This book updated bibligraphy to include ecidence-based articles as well as references to classic articles and textbooks in both obstetrics and gynecology. These references are now provided in electronoc format. it was also suggested that the review questions should reflect the current format of the boards, the book added a section of case-based clinical vignettes questions at the end of each chapter to facilitate review of the topic and practice for the boards.
Part 1: Obstetrics
1 Pregnancy and Prenatal Care
2 Early Pregnancy Complications
3 Prenatal Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment
4 Normal Labor and Delivery
5 Antepartum Hemorrhage
6 Comlications of Labor and Delivery
7 Fetal Complications of Pregnancy
8 Hypertension and Pregnancy
9 Diabetes During Pregnancy
10 infectious Diseases in Pregnancy
11 Other Medical complications of Pregnancy
12 Postpartum Care and Complications
Part 2: Gynecology
Part 1: Obstetrics
1 Pregnancy and Prenatal Care
2 Early Pregnancy Complications
3 Prenatal Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment
4 Normal Labor and Delivery
5 Antepartum Hemorrhage
6 Comlications of Labor and Delivery
7 Fetal Complications of Pregnancy
8 Hypertension and Pregnancy
9 Diabetes During Pregnancy
10 infectious Diseases in Pregnancy
11 Other Medical complications of Pregnancy
12 Postpartum Care and Complications
Part 2: Gynecology
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