Chapter l The Balance of Payments
1.1 Accounting Principles
1.2 BaIance-of_Payments Structure
1.3 Classifications of Transaction
1.4 Balance-of_Payments Equilibrium
Chapter 2 Balance-of-Payments Adj ustment and Determinants of the Balance
of Trrade and Payments
2.1 BOPAdjustments underFixedExchange Rates
2.2 Detenninants ofBalance of Trade and Payments
Chapter 3 International Monetary System
3.1 The Gold Standard Era,1870-1914
3.2 The Inter-War Period,l919.1939
3.3 The Bretton Woods Period,1946-1971
3.4 The Floating Rate Period,1971 to Present
3.5 0ptimum CurrencyAreas and the EMS
3.6 The Eur0
Chapter 4 Exchange-Rate Systems
4.1 Foreign Exchange-Rate Practices
4.2 Fixed Exchange-Rate System
4.3 Flexible Exchange-Rate System
4.4 Hybrid Exchange-Rate System
4.5 Adjustable Pegged Rates
4.6 The Crawling Pe9
4.7 Exchange Controls
4.8 Currency Boards
4.9 Dollarization
Chapter 5 Foreign Exchange Market and Financial DeriVatiVes
5.1 Understanding me Foreign-Exchange Market
5.2 Spot Market
5.3 Financial Derivatives
5.4 Foreign-Exchange Market Speculation
Chapter 6 Exchange Rates,Interest Rates,and Interest Parity
6.1 Interest Parity
6.2 InterestArbitrage
6.3 Interest Rates and Inflation
6.4 Exchange Rates,Interest Rates,and Innation
6.5 Expected Exchange Rates and l'eml Stmcture of Interest Rates-
Chapter 7 Foreign-Exchange Risk and Forecasting
7.1 Foreign-Exchange Risk
7.2 Foreign-Exchange Forecasting
Chapter 8 Exchange-Rate Determination
8.1 Exchange-Rate Determination-AFree Market
8.2 Prices and Exchange Rates;Purchasing Power Parity
8.3 TheAssetApproach
8.4 EquilibriumApproach
1.1 Accounting Principles
1.2 BaIance-of_Payments Structure
1.3 Classifications of Transaction
1.4 Balance-of_Payments Equilibrium
Chapter 2 Balance-of-Payments Adj ustment and Determinants of the Balance
of Trrade and Payments
2.1 BOPAdjustments underFixedExchange Rates
2.2 Detenninants ofBalance of Trade and Payments
Chapter 3 International Monetary System
3.1 The Gold Standard Era,1870-1914
3.2 The Inter-War Period,l919.1939
3.3 The Bretton Woods Period,1946-1971
3.4 The Floating Rate Period,1971 to Present
3.5 0ptimum CurrencyAreas and the EMS
3.6 The Eur0
Chapter 4 Exchange-Rate Systems
4.1 Foreign Exchange-Rate Practices
4.2 Fixed Exchange-Rate System
4.3 Flexible Exchange-Rate System
4.4 Hybrid Exchange-Rate System
4.5 Adjustable Pegged Rates
4.6 The Crawling Pe9
4.7 Exchange Controls
4.8 Currency Boards
4.9 Dollarization
Chapter 5 Foreign Exchange Market and Financial DeriVatiVes
5.1 Understanding me Foreign-Exchange Market
5.2 Spot Market
5.3 Financial Derivatives
5.4 Foreign-Exchange Market Speculation
Chapter 6 Exchange Rates,Interest Rates,and Interest Parity
6.1 Interest Parity
6.2 InterestArbitrage
6.3 Interest Rates and Inflation
6.4 Exchange Rates,Interest Rates,and Innation
6.5 Expected Exchange Rates and l'eml Stmcture of Interest Rates-
Chapter 7 Foreign-Exchange Risk and Forecasting
7.1 Foreign-Exchange Risk
7.2 Foreign-Exchange Forecasting
Chapter 8 Exchange-Rate Determination
8.1 Exchange-Rate Determination-AFree Market
8.2 Prices and Exchange Rates;Purchasing Power Parity
8.3 TheAssetApproach
8.4 EquilibriumApproach
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