The finite element method for fluid dynamics / 6th ed.


作   者:O.C. Zienkiewicz, R.L. Taylor, P. Nithiarasu.





这是一套在国际上颇具权威性的经典著作(共三卷),由有限元法的创始人Zienkiewicz教授和美国加州大学Taylor教授合作撰写,初版于1967年,多次修订再版,深受力学界和工程界科技人员的欢迎。本套书的特点是理论可靠,内容全面,既有基础理论,又有其具体应用。   第2卷目次:固体力学和非线性的一般问题;Galerkin近似方法;非线性代数方程的解;非弹性和非线性材料;几何非线性问题—有限变形;有限性变的材料构成;约束处理;伪刚性体和刚柔性体;离散元方法;一维结构力学问题;板弯曲近似:薄(Kirchhoff)板和C1连续性要求;厚Reissner-Mindlin 板—不可简缩的和混合公式;作为扁平单元的壳;轴对称壳;作为三维分析的特殊情形的壳—Reissner-Mindlin假定;半解析有限元法—正交函数的利用和‘有限带’法;非线性结构问题—大位移和失稳;多尺度模型;有限元分析的计算机程序。   读者对象:计算力学、力学、土木、水利、机械、航天航空等领域的专家、教授、工程技术人员和研究生。更多>>




1 introduction to the equations of fluid dynamics and the finite element approximation

1.1 general remarks and classification of fluid dynamics problems discussed in this book

1.2 the governing equations of fluid dynamics

1.3 inviscid, incompressible flow

1.4 incompressible (or nearly incompressible) flows

1.5 numerical solutions: weak forms, weighted residual and finite element approximation

1.6 concluding remarks


2 convection dominated problems - finite element approximations to the

convection-diffusion-reaction equation

2.1 introduction

2.2 the steady-state problem in one dimension

2.3 the steady-state problem in two (or three) dimensions

2.4 steady state - concluding remarks

2.5 transients - introductory remarks

2.6 characteristic-based methods

2.7 taylor-galerkin procedures for scalar variables

2.8 steady-state condition

.2.9 non-linear waves and shocks

2.10 treatment of pure convection

2.11 boundary conditions for convection-diffusion

2.12 summary and concluding remarks


3 the characteristic-based split (cbs) algorithm. a general procedure for

compressible and incompressible flow

3.1 introduction

3.2 non-dimensional form of the governing equations

3.3 characteristic-based split (cbs) algorithm

3.4 explicit, semi-implicit and aearly implicit forms

3.5 artificial compressibility and dual 6me stepping

3.6 circumvention' of the babuska-brezzi (bb) restrictions

3.7 a single-step version

3.8 boundary conditions

3.9 the performance of two-step and one-step algorithms on an inviscid problem

3.10 concluding remarks


4 incompressible newtoman laminar flows

4.1 introduction and the basic equations

4.2 use of the cbs algorithm for incompressible flows

4.3 adaptive mesh refinement

4.4 adaptive mesh generation for transient problems

4.5 slow flows - mixed and penalty formulations

4.6 concluding remarks


5 incompressible non-newtonian flows

5.1 introduction

5.2 non-newtonian flows - metal and polymer forming

5.3 viscoelastic flows

5.4 direct displacement approach to transient metal forming

5.5 concluding remarks


6 free surface and buoyancy driven flows

6.1 introduction

6.2 free surface flows

6.3 buoyancy driven flows

6.4 concluding remarks


7 compressible high-speed gas flow

7.1 introduction

7.2 the governing equations

7.3 boundary conditions - subsonic and supersonic flow

7.4 numerical approximations and the cbs algorithm

7.5 shock capture

7.6 variable smoothing

7.7 some preliminary examples for the euler equation..

7.8 adaptive refinement and shock capture in euler problems

7.9 three-dimensional inviscid examples in steady state

7.10 transient two- and three-dimensional problems

7.11 viscous problems in two dimensions

7.12 three-dimensional viscous problems

7.13 boundary layer-inviscid eulex solution coupling

7.14 concluding remarks


8 turbulent flows

8.1 introduction

8.2 treatment of incompressible turbulent flows

8.3 treatment of compressible flows

8.4 large eddy simulation

8.5 detached eddy simulation (des)

8.6 direct numerical simulation (dns)

8.7 concluding remarks


9 generalized flow through porous media

9.1 introduction

9.2 a generalized porous medium flow approach

9.3 discretization procedure

9.4 non-isothermal flows

9.5 forced convection

9.6 natural convection

9.7 concluding remarks


10 shallow water problems

10.1 introduction

10.2 the basis of the shallow water equations

10.3 numerical approximation

10.4 examples of application

10.5 drying areas

10.6 shallow water transport

10.7 concluding remarks


11 long and medium waves

11.1 introduction and equations

11.2 waves in closed domains - finite element models

11.3 difficulties in modelling surface waves

11.4 bed friction and other effects

11.5 the short-wave problem

11.6 waves in unbounded domains (exterior surface wave problems)

11.7 unbounded problems

11.8 local non-reflecting boundary conditions (nrbcs)

11.9 infinite elements

11.10 mapped periodic (unconjugated) infinite elements

11.11 ellipsoidal type infinite elements of burnett and holford

11.12 wave envelope (or conjugated) infinite elements

11.13 accuracy of infinite elements

11.14 trefftz type infinite elements

11.15 convection and wave refraction

11.16 transient problems

11.17 linking to exterior solutions (or dtn mapping)

11.18 three-dimensional effects in surface waves

11.19 concluding remarks


12 short waves

12.1 introduction

12.2 background

12.3 errors in wave modelling

12.4 recent developments in short wave modelling

12.5 transient solution of electromagnetic scattering problems

12.6 finite elements incorporating wave shapes

12.7 refraction

12.8 spectral finite elements for waves

12.9 discontinuous galerkin finite elements (dgfe)

12.10 concluding remarks


13 computer implementation of the cbs algorithm

13.1 introduction

13.2 the data input module

13.3 solution module

13.4 output module


appendix a non-conservative form of navier-stokes equations

appendix b self-adjoint differential equations

appendix c postprocessing

appendix d integration formulae

appendix e convection-diffusion equations: vector-valued variables

appendix f edge-based finite element formulation

appendix g multigrid method

appendix h boundary layer-inviscid flow coupling

appendix i mass-weighted averaged turbulence transport equations

author index

subject index...



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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