本书为国外藏学*研究成果,2015年*初由法兰克福Zambon出版社以德文出版,作者阿尔伯特•艾廷格(Albert Ettinger)系卢森堡著名藏学家,该书系统梳理了所谓“西藏问题”由来,对其何以漫及国际的背景和历程做了独到叙述和分析,结合中国统一多民族国家的历史文化传统特点,展望所谓“西藏问题”渐次式微的前景,公允得出西藏自古以来是中国领土一部分的客观结论。本书视角独特,言之有据,颇具学术水准,令人耳目一新。This book lights up the historical, political and international law aspects of the Tibet conflict. Based on western scientific literature and on contemporary witnesses, it rebuts the largely dominant narrative that in 1950, the Chinese communists attacked and occupied an independent, peaceful country and, since then, tried to suppress Tibetan culture and even the Tibetan people itself. On the contrary, it shows that “Tibetan independence” was a colonial project of the British Empire – a project later resumed, to some extent, by the USA within the context of the Cold War.The author deals in detail with the first half of the 20th century, starting with the 13th Dalai Lama who rose later, with British support, to become a despot over an “independent Tibet“in which British agents pulled the strings. High officials and lamas loyal to China were killed then or had to flee, hole monasteries were razed to the ground. The Dalai Lama’s will for modernisation, though maintained by numerous western authors, confined itself to the creation of a "modern" army equipped and trained by the Britons. The death of the 13th Dalai Lama in 1933 led to embittered struggles for power, which the author tells in detail. The regent, who eventually came out on top, though being a lama, was corrupt and debauched. In the course of a renewed struggle for power with his equally corrupt successor, even a short civil war took place in Lhasa.
*章问题很多,但请不要轻率作答!第二章介于事实、神话、宣传谎言之间的历史编纂和新闻报道第三章一千多年前:中华文化对一个边陲野蛮武士“王国”的影响第四章共同的历史:元朝、明朝和清朝的皇帝第五章贪婪的殖民大国菜单上的“中国蛋糕”第六章大英帝国策划的西藏“独立”第七章拉萨的专制统治者十三世达赖喇嘛第八章现代化及“王政”失败:十三世达赖喇嘛及其继任者们统治下的西藏第九章三辆生锈的汽车、风笛和手工印制的赌金 第十章十三世达赖喇嘛圆寂后:阴谋、流放和活生生挤出的眼球第十一章利欲熏心、伤风败俗的喇嘛教首领热振活佛第十二章拉萨内乱:政治谋杀、战斗的僧侣和洗劫的寺庙第十三章热振*重要的“遗产”——一位中国达赖喇嘛第十四章西藏“贸易代表团”:英国和美国拒绝让这个喇嘛政权获得国际承认第十五章新型军队、对共产党的恐惧与和平解放十七条协议第十六章“改变之风”——改革肇始、政治蜜月和被遗忘的情诗第十七章饥饿、经济封锁和西藏的三K党——反动势力破坏十七条协议第十八章早期流亡:“神圣家庭”和有钱的“山姆大叔” 第十九章康巴藏人的暴动:从强盗到美国中情局的“为民族独立自由而斗争的战士”第二十章1959年的拉萨:康巴藏人和美国中情局策划“人民起义”,并将十四世达赖喇嘛带到国外第二十一章流亡中的“西藏”:管理的混乱、外援的富裕以及民主的表象第二十二章“国际法学家委员会”:美国中情局的法学家们渗入冷战第二十三章童话般的故事:“种族灭绝”如何导致空前的人口增长第二十四章“文化灭绝”如何使文化大繁荣第二十五章“本来就是皇帝的东西交给皇帝”——宗教自由和界限第二十六章有关教育的人权与发展的人权第二十七章“西藏人不是中国人”——有关人种、民族的论点第二十八章达赖喇嘛的“大藏区”——号召种族仇恨、种族清洗、战争和种族屠杀第二十九章达赖喇嘛的纳粹朋友:“奥地利登山者”海因里希•哈勒第三十章达赖喇嘛的纳粹朋友:“种族研究者”和纳粹战犯布鲁诺•贝格尔第三十一章达赖喇嘛的纳粹朋友们第三十二章国际声援西藏组织、无国界记者组织和国家民主基金会接过中情局的反华接力棒第三十三章他们是为了达赖喇嘛而自焚吗?

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