Practical course in English-Chinese translation
作 者:何三宁,唐国跃,范勇编著
Chapter1: A Brief Introduction to Translation
Chapter2: Lexical Translation
Chapter3:Semantic Translation
Chapter4:How to Translate the Negative
Chapter5:How to Translate Numbers
Chapter6:How to Translate the Passive
Chapter7:How to Translate Long Sentences
Chapter8:Translation of Practical Texts
Chapter9:Cultural Translation
Chapter10:Some Terms in Translation and Their Understanding
Appendix1 Bilingual Reading对比阅读
Appendix2 Common Titles 常用头衔
Appendix3 Common Expressions for Signs常用标志语
Appendix4 Topics for Consideration in Theses on Translation论文参考题目
Appendix5 Recommended Reading List 阅读书目
Appendix6 Bibliography 参考文献
Chapter2: Lexical Translation
Chapter3:Semantic Translation
Chapter4:How to Translate the Negative
Chapter5:How to Translate Numbers
Chapter6:How to Translate the Passive
Chapter7:How to Translate Long Sentences
Chapter8:Translation of Practical Texts
Chapter9:Cultural Translation
Chapter10:Some Terms in Translation and Their Understanding
Appendix1 Bilingual Reading对比阅读
Appendix2 Common Titles 常用头衔
Appendix3 Common Expressions for Signs常用标志语
Appendix4 Topics for Consideration in Theses on Translation论文参考题目
Appendix5 Recommended Reading List 阅读书目
Appendix6 Bibliography 参考文献
Practical course in English-Chinese translation
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