English for Telecommunication Engineering


作   者:常义林,任志纯编





   本书是为通信工程专业学生编写的专业英语教材,内容涵盖通信工程的基本概念,目前广泛使用的通信技术,正在出现的通信技术以及对未来通信技术的预测和展望。同时,也收录了一些与通信技术密切相关的信息技术,计算机技术和网络技术方面的文章。它既可作为通信工程专业和相关专业本科高年级学生和研究生的专业英语教材,也可供相关专业工程技术人员学习科技英语之用。    This book is compiled for students of telecommunication engineering. Contents cover basic concepts of telecommunication engineering, currently widely used telecommunication technology, emerging telecommunication technology and development trends of future telecommunication technology. Several articles on information technology, computer and network technology which have close connection with telecommunication technology are also included. This book can be used as a scientific English textbook for senior undergraduate students and graduate students of telecommunication engineering and other related specialties. It can also be used by engineers and technicians to learn scientific English.            


第 1 课 信息的数字表示 1

第 2 课 期望值和矩 3

第 3 课 面向对象设计 7

第 4 课 多媒体信息和系统 12

第 5 课 万维网基本思路 15

第 6 课 虚拟现实 18

第 7 课 tcp/ip协议簇 20

第 8 课 无线教学 24

第 9 课 btob电子商务 28

第 10 课 internet电话:服务、技术竞争和产品 32

第 11 课 国家间联系:全球信息基础设施信息政策 44

第 12 课 wdn光网 51

第 13 课 数字通信历史 53

第 14 课 网络和计算机 56

第 15 课 蓝牙技术 59

第 16 课 3g介绍 66

第 17 课 软件定义无线电介绍 69

第 18 课 电信网络的未来 75

第 19 课 新一代网络体系结构和软件设计 83

第 20 课 洛特卡定律,普赖斯盒和电子出版 93

.第 21 课 世界和发展中国家科学论文发表数量的发展 97

第 22 课 毁灭地球人类的20种可能 103专业词汇表 113

text 1 digital representation of information 1

text 2 expectations and moments 3

text 3 object oriented design 7

text 4 multimedia information and systems 12

text 5 basic ideas of the world wide web 15

text 6 virtual reality 18

text 7 the tcp/ip protocol suite 20

text 8 teaching and learning in the wireless classroom 24

text 9 business to business e-commerce 28

text 10 internet telephony: services, technical challenges, and products 32

text 11 nation's connected: information policy for the global information infrastructure 44

text 12 wdm optical networks 51

text 13 history of digital communication 53

text 14 networks and computers 56

text 15 bluetooth technology 59

text 16 introduction to 3g 66

text 17 introduction to software defined radios 69

text 18 what is the future of telecommunications networking? 75

text 19 new generation network architecture and software design 83

text 20 lotka's law, price's urn, and electronic publishing 93

text 21 scientific publication trends and the developing world 97

text 22 twenty ways which may destroy civilization on earth 103

glossary 113



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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