part 1 音标
Chapter 1 发音器官示意图
Chapter 2 英语概况
Chapter 3 音素、音节与单词
Chapter 4 元音
Chapter 5 辅音
part 2 单词
Chapter 1 衣
01 逛街 Go Shopping
02 买衣服 Buying Clothes
03 描述衣服 Describing Clothes
04 亮丽衣装 Flashy Clothes
05 服装设计 Fashion Design
06 丝绸服装Silk Clothes
07 买鞋子 Buying Shoes
08 讨价还价 Bargaining
09 美容 Beauty
10 美甲 Nail Beauty
11 理发 Getting a Haircut
12 染发 Dyeing the Hair
13 烫发 Hair Perming
14 护肤化妆 Cosmetics
15 美体瘦身Body Slimming Treatment
16 钻石珠宝 Diamond & Jewellery
17 钱包 Wallet
18 手表 Watch
19 帽子 Hats
20 收入 Income
21 支出Expenditure
Chapter 2 食
01 健康饮食Healthy Diet
02 食物保存 Food preservation
03 食物过敏 Food Allergy
04 保健品 Health Care Products
05 一日三餐 Three Meals Everyday
06 买菜 Buying Vegetables
07 煮饭 Cooking
08 在家就餐 Eating at Home
09 饮料 Beverage
10 评论美食 Talking about Food
11 餐厅用餐 Eating at the Restaurant
12 自助餐厅就餐 Eating in the Cafeteria
13 快餐店就餐 Eating at the Fast-food Restaurant
14 西餐厅就餐 Eating at a Western Restaurant
15 点菜 Taking Orders
16 入座用餐 Seating
17 餐馆抱怨 Complaints in the Restaurant
18 喝茶 Drinking Tea
19 买单 Paying the Bill
20 野餐 Having a Picnic
Chapter 3 住
01 租房 Renting a House
02 购买房产 Buying a House
03 装修房子 Decorating the House
04 搬家 Moving House
05 起床 Getting Up
06 洗漱 Washing
07 出门之前 Before Leaving Home
08 回家后 After Coming Back
09 做家务 Doing Chores
10 养宠物 Keeping a Pet
11 看医生 Seeing a Doctor
12 去干洗店 Going to the Laundry
13 银行存取 Withdraw & Deposit
14 寄东西 Mailing Stuff
15 邻里关系 Neighborhood
16 走亲访友 Visiting Relatives and Friends
17 请客吃饭 Inviting to Dinner
18 读书看报 Reading
19 看电视 Watching TV
20 准备就寝 Going to Bed
Chapter 4 行
01 步行 Walking
02 旅游计划 Traveling Plans
03 旅行社咨询 Consulting in the Travel Agency
04 登山 Mountaineer
05 闲情垂钓 Enjoy Fishing
06 欧洲之旅 Traveling in Europe
07 自驾车Driving a Car
08 谈论天气 Talking about Weather
09 绿色出行 Green Commuting
10 乘出租车 Taking a Taxi
11 乘坐公共汽车 On a Bus
12 乘坐地铁 Traveling by Subway
14 交通事故 Car Accidents
15 迷路 Getting Lost
16 询问地址 Inquirying Address
part 3 口语
Chapter 1 生活广角
1 I feel like renting a house 我想租房子。
2 Why not buy a house? 为什么不买一套房产呢?
3 I need to move my house 我得搬家了。
4 I want to repaint the wall 我想把墙重新粉刷一下。
5 Will you help me do the housework? 你能帮我做家务吗?
6 Who is calling? 谁打的电话?
7 Let’s cook for ourselves 我们自己烹饪食物吧。
8 How about dining out? 在外面用餐怎么样?
09 Do you mind buying a ticket for me ?介意帮我买张票吗?
10 I have no idea how I got so serious a cold
11 Regular exercise makes me feel more energized
12 I want a perm 我想要烫个头发。
13 Would you like to go shopping this weekend? 周末想去逛街吗?
14 I’d rather use Postal Express 我宁愿用邮政快递。
15 You can find it in supermarket 你可以在大超市买到。
16 I’m at the gas station 我现在在加油站。
17 I want laundry service 我想要洗衣服务。
18 I want to save some money 我想存点钱。
19 I’m going to the beauty parlor this afternoon 我今天下午去美容院。
20 I’d like a crew cut 我想剪平头。
21 Do you have this any other colours? 还有其他的颜色吗?
22 It’s healthier to be slim 苗条更健康。
23 We have to wait in line in a cafeteria 在自助餐馆我们要排队等候。
24 How many red peppers would you like? 你想要多少红辣椒?
25 Do you prefer plain boiled rice or fried rice? 你喜欢吃白米饭还是炒饭?
26 I don’t care for French fries 我不喜欢炸薯条。
27 Which color would you like to dye it? 您想染什么颜色?
Chapter 2 交际人生
1 I miss you, dad 我想你了,爸爸。
2 Fancy meeting you here !真没想到在这遇见你!
3 I’m your new neighbour 我是你的新邻居。
4 She is an outstanding girl in our office 她在办公室很出众。
5 What will you do this weekend? 这个周末你怎么过?
6 We knew each other through the internet 我们通过网络相识。
7 Do try to come to my birthday party 请一定来我的生日聚会。
8 Goodbye 再见。
9 To the future success of our cooperation !为我们合作成功干杯!
Chapter 3 情感天地
1 I love my family 我爱我的家人。
2 My friend John is a selfish guy 我的朋友约翰是一个自私的家伙。
3 I love her at the first sight 我对她一见钟情。
4 The flash marriage is really becoming a thing 闪婚变得越来越流行了。
5 Naked marriage is more popular nowadays 现在裸婚很流行。
6 I’d rather always stay single 我宁愿一直单身。
7 We fell in love with each other through the Internet 我们通过网络相爱了。
8 In recent years there have been an increasing number of mixed marriage
9 It is not surprising that romance springs up at the office
10 Will you go out with me? 你愿意跟我约会吗?
11 Will you marry me? 你愿意嫁给我吗?
12 I want it to be your dream wedding 我希望这是你梦想中的婚礼。
13 They don’t want children to spoil their marriage
14 I can’t stand you any more 我受不了你了。
15 Maybe we really should break up 也许我们真的应该分手了。
16 How do you like the marriage life? 你怎样看待婚姻生活?
17 It’s our tenth wedding anniversary tomorrow
18 Let’s get divorced 我们离婚吧。
Chapter 4 交通出行
1 Is this the bus to Central Park? 这是去中央公园的公共汽车吗?
2 Where is the subway station? 地铁站在哪里?
3 Where can I get a taxi? 我在哪里可以打到出租车?
4 Should I just drive? 我该开车吗?
5 I go there by bike 我骑自行车去那里的。
6 We need to take a nonstop flight 我们需要搭乘直达航班。
7 Where can I check in? 在哪里可以办理登机手续?
8 Welcome on board our flight 欢迎乘坐我们的航班。
9 Where is the luggage pickup spot? 行李提取处在哪里?
10 You’ll have to pay duty on this 你必须为这项物品缴付税金。
11 How can I get to Harvard? 我怎样到达哈佛大学?
12 We’re in a car accident 我们遇到交通事故了。
13 We’re trapped in traffic jam 我们遇到交通堵塞了。
Chapter 5 旅游观光
1 I want to go on a vacation 我想去度假。
2 I decided on a travel agency 我选好了一家旅行社。
3 We took some excellent pictures 我们拍了很多极棒的照片。
4 We have reserved a hotel 我们已经预定了一家旅馆。
5 We have been choosing some souvenirs 我们一直在挑选纪念品。
6 It’s really a tourist attraction 这儿真是一个旅游胜地。
7 It’s great to have a picnic during the trip
8 We get into trouble 我们遇到麻烦了。
9 We all had a wonderful vacation 我们都度过了一个很难忘的假期。
Chapter 6 运动休闲
1 Is there anything special on TV today? 今天有什么特别的电视节目吗?
2 I’m a movie buff 我是一个电影迷。
3 What music do you prefer? 你喜欢什么音乐?
4 How to go climbing this weekend? 周末去爬山怎么样?
5 I’m going to order a few things online 我要在网上订购一些东西。
6 Are you good at photography? 你擅长摄影吗?
7 Who knows which candidate will make it to the final?
8 I suggest you start up your own blog 我建议你开通自己的博客。
9 The NBA is on this Sunday 这周日有NBA 联赛。
10 What’s your sign? 你是什么星座的?
11 Shall we go to the KTV after work? 下班后去KTV 怎样?
12 What’s your puppy’s name? 你的小狗叫什么名字?
13 I want to do a nail beauty 我想美甲。
14 Why not go to the park? 去公园逛逛怎样?
15 Would you like to go to the bar? 你们想去酒吧吗?
Chapter 7 职场沉浮
1 I really need to find a job 我真的需要找份工作。
2 I’m here for the interview as requested 我是应约来面试的。
3 This is my first day here 我是新来的。
4 I’ll be training you from now on 从现在起由我给你们做培训。
5 The data in my computer is missing 我电脑里的数据丢失了。
6 You’d better not be late 你最好不要迟到。
7 May I ask for several days off? 我可以请几天假吗?
8 I can work overtime when it’s necessary 如果需要我可以加班。
9 How do you handle pressure? 你怎么处理压力的?
10 Does this promotion come with a raise? 这次升职后工资会涨吗?
11 I’ll consider changing my job if better opportunities arise
12 Do you have any insurance? 你有保险吗?
13 Many white-collars take part in adult education programs
14 You shouldn’t have quitted 你不应该辞职的。
15 I work for myself 我在自己创业。
Chapter 8 商务贸易
1 Have you got some samples to show me? 有没有样品给我看一下?
2 What’s the date of the trade show? 商展的日期是几号?
3 Have you received our inquiry sheets yet? 你们收到我们的询价单了吗?
4 How large is the commission for this deal? 这笔交易的佣金是多少?
5 We’d like to order some chairs 我们想订一些椅子。
6 We need to pay in check 我方需要以支票支付。
7 What is the insurance premium for these goods? 这批货物的保险是多少?
8 Do you have some specific request for packing?
9 How much is my tariff? 我的关税是多少?
10 I’m afraid I have a serious complaint to make
11 We have decided to strenghten market research 我们决定加强市场调研。
Chapter 9 理财经济
1 I live from paycheck to paycheck 我是一个“月光”族。
2 Maybe I should throw away my credit cards 也许我应该扔掉信用卡。
3 I want to trade stocks 我想炒股。
4 I’m going to buy a car 我打算买辆车。
5 Do you have any savings? 你有储蓄吗?
Chapter 10 文化、景观
1 I need one ticket to the museum, please 我要一张博物馆的门票
2 When is the Spring Festival? 春节是什么时候?
3 Merry Christmas !圣诞节快乐!
4 Happy Mother’s Day !母亲节快乐!
5 It’s Valentine’s Day 今天是情人节。
6 The Mid-autumn Day is falling 中秋节要到了。
7 How do we celebrate the National Day? 我们怎样庆祝国庆节呢?
8 Warm wishes at Thanksgiving 感恩节快乐!
9 Have a great Halloween 愿你有个很棒的万圣节。
10 Wish you good luck on April Fool’s Day 祝你愚人节好运。
11 Wish you all the blessings of a nice Lantern Festival
12 Have you got any plans for Tomb Sweeping Day?
13 We offer Women’s Day blessings to you 我们向您献上妇女节的祝福。
Chapter 1 发音器官示意图
Chapter 2 英语概况
Chapter 3 音素、音节与单词
Chapter 4 元音
Chapter 5 辅音
part 2 单词
Chapter 1 衣
01 逛街 Go Shopping
02 买衣服 Buying Clothes
03 描述衣服 Describing Clothes
04 亮丽衣装 Flashy Clothes
05 服装设计 Fashion Design
06 丝绸服装Silk Clothes
07 买鞋子 Buying Shoes
08 讨价还价 Bargaining
09 美容 Beauty
10 美甲 Nail Beauty
11 理发 Getting a Haircut
12 染发 Dyeing the Hair
13 烫发 Hair Perming
14 护肤化妆 Cosmetics
15 美体瘦身Body Slimming Treatment
16 钻石珠宝 Diamond & Jewellery
17 钱包 Wallet
18 手表 Watch
19 帽子 Hats
20 收入 Income
21 支出Expenditure
Chapter 2 食
01 健康饮食Healthy Diet
02 食物保存 Food preservation
03 食物过敏 Food Allergy
04 保健品 Health Care Products
05 一日三餐 Three Meals Everyday
06 买菜 Buying Vegetables
07 煮饭 Cooking
08 在家就餐 Eating at Home
09 饮料 Beverage
10 评论美食 Talking about Food
11 餐厅用餐 Eating at the Restaurant
12 自助餐厅就餐 Eating in the Cafeteria
13 快餐店就餐 Eating at the Fast-food Restaurant
14 西餐厅就餐 Eating at a Western Restaurant
15 点菜 Taking Orders
16 入座用餐 Seating
17 餐馆抱怨 Complaints in the Restaurant
18 喝茶 Drinking Tea
19 买单 Paying the Bill
20 野餐 Having a Picnic
Chapter 3 住
01 租房 Renting a House
02 购买房产 Buying a House
03 装修房子 Decorating the House
04 搬家 Moving House
05 起床 Getting Up
06 洗漱 Washing
07 出门之前 Before Leaving Home
08 回家后 After Coming Back
09 做家务 Doing Chores
10 养宠物 Keeping a Pet
11 看医生 Seeing a Doctor
12 去干洗店 Going to the Laundry
13 银行存取 Withdraw & Deposit
14 寄东西 Mailing Stuff
15 邻里关系 Neighborhood
16 走亲访友 Visiting Relatives and Friends
17 请客吃饭 Inviting to Dinner
18 读书看报 Reading
19 看电视 Watching TV
20 准备就寝 Going to Bed
Chapter 4 行
01 步行 Walking
02 旅游计划 Traveling Plans
03 旅行社咨询 Consulting in the Travel Agency
04 登山 Mountaineer
05 闲情垂钓 Enjoy Fishing
06 欧洲之旅 Traveling in Europe
07 自驾车Driving a Car
08 谈论天气 Talking about Weather
09 绿色出行 Green Commuting
10 乘出租车 Taking a Taxi
11 乘坐公共汽车 On a Bus
12 乘坐地铁 Traveling by Subway
14 交通事故 Car Accidents
15 迷路 Getting Lost
16 询问地址 Inquirying Address
part 3 口语
Chapter 1 生活广角
1 I feel like renting a house 我想租房子。
2 Why not buy a house? 为什么不买一套房产呢?
3 I need to move my house 我得搬家了。
4 I want to repaint the wall 我想把墙重新粉刷一下。
5 Will you help me do the housework? 你能帮我做家务吗?
6 Who is calling? 谁打的电话?
7 Let’s cook for ourselves 我们自己烹饪食物吧。
8 How about dining out? 在外面用餐怎么样?
09 Do you mind buying a ticket for me ?介意帮我买张票吗?
10 I have no idea how I got so serious a cold
11 Regular exercise makes me feel more energized
12 I want a perm 我想要烫个头发。
13 Would you like to go shopping this weekend? 周末想去逛街吗?
14 I’d rather use Postal Express 我宁愿用邮政快递。
15 You can find it in supermarket 你可以在大超市买到。
16 I’m at the gas station 我现在在加油站。
17 I want laundry service 我想要洗衣服务。
18 I want to save some money 我想存点钱。
19 I’m going to the beauty parlor this afternoon 我今天下午去美容院。
20 I’d like a crew cut 我想剪平头。
21 Do you have this any other colours? 还有其他的颜色吗?
22 It’s healthier to be slim 苗条更健康。
23 We have to wait in line in a cafeteria 在自助餐馆我们要排队等候。
24 How many red peppers would you like? 你想要多少红辣椒?
25 Do you prefer plain boiled rice or fried rice? 你喜欢吃白米饭还是炒饭?
26 I don’t care for French fries 我不喜欢炸薯条。
27 Which color would you like to dye it? 您想染什么颜色?
Chapter 2 交际人生
1 I miss you, dad 我想你了,爸爸。
2 Fancy meeting you here !真没想到在这遇见你!
3 I’m your new neighbour 我是你的新邻居。
4 She is an outstanding girl in our office 她在办公室很出众。
5 What will you do this weekend? 这个周末你怎么过?
6 We knew each other through the internet 我们通过网络相识。
7 Do try to come to my birthday party 请一定来我的生日聚会。
8 Goodbye 再见。
9 To the future success of our cooperation !为我们合作成功干杯!
Chapter 3 情感天地
1 I love my family 我爱我的家人。
2 My friend John is a selfish guy 我的朋友约翰是一个自私的家伙。
3 I love her at the first sight 我对她一见钟情。
4 The flash marriage is really becoming a thing 闪婚变得越来越流行了。
5 Naked marriage is more popular nowadays 现在裸婚很流行。
6 I’d rather always stay single 我宁愿一直单身。
7 We fell in love with each other through the Internet 我们通过网络相爱了。
8 In recent years there have been an increasing number of mixed marriage
9 It is not surprising that romance springs up at the office
10 Will you go out with me? 你愿意跟我约会吗?
11 Will you marry me? 你愿意嫁给我吗?
12 I want it to be your dream wedding 我希望这是你梦想中的婚礼。
13 They don’t want children to spoil their marriage
14 I can’t stand you any more 我受不了你了。
15 Maybe we really should break up 也许我们真的应该分手了。
16 How do you like the marriage life? 你怎样看待婚姻生活?
17 It’s our tenth wedding anniversary tomorrow
18 Let’s get divorced 我们离婚吧。
Chapter 4 交通出行
1 Is this the bus to Central Park? 这是去中央公园的公共汽车吗?
2 Where is the subway station? 地铁站在哪里?
3 Where can I get a taxi? 我在哪里可以打到出租车?
4 Should I just drive? 我该开车吗?
5 I go there by bike 我骑自行车去那里的。
6 We need to take a nonstop flight 我们需要搭乘直达航班。
7 Where can I check in? 在哪里可以办理登机手续?
8 Welcome on board our flight 欢迎乘坐我们的航班。
9 Where is the luggage pickup spot? 行李提取处在哪里?
10 You’ll have to pay duty on this 你必须为这项物品缴付税金。
11 How can I get to Harvard? 我怎样到达哈佛大学?
12 We’re in a car accident 我们遇到交通事故了。
13 We’re trapped in traffic jam 我们遇到交通堵塞了。
Chapter 5 旅游观光
1 I want to go on a vacation 我想去度假。
2 I decided on a travel agency 我选好了一家旅行社。
3 We took some excellent pictures 我们拍了很多极棒的照片。
4 We have reserved a hotel 我们已经预定了一家旅馆。
5 We have been choosing some souvenirs 我们一直在挑选纪念品。
6 It’s really a tourist attraction 这儿真是一个旅游胜地。
7 It’s great to have a picnic during the trip
8 We get into trouble 我们遇到麻烦了。
9 We all had a wonderful vacation 我们都度过了一个很难忘的假期。
Chapter 6 运动休闲
1 Is there anything special on TV today? 今天有什么特别的电视节目吗?
2 I’m a movie buff 我是一个电影迷。
3 What music do you prefer? 你喜欢什么音乐?
4 How to go climbing this weekend? 周末去爬山怎么样?
5 I’m going to order a few things online 我要在网上订购一些东西。
6 Are you good at photography? 你擅长摄影吗?
7 Who knows which candidate will make it to the final?
8 I suggest you start up your own blog 我建议你开通自己的博客。
9 The NBA is on this Sunday 这周日有NBA 联赛。
10 What’s your sign? 你是什么星座的?
11 Shall we go to the KTV after work? 下班后去KTV 怎样?
12 What’s your puppy’s name? 你的小狗叫什么名字?
13 I want to do a nail beauty 我想美甲。
14 Why not go to the park? 去公园逛逛怎样?
15 Would you like to go to the bar? 你们想去酒吧吗?
Chapter 7 职场沉浮
1 I really need to find a job 我真的需要找份工作。
2 I’m here for the interview as requested 我是应约来面试的。
3 This is my first day here 我是新来的。
4 I’ll be training you from now on 从现在起由我给你们做培训。
5 The data in my computer is missing 我电脑里的数据丢失了。
6 You’d better not be late 你最好不要迟到。
7 May I ask for several days off? 我可以请几天假吗?
8 I can work overtime when it’s necessary 如果需要我可以加班。
9 How do you handle pressure? 你怎么处理压力的?
10 Does this promotion come with a raise? 这次升职后工资会涨吗?
11 I’ll consider changing my job if better opportunities arise
12 Do you have any insurance? 你有保险吗?
13 Many white-collars take part in adult education programs
14 You shouldn’t have quitted 你不应该辞职的。
15 I work for myself 我在自己创业。
Chapter 8 商务贸易
1 Have you got some samples to show me? 有没有样品给我看一下?
2 What’s the date of the trade show? 商展的日期是几号?
3 Have you received our inquiry sheets yet? 你们收到我们的询价单了吗?
4 How large is the commission for this deal? 这笔交易的佣金是多少?
5 We’d like to order some chairs 我们想订一些椅子。
6 We need to pay in check 我方需要以支票支付。
7 What is the insurance premium for these goods? 这批货物的保险是多少?
8 Do you have some specific request for packing?
9 How much is my tariff? 我的关税是多少?
10 I’m afraid I have a serious complaint to make
11 We have decided to strenghten market research 我们决定加强市场调研。
Chapter 9 理财经济
1 I live from paycheck to paycheck 我是一个“月光”族。
2 Maybe I should throw away my credit cards 也许我应该扔掉信用卡。
3 I want to trade stocks 我想炒股。
4 I’m going to buy a car 我打算买辆车。
5 Do you have any savings? 你有储蓄吗?
Chapter 10 文化、景观
1 I need one ticket to the museum, please 我要一张博物馆的门票
2 When is the Spring Festival? 春节是什么时候?
3 Merry Christmas !圣诞节快乐!
4 Happy Mother’s Day !母亲节快乐!
5 It’s Valentine’s Day 今天是情人节。
6 The Mid-autumn Day is falling 中秋节要到了。
7 How do we celebrate the National Day? 我们怎样庆祝国庆节呢?
8 Warm wishes at Thanksgiving 感恩节快乐!
9 Have a great Halloween 愿你有个很棒的万圣节。
10 Wish you good luck on April Fool’s Day 祝你愚人节好运。
11 Wish you all the blessings of a nice Lantern Festival
12 Have you got any plans for Tomb Sweeping Day?
13 We offer Women’s Day blessings to you 我们向您献上妇女节的祝福。
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