1. Jin dai Zhongguo de fu nu虉 yu guo jia, 1600-1950 / Lu虉 Fangshang zhu bian = Women and the nation in modern China, 1600-1950 / edited by Lu Fang-shang -- 2. Jin dai Zhongguo de fu nu虉 yu she hui, 1600-1950 / You Jianming zhu bian = Women and the society in modern China, 1600-1950 / edited by Yu Chien-ming -- 3. Jin dai Zhongguo de fu nu虉 yu wen hua, 1600-1950 / Luo Jiurong, Lu虉 Miaofen zhu bian = Women and the culture in modern China, 1600-1950 /edited by Lo Jiu-jung and Lu Miaw-fen.
1. 杩戜唬涓鍦嬬殑濠﹀コ鑸囧湅瀹, 1600-1950 / 鍛傝姵涓婁富绶?= Women and the nation in modern China, 1600-1950 / edited by Lu Fang-shang -- 2. 杩戜唬涓鍦嬬殑濠﹀コ鑸囩ぞ鏈, 1600-1950 / 娓搁憫鏄庝富绶?= Women and the society in modern China, 1600-1950 / edited by Yu Chien-ming -- 3. 杩戜唬涓鍦嬬殑濠﹀コ鑸囨枃鍖, 1600-1950 / 缇呬箙钃? 鍛傚欒姮涓荤?= Women and the culture in modern China, 1600-1950 /edited by Lo Jiu-jung and Lu Miaw-fen.
1. 杩戜唬涓鍦嬬殑濠﹀コ鑸囧湅瀹, 1600-1950 / 鍛傝姵涓婁富绶?= Women and the nation in modern China, 1600-1950 / edited by Lu Fang-shang -- 2. 杩戜唬涓鍦嬬殑濠﹀コ鑸囩ぞ鏈, 1600-1950 / 娓搁憫鏄庝富绶?= Women and the society in modern China, 1600-1950 / edited by Yu Chien-ming -- 3. 杩戜唬涓鍦嬬殑濠﹀コ鑸囨枃鍖, 1600-1950 / 缇呬箙钃? 鍛傚欒姮涓荤?= Women and the culture in modern China, 1600-1950 /edited by Lo Jiu-jung and Lu Miaw-fen.
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