Research on Tectonic Characteristics of Historical Strong Earthquakesin North China Plain Jiang Wali
Seismicity and Tectonic Stress Field Since 1900 in Shanxi Area Su Yizhi,Zhang Jiasheng
Measurement of Paleotectonic Residual Stress Field by X-rayDiffractometry An ou,Gao Guobao,Li Zhanyuan
Possibility of Reservoir-induced Seismicity around Three-Gorge DamSite on Yangtze River Li Fangquan,Zhang Bochong
Analysis of Some Characteristics of Seismicity by Cellular AutomationModel Lu Yuejun,Lu Yuanzhong,Zheng Yuejun
Anomalous Deformation Rate and Its Relation to Earthquakes in the SouteastCoastal Area of China Jiao Qing
The High-precision Geotemperature Measurement and the Characteristicsof Earthquake Precursory Anomaly in the Beijing Area Chen Yuanjun,Fu Zizhon,Yao Baoshu,Zhao Jingmei
Application of Gumbel Mixture Extreme Theory and Maximum Likelihoodto Estimate the Seismic Risk of Southeast Coastal Area of China Chen Hong
A Study on the Coal-mine Shafts Ruptured in Groups in Huang-Huai Area,Eastern China Wang Jianjun,Yang Shuxin,Li Liqiu
All Borehole Core Orientation Experiment in A 300m Boreholein Granite Li Hong,Zhang Bochong,Jiang Nansheng
东南沿海地震区地震活动特征及未来趋势研究 黄福明 易志刚 陈虹
首都圈的断层在唐山7.8级地震和大同阳高6.1级地震前后的活动特征 高忠宁 龚复华 蒋承恩
晋中南断陷盆地中新生代构造演化及临汾盆地现今构造应力场研究 谢新生 肖振敏 王维襄
阳曲断陷的新构造特征及形成演化 马保起 曹代勇 关英斌 张杰林
马边-永善地震带及其邻近地区水系分形几何学特征与构造活动的关系 侯治华 苏怡之
超声波成象钻孔电视在地学领域中的应用 毛吉震 陈群策 祁英男
花岗岩抗拉强度试验和在水压致裂应力测量中的应用 马元春 杨新华
浅层数字地震仪在沙漠煤田勘探中的应用 李金森 凌宏 张国宏 张正墨 卢广顺 许桂林 陈学波
体应变固体潮 骆鸣津
Seismicity and Tectonic Stress Field Since 1900 in Shanxi Area Su Yizhi,Zhang Jiasheng
Measurement of Paleotectonic Residual Stress Field by X-rayDiffractometry An ou,Gao Guobao,Li Zhanyuan
Possibility of Reservoir-induced Seismicity around Three-Gorge DamSite on Yangtze River Li Fangquan,Zhang Bochong
Analysis of Some Characteristics of Seismicity by Cellular AutomationModel Lu Yuejun,Lu Yuanzhong,Zheng Yuejun
Anomalous Deformation Rate and Its Relation to Earthquakes in the SouteastCoastal Area of China Jiao Qing
The High-precision Geotemperature Measurement and the Characteristicsof Earthquake Precursory Anomaly in the Beijing Area Chen Yuanjun,Fu Zizhon,Yao Baoshu,Zhao Jingmei
Application of Gumbel Mixture Extreme Theory and Maximum Likelihoodto Estimate the Seismic Risk of Southeast Coastal Area of China Chen Hong
A Study on the Coal-mine Shafts Ruptured in Groups in Huang-Huai Area,Eastern China Wang Jianjun,Yang Shuxin,Li Liqiu
All Borehole Core Orientation Experiment in A 300m Boreholein Granite Li Hong,Zhang Bochong,Jiang Nansheng
东南沿海地震区地震活动特征及未来趋势研究 黄福明 易志刚 陈虹
首都圈的断层在唐山7.8级地震和大同阳高6.1级地震前后的活动特征 高忠宁 龚复华 蒋承恩
晋中南断陷盆地中新生代构造演化及临汾盆地现今构造应力场研究 谢新生 肖振敏 王维襄
阳曲断陷的新构造特征及形成演化 马保起 曹代勇 关英斌 张杰林
马边-永善地震带及其邻近地区水系分形几何学特征与构造活动的关系 侯治华 苏怡之
超声波成象钻孔电视在地学领域中的应用 毛吉震 陈群策 祁英男
花岗岩抗拉强度试验和在水压致裂应力测量中的应用 马元春 杨新华
浅层数字地震仪在沙漠煤田勘探中的应用 李金森 凌宏 张国宏 张正墨 卢广顺 许桂林 陈学波
体应变固体潮 骆鸣津
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