

作   者:吴铭方等编






Part One 第一部分
1.Basic Sentence Patterns 基本句型
S V Cs
SV Oi Od
SV Od Co
2.Subject 主语
2.1 Noun and pronoun
2.2 Numeral
2.3 The+adjective/+ed participle
2.4 lnfinitive phrase
2.5 -ing form
2.6 Noun clause
3.Predicate Verb 谓语动词
3.1 Transitive verb
3.2 Intransitive verb
3.3 Link verb
4.Subject Complement主语补语
4.1 Noun or pronoun
4.2 Adjective
4.3 Adverb
4.4 Prepositional phrase
4.5 Infinitive phrase
4.6 -ing form
4.7 -ed participle
4.8 Noun clause
5.Object 宾语
5.1 Noun or pronoun
5.2 Numeral
5.3 The+adjective/-ed participle
5.4 Infinitive phrase
5.5 -ing form
5.6 Noun clause
5.7 Direct and indirect object
6.Object Complement 宾语补语
6.1 Noun
6.2 Adjective
6.3 Adverb
6.4 Prepositional phrase
6.5 Infinitive phrase
6.6 -ing form
6.7 -ed participle
Part Two 第二部分
1.Noun 名词
1.1 Countable and uncountable
1.2 Plural
1.3 Unit noun
1.4 Genitive
2.Pronouns 代词
2.1 Personal pronoun
2.2 Possessive pronoun
2.3 Reflexive pronoun
2.4 Interrogative pronoun
2.5 Indefinite pronoun
3.Determiners 限定词
3.1 Definite,indefinite,zero articles
3.2 Some,any,no
3.3 Another,other
3.4 Both,all,each,every,either,neither
4.Verb 动词
4.1 Tense
4.2 Passive voice
4.3 The subjunctive mood
4.4 Modal verbs
5.Verbals 非谓语动词
5.1 Infinitive
5.2 -ing form
5.3 -ed participle
6.Phrasal verbs 短语动词
6.1 Verb+preposition
6.2 verb+adverb
6.3 Verb+noun+adverb
6.4 Verb+adverb+preposition
7.Agreement 一致关系
7.1 Subject and verb
7.2 Agreement of pronoun and antecedent
8.Adjective and adverb 形容词和副词
8.1 Adjective
8.2 Adverb
9.1 Meanings of certain prepositions
9.2 Double preposition
9.3 Prepositional phrase
9.4 Noun+preposition
9.5 Verb+noun+preposition
9.6 Verb+noun+adverb+preposition
9.7 With+noun+infinifive
With+noun+-ing form
With+noun+-ed participle
With+noun+prepositional phrase
10.1 Fraction
10.2 Decimal
10.3 Percentage
10.4 Multiple
11.Noun Clause名词从句
11.1 Noun clause as subject,object and subject complement
11.2 Omission of that
11.3 Noun clause as appositive
12.Direct and Indirect speech直接引语和间接引语
12.1 Statement in indirect speech
12.2 Question in indirect speech
12.3 Command,request and advice in indirect
12.4 Exelamation in indirect speech
12.5 Mixed types of sentences in indirect speech
13.Adjective Clause 形容词从句
13.1 Restrictive and nonrestrictive
13.2 That,which,who,whom,whose,when,where,why
13.3 Omission of that,which
13.4 Adjective clause reduced to -ins form,-ed participle,prepositional phrase
13.5 Preposition+which/whom/whose;Noun/pronoun+preposition+which
13.6 With phrase or clause as antecedent
14.Adverb Clause 副词从句
14.1 Clauses of time and place
14.2 Clauses of cause,purpose,and result
14.3 Clauses of concession,and contrast
14.4 Clauses of comparison
15.Conditional Sentence 条件句
15.1 Two kinds of condition (real condftion and unreal condition)
15.2 Mixed type
15.3 Of mixed time
15.4 Qmission of if
15.5 If replaced by but for,provided(that),supposing and without
Part Three 第三部分
1.Coordination 并列
1.1 Linking together single words,phrases,clauses and sentences
1.2 Coordinators
2.Clause with Introductory It 用引导词it的从句
2.1 Anticipatory it as subject or object
2.2 It in cleft-sentence
3.There Be There be 结构
3.1 There be
3.2 There be+noun+adjective
There be+noun+ -ing form
There be+noun+ -ed participle
There be+noun+infinitive
There be+noun+adjective clause
4.As As 的用法
4.1 Used as conjunction
4.2 Used as relative pronoun
4.3 Used as preposition
4.4 Used as adverb
4.5 As-phrase
5.Negation 否定
5.1 Prefix and suffix
5.2 Adverb
5.3 Position of not
5.4 Preposition
5.5 Phrase
5.6 Partial negation
5.7 Double negation
6.Parenthesis 插入语
6.1 Adverb
6.2 -ing form and infinitive
6.3 Prepositional phrase
6.4 Clause
7.Inversion 倒装
7.1 Sentences beginning with neither,nor,so,etc
7.2 Sentences beginning with negative adverb expressions
7.3 Sentences beginning with adverbs of position and direction
7.4 Sentences beginning with a fronted predicative
7.5 Sentences beginning with only+adv,not only…(but)also
8.Emphasis 强调
8.1 By single words or phrases
8.2 By reflexive pronouns,auxiliary verb do or emphatic it
8.3 By inversion or repetition
9.Omission 省略
9.1 Through coordination
9.2 In clauses introduced by
a.when,while,once,where,if,unless,though,as etc
b.whatever+noun,whether…or not
10.1 Of adjective clause from its antecedent
10.2 Of -ing form or -ed participle from the noun it modifies
10.3 Of appositive(clause)from its antecedent
10.4 Of prepositional phrase from adjeetive/noun
11.Substitution 替代
11.1 Nominal substitution
11.2 Verbal substitution
11.3 Clausal substitution
12.Transformation of Sentences 句子转换
12.1 Transformation from simple sentences into com-pound and from compound sentences into simple
12.2 Transformation from simple sentences into complex and from complex sentences into simple
12.3 Transformation from compound sentences into complex and from complex sentences into compound



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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