0 Preliminary knowledge0.1 Probability spaces, random variables and random elements0.2 Expectation and conditional expectation0.3 Martingale0.4 Slowly raring function1 C,R.s of R-valued m.d.s1.1 Maximal inequalities for martingales1.2 C.R.s for arrays of m.d.s1.3 C.R.s for triangular arrays of m.d.s1.4 C.R.s for the maxima of any r.v.s1.5 C.R.s for martingales1.6 C.R.s for specially weighted sums of m.d.s1.7 Extention to supermartingales2 C.R.s of B-valued m.d.s2.1 Maximal inequalities for martingales2.2 C.R.s for arrays of m.d.s2.3 C.R.s for triangular arrays of m.d.s2.4 C.R.s for the maxima of any r.e.s2.5 C.R.s for martingales2.6 C.R.s for specially weighted sums of m.d.s2.7 C.R.s for generally weighted sums of m.d.s2.7.1 Law of large numbers for weighted sums of m.d.s2.7.2 Complete convergence of weighted sums of m.d.s3 C.R.s for randomly weighted sums of m.d.s3.1 Main results3.2 Preliminaries3.3 Proofs of the main resultsBibliographyIndex
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