostics
Appendix A Processor Dependencies
A.1 Segment Register (SR) or Segment Table Entry (STE) BitsA.2 External Interrupt Request Register (XIRR) LatencyA.3 T=1 Direct-Store SegmentsA.4 Alignment Interrupts
Appendix B Standard I/O Interface
B.1 Recommended Mapping
Appendix C Target Market Categories
C.1 Exception Handling by Target Market Categories
Appendix D Memory Controller Example
D.1 Device ID Register for Memory ControllerD.2 Device Specific Configuration RegistersD.3 Error Correction Codes (ECC)
Appendix E System Exception Implementation Examples
E.1 RISC/System 6000 Model 250E.2 Typical SMP SystemE.3 AIXE.4 System Exception RegistersE.4.1 Memory Controller Status Register (MCSR)E.4.2 System Exception Status Register (SESR)E.4.3 Memory Error Address Register (MEAR)E.4.4 System Exception Address Register (SEAR)E.4.5 Time-Out RegistersE.5 Processing Examples
Appendix F IPLCB Example
F.1 IPLCB Structure DefinitionF.2 Notes on IPLCB Front End and IPL Directory StructuresF.2.1 Memory Allocation and Access Rules for IPLCBF.2.2 IPL ROM ArraysF.2.3 Per-Processor Scratch Pad Array StructureF.2.4 Per-BUC Scratch Pad Array StructureF.2.5 Per-Adapter Family 2 Scratch Pad Array StructureF.2.6 System Info Scratch Pad
Appendix G AIX Dependencies on the IPLCB
G.1 IPLCB/Implementation Dependent PlacementsG.2 Dependencies for PowerPC System PlatformsG.2.1 Struct ipl_directoryG.2.2 Struct ipl_infoG.2.3 Struct iocc_post_resultsG.2.4 Struct ram_dataG.2.5 Struct net_dataG.2.6 Struct global_spadG.2.7 Struct sga_dataG.2.8 Additional Dependencies for PowerPC System Platforms
Appendix H AIX Command and Event Indicators
H.1 Encoded MessagesH.2 Event IndicatorsH.2.1 Dump IndicatorsH.2.2 Debugger IndicatorH.2.3 Boot and Install IndicatorsH.2.4 Diskette Command and Progress IndicatorsH.2.5 Console IndicatorsH.2.6 Diagnostic Controller Event IndicatorsH.2.7 AIX Event Indicators
Appendix I Power IOCC Arch. vs PowerPC IOCC Architecture
I.1 Changes from Power IOCC Architecture
Appendix J 32/64 Bit BUC Arch. Differences & Considerations
J.1 32-Bit BUCs Versus 64-Bit BUCs
Appendix K Big-Endian and Little-Endian Tutorial
K.1 Endian Byte OrderingK.2 Structure Mapping ExamplesK.2.1 PowerPC Processor Byte OrderingGlossary
List of Tables
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Memory Architecture1.2 Definition of Terms1.2.1 Reserved1.2.2 Reserved/Unimplemented1.2.3 Addressing Notation1.2.4 Symbolic Notation1.3 Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability (RAS)
Chapter 2 PowerPC Processor Architecture
2.1 PowerPC Implementation Specific User's Manual2.1.1 Processor Requirements2.1.2 Hardware I/O Design Instruction Support Requirements
Chapter 3 Architected system Memory Map
3.1 Memory Map Layout3.2 Architected System Registers3.2.1 Physical Identifier Initialization (PIDI) Register3.2.2 Connectivity Configuration Register3.2.3 Connectivity Reset Register3.2.4 time of Day Registers3.2.5 System Reset count Register3.2.6 Power/Keylock Status Register (PKSR)3.2.7 Software Power on Reset Control Register3.2.8 Software Power Off Control Register3.2.9 System Specific System Registers3.3 Architected System Interrupt Registers3.3.1 Data Storage Interrupt Error Register (DSIER)3.3.2 SMP Early Power Off Warning (EPOW) External Interrupt Vector Register (XIVR)3.3.3 IPLCB/Global Queue Interrupt Routing Mask Location Interface
Chapter 4 Bring-Up and Configuration Architecture
4.1 Device Configuration Architecture4.1.1 Hardware Architecture Assumptions and Requirements4.2 Configuration Registers4.2.1 Configuration Sequence4.2.2 Architected Configuration Registers4.2.3 Architected Configuration Registers Address Map4.2.4 Device Specific Configuration Registers4.3 Feature ROM Scan (FRS) Architecture4.3.1 Address Range4.3.2 Criteria for Required ROM4.3.3 ROM Type Attributes
Chapter 5 NVRAM Contents and Mapping
5.1 NVRAM Usage5.1.1 ROM Specific Areas and Their Management5.1.2 OCS/SP Implementations5.1.3 Non-OCS Implementations
Chapter 6 Bus Unit Controller (BUC) Architecture
6.1 BUC Addressing6.1.1 Addressing with T=0 (Memory Mapped or Ordinary Segments)6.1.2 Addressing with T=1 (Direct-Store Segments)6.1.3 Load and Store Addressing Model6.1.4 BUC Translation Control Entry (TCE)6.1.5 BUC TCE Address Register6.2 BUC Interrupt Structure6.2.1 BUC Interrupt Scenario6.2.2 External Interrupt Vector Register (XIVR)6.2.3 End of Interrupt (EOI) Command6.3 BUC Data Consistency and Ordering Requirements
Chapter 7 IOCC Architecture
7.1 System Structure7.1.1 Virtual Memory7.1.2 System memory7.1.3 Bus Memory and Bus I/O Address Space7.1.4 IOCC Facilities7.2 Bit and Byte Numbering Conventions7.2.1 Big-Endian and Little-Endian Mode Concurrency7.2.2 Two Processor Implementations of Little-Endian Mode7.2.3 I/O Load and Store Access from the Processor to the I/O7.2.4 DMA Data Interchange Between I/o and Memory7.3 Micro Channel Bus Protocols7.3.1 Micro Channel Arbitration7.3.2 Basic Transfer Cycle7.3.3 Micro Channel Buys Errors7.3.4 Exception Reporting and Handling7.3.5 Micro Channel Interrupts7.4 IOCC Programming Model7.4.1 Load and Store Instructions7.4.2 Bus Master7.4.3 DMA Slave7.4.4 IOCC Commands7.4.5 IOCC Registers7.4.6 IOCC Interrupt Structure7.4.7 Non-Recoverable Errors7.4.8 Recoverable Errors
Chapter 8 System Resources
8.1 Operator Interface8.1.1 Display Interface8.1.2 IPL/Operation Mode8.1.3 Operator Reset8.2 Non-Volatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM)8.3 Time Facilities8.3.1 Time of Day Clock8.3.2 Time Base Enable8.3.3 Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP) Synchronization
Chapter 9 External Interrupt Architecture
9.1 External Interrupt Overview9.1.1 System Level Interrupt Register Overview9.1.2 Interrupt Routing Layer9.1.3 Interrupt Presentation Layer9.2 Interrupt Register Definition Details9.2.1 External Interrupt Request Register (XIRR)9.2.2 Current Processor Priority Register (CPPR)9.2.3 External Interrupt Source Register (XISR)9.2.4 Queued Interrupt Request Register (QIRR)9.2.5 Most Favored Request Register (MFRR)9.2.6 Global Queue Interrupt Request Register (G_QIRR)9.2.7 SMP Global Queue Interrupt Routing Masks (GQ_IRMs)9.2.8 Available Processor Mask (APM)
Chapter 10 System Exception Processing
10.1 Exception Handling10.1.1 Target Market Categories10.1.2 Interrupts and Checkstop10.1.3 Exception Conditions10.1.4 Processor Designs10.1.5 BUC Designs10.1.6 Real Address Mmemory Mapped I/O10.1.7 Multiprocessor10.1.8 Diagnostics10.1.9 System Exception Support Facilities10.1.10 System Exception IPLCB Interface
Chapter 11 System Bus Architecture
11.1 60X Bus Overview11.1.1 60X Bus Memory Coherence11.1.2 60X Bus Transfer Protocols11.2 6XX System Bus Overview
Chapter 12 Bring-Up Function and IPLCB
12.1 SMP Bring-Up Function12.2 IPL Control Block (IPLCB) Interface12.2.1 Purpose of the IPLCB
Chapter 13 Vital Product Data (VPI)
13.1 VPD Format13.1.1 Keyword Definitions13.1.2 Device Specific VPD Data Requirements
Chapter 14 AIX Based Diagnostics Requirements
14.1 AIX Based Diagnostics Dependencies14.1.1 Hardware Dependencies14.1.2 Hardware Testing Dependencies14.1.3 VPD Requirements from AIX Based Diagnostics14.1.4 Maintenance Package Operator Panel Requirements14.1.5 Built-in Self-Tests (BISTs)14.1.6 Power-On Self-Tests (POSTs)14.1.7 Service Processor (SP) Diagnostics14.1.8 Built-in Diagnostics and Off-Line Diagnostics
Appendix A Processor Dependencies
A.1 Segment Register (SR) or Segment Table Entry (STE) BitsA.2 External Interrupt Request Register (XIRR) LatencyA.3 T=1 Direct-Store SegmentsA.4 Alignment Interrupts
Appendix B Standard I/O Interface
B.1 Recommended Mapping
Appendix C Target Market Categories
C.1 Exception Handling by Target Market Categories
Appendix D Memory Controller Example
D.1 Device ID Register for Memory ControllerD.2 Device Specific Configuration RegistersD.3 Error Correction Codes (ECC)
Appendix E System Exception Implementation Examples
E.1 RISC/System 6000 Model 250E.2 Typical SMP SystemE.3 AIXE.4 System Exception RegistersE.4.1 Memory Controller Status Register (MCSR)E.4.2 System Exception Status Register (SESR)E.4.3 Memory Error Address Register (MEAR)E.4.4 System Exception Address Register (SEAR)E.4.5 Time-Out RegistersE.5 Processing Examples
Appendix F IPLCB Example
F.1 IPLCB Structure DefinitionF.2 Notes on IPLCB Front End and IPL Directory StructuresF.2.1 Memory Allocation and Access Rules for IPLCBF.2.2 IPL ROM ArraysF.2.3 Per-Processor Scratch Pad Array StructureF.2.4 Per-BUC Scratch Pad Array StructureF.2.5 Per-Adapter Family 2 Scratch Pad Array StructureF.2.6 System Info Scratch Pad
Appendix G AIX Dependencies on the IPLCB
G.1 IPLCB/Implementation Dependent PlacementsG.2 Dependencies for PowerPC System PlatformsG.2.1 Struct ipl_directoryG.2.2 Struct ipl_infoG.2.3 Struct iocc_post_resultsG.2.4 Struct ram_dataG.2.5 Struct net_dataG.2.6 Struct global_spadG.2.7 Struct sga_dataG.2.8 Additional Dependencies for PowerPC System Platforms
Appendix H AIX Command and Event Indicators
H.1 Encoded MessagesH.2 Event IndicatorsH.2.1 Dump IndicatorsH.2.2 Debugger IndicatorH.2.3 Boot and Install IndicatorsH.2.4 Diskette Command and Progress IndicatorsH.2.5 Console IndicatorsH.2.6 Diagnostic Controller Event IndicatorsH.2.7 AIX Event Indicators
Appendix I Power IOCC Arch. vs PowerPC IOCC Architecture
I.1 Changes from Power IOCC Architecture
Appendix J 32/64 Bit BUC Arch. Differences & Considerations
J.1 32-Bit BUCs Versus 64-Bit BUCs
Appendix K Big-Endian and Little-Endian Tutorial
K.1 Endian Byte OrderingK.2 Structure Mapping ExamplesK.2.1 PowerPC Processor Byte OrderingGlossary
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