Delicious Cuisine of Xinjiang
Sun Flying Out of Naan Pit
Fresh, Tender and Spicy Shish Kebab
Pyramid on the Dining Table
Crisp and Tender Roast Whole Lamb
Belt-Iike Noodles Blended in Saute Spicy Chicken
Silver-Iike Hand-Pulled Noodle
About the "Nine Bowls in Three Rows"
Super Hot Spiced Chicken
Delicious Xinjiang Crystal Noodle Soup
Hand-Grabbed Lamb oflrresistible Aroma
XinJiang of Sweet Melons and Fruits
"Gold Bunches" in Turpan Basin
"Star" of the Fruits: Honey Melon
Bergamot Pear Around the Riverside of the Peacock River
Badam: Holy Fruit of Mt.Tianshan
Little White Apricot with Flesh Inside and Outside
Xinjiang Jujube with a Whole Body of Treasures
Tip-Top Apples in Aksu
Figs: "Uncrowned Queen"
Watermelon in Xiayedi: Extremely Sweet
Blooming Pomegranate Brings Treasure
Kashgar's Cherry Bears Comparison with Pearl
Walnuts Here Are Unusual
XinJiang of the Original Taste and Flavor
Good Water Shall Come from the Heaven
Aromatic Kumiss
Musalles with Thousand Years' Bouquet
Delicious "Folk Beer" of Xinjiang: Kawas
Fragrance of Xinjiang's Milky Tea Spreads Thousands of Miles Away
Delicious Cuisine of Xinjiang
Sun Flying Out of Naan Pit
Fresh, Tender and Spicy Shish Kebab
Pyramid on the Dining Table
Crisp and Tender Roast Whole Lamb
Belt-Iike Noodles Blended in Saute Spicy Chicken
Silver-Iike Hand-Pulled Noodle
About the "Nine Bowls in Three Rows"
Super Hot Spiced Chicken
Delicious Xinjiang Crystal Noodle Soup
Hand-Grabbed Lamb oflrresistible Aroma
XinJiang of Sweet Melons and Fruits
"Gold Bunches" in Turpan Basin
"Star" of the Fruits: Honey Melon
Bergamot Pear Around the Riverside of the Peacock River
Badam: Holy Fruit of Mt.Tianshan
Little White Apricot with Flesh Inside and Outside
Xinjiang Jujube with a Whole Body of Treasures
Tip-Top Apples in Aksu
Figs: "Uncrowned Queen"
Watermelon in Xiayedi: Extremely Sweet
Blooming Pomegranate Brings Treasure
Kashgar's Cherry Bears Comparison with Pearl
Walnuts Here Are Unusual
XinJiang of the Original Taste and Flavor
Good Water Shall Come from the Heaven
Aromatic Kumiss
Musalles with Thousand Years' Bouquet
Delicious "Folk Beer" of Xinjiang: Kawas
Fragrance of Xinjiang's Milky Tea Spreads Thousands of Miles Away
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